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305 lines (193 loc) · 17.4 KB

April 11

Current location of code: /scratch/gobi1/johnchen/new_git_stuff

Current environment: conda activate hurtfulwords

may 27

Note that testing the archive almost guarantees that you have a saved version of the source code somewhere.

But for the weird mapping, it is an interesting problem! we can permute the labels columns to get the correct order synced. But much easier (perhaps not from a framework point of view, but from a logical/design perspective) is to simply enforce, or give a set vocabulary!

may 26

testing the archive, as well as the phenotyping model. Well let's just quickly test the archive part.

Or the phenotyping part. And get some initial results

are the hadm to episode mapping different? no! This is why some of them will only have episode2 for a specific task (like IHM or Decomp)

may 25

OK, so subsampling is done. Now, just quickly creating the phenotyping. And quickly getting results/writing. Note that we COULD redesign the header to be even better, via a pd.readcsv call, but it is wholly unnecessary!

Now, that smapling and limiting is found to be good, we simply need to do the following:

  1. get a gold truth, ground truth auc score to verify.
  2. consider how we want to frame phenotyping. We may need to implement a custom loss, and unpacking. Definitely an archiecture where we do soft sigmoid over each element. But other than that, not too many changes.

As it turns out, the final; partitioned evaluation was extremely effective, and we uncovered the issue! Now, we simply wait. And consider framing the other archiecture.

So, the final word: saving/serialization is a tricky business. We should save the vocab, definitely, Vocab.from_pretrained, as well as the indexer and such. They use a Predictor paradigm, but that is also filled with tons of registrable hooks and so forth, really ensuring the type annotations exist etc. So most likely we will just need to rerun code when necessary.

Now, on to phenotyping: 25 output classes, the label can be a labelfield, or a tensorfield, and then we simply do sigmoid stuff on top.

may 24

Looking at subsampling. And SE class and OOP design principles.

Most likely, sampling will unite DE and Mort (via the reader). While the architectures, eval,loss etc. will need to be unified for the phenotyping model

Note that this subsampling DOES work, but implicitly requires us to have all the data in memory.

Probably a lazy type of sampling could also work. But this would require more info and knowledge.

Instead, what we can do is: delegate it all to the reader

For the inheritance approach, let it inherit the read, but selectively override it: i.e. kill, and modify, based on the label distribution.

Also note that Dataset: is a list of indices while Dataloader: is a list of batches. Hence why the len calls will return different things! With a dataset, we will need a list of all the labels, which is OK, and then create the sampler based off that, then we pass this sampler in to the dataloader. And the batches are still generated appropriately, and ensures we have same sized batches each time!

Epilogue: as it turns out, the best approach was the simplest and most direct.

Also, if we actually used train/valid/test split right from the getgo, this would save a lot of headaches. Indeed, ensuring that certain configs are satisfied can save a lot of things!

may 23 #3

Now that we have predictions working, there are two main points.

  1. refactoring code so that one reader/classifier supports everything (might be best, but it might be better to simply do things 3 times. Note that changes will need to be propagated, repeatedly, unfortunately). Or think, about the inheritance we can structure, and how we can simply override some behaviour. In particular, the phenotype will necessarily need to have a different structure than all the rest. We will always make sure to do individual sigmoids, as opposed to softmax over all the outputs, since we can have multiple labels.

(phenotyping: 25 * MORT. Not bad at all.)

  1. thinking more about the random subsampling, and how we can support that. In particular, ensuring ratios are balanced. This can be done via simple counts, but these must be reset, appropriately. And we must make a distinct between training an epoch, and simply "getting" the data through a read data call. Now that we have predictions code, we don't need to worry about running a full pass on the final dataset.

(Decomp: 2 mil; we NEED some subsampling, in the reader)

may 23 #2

2000 updates (batches). Of batch-size.

So that means ~ 64000 training examples (assuming batch size of 32).

Subsampling: consistent with everyone else. They do Random sampling: but to get a bootstrap

Also: they do explicitly make predictions over the entire testing data set

Also, for the multi phenotype prediction, it is one model that does multilabel multiclass prediction. Just generate 25 scores

May 23

Now, putting the decomp on hold.

We can get the predictions, either via hacking the evaluate function (fine!), or using the predict paradigm of AllenNLP.

Probably we will do it directly from the forward pass and get a dict!

Note: the following, more preprocessing will likely save more time. I.e. instead of doing it dynamically on the fly, only do it once at the start, and have the exact text you need, ready to go in the txt files

May 19

Will implement predictions instead. and Manually compute eval metrics. Is there a way to get the val metrics after every epoch? We can probably hack the utils.train function.

May 15

Finally got the AllenNLP working! But there are still some questions: generation?

Nahh, that's not relevant for this project! (might be useful for the other one).

Indeed for this one, we COULD probably hack together a model (to accept both modalities).

The only question is the data flow. Can it yield instances? If the answer is yes, then we can build an architecture that operates over multiple modalities.

So therefore, such architectures shall be trivial to implement. We simply need to yield Fields where appropriate. We can yield raw numeric data!

May 14

OK, going back to fairseq: fairseq => should follow simple principles

Model, Reader

Instead, it is a bit more granular: 5 plug-ins. Model and Task mainly correspond to one another.

Ultimately, these frameworks must answer difficult questions:

  1. where does the text => tokens occur?
  2. where does the token => embedding occur (UNIVERSALLY, in the model arch)
  3. where is the loss computed? Is there a predict method, or an evaluate?

To summarize: (tokenization-vocabularization), (embedding), (vocabularization)

With FairSeq: they skimp on data prep, which is one of the more important parts. How we go from (data instances) and get Instances from them is totally skimped over, along with vocab building etc.

Doubling down:

AllenNLP: datasetReader and Model

  1. DatasetReader: defines a read method read: yields Instances, which are composed of named fields.
  2. Model: defines a forward; just like a regular PyTorch module. The output should be a dict with a "loss' key

(as expected)

A little more depth: (Thankfully for my prior background)

  1. When we have Instances, they are composed of Fields. These Fields are internally used by the model, which does the standard processing (text => tokenization => embedding look-up). Note that text => tokenization is not directly handled by either the model OR the reader; rather, this is served by a config.
  2. That's it!

The next part involves some more Seq2Vec interfaces, which seems plug and play wrt the BERT/LSTM etc.

Finally, the data processing pipeline is highly integrate with the model definition. Model definition: requires a language, embedding mechanism, and so forth. So when we talk about Model specifics, then we don't want to hide all this additional complexity.

The first step is changing the strings in the input text into token ids. This is handled by the SingleIdTokenIndexer that we used previously, during part of our data processing pipeline that you don’t have to write code for.

Strong choices: loss is computed right in the forward pass of the model! More on that later... ( directly goes against the 4-part PyTorch coding approach )

May 13

OK, switching to AllenNLP, since I want to try a new library.

Fairseq Prog: The goal is limited, and achievable. Essentially, we want to do: make a fairseq ConvEncoder, that will simply predict the target sequence (0/1), from the given vocab. of texts. Therefore, all we need to do is build the dictionary, and then leverage word embeddings etc.

We will need to either build the dict ourselves, or use the built-in preproc tool. This preproc tool: will auto build it from corpora. But we need the corpora in the right format.

FairSeq is NOT plug and play, we will need to implement and satisfy an implementation for an interface, defining a task, architecture, and so forth.

Essentially, we should have a data reader, which iterates over both streams of data. And then, provide this data to a model, which will then train.

And in general, just need to build a simple LSTM.

Relevant libraries and packages:

  • torchtext
  • pytorch-nlp
  • huggingface

For these last two: changes to their built-in models (on a local version) should also be reflected in the local version as well!

  • allennlp
  • fairseq
  • pytorch-nlp (just the CNN encoder)

Therefore, we will spend two hours investigating fairseq. One thing is that it is obtuse to begin. But this time may be different...

Instead, let us try and use allennlp, which has an attractive and useful tutorial. Anything that has a pre-trained model, must also provide us the functionality to dynamically edit and load it from scratch locally

May 10

may 10 Appendix

  • Gensim is awesome, really reduces barriers to leveraging things.
  • And just has so much functionality and use cases already in the box
  • we can use a full model, or simply a keyed-vectors. The Keyed-vectors allows us to simply look up stuff, treating it as fixed features for lookup!
  • Therefore, we will use gensim FASTTEXT and then not have to worry about OOV words
  • Tempered Gensim: it is good, and active, but not production/industrial quality. Lots of issues with integrations with FastText However, we DO have a nice, most simple basic model.

OK, so the paths forward.

  1. Use the newer version of gensim, curl/wget the zip file, unzip, and then load the bin. OK
  2. Keep trying with the OG version, and trying to co-erce the loading. We can even try going to FastText github and then working with those

May 9

Two possible pathways:

  1. Text focus: how do the word embeddings play with the performance. In particular, if we use w2vec embeddings, we must switch to a neural network approach. This risks broadening the scope to an empirical analysis of word embeddings (no it doesn't. But Research question: a general framework for employing word embeddings with traditional neural network architectures. IS a possibility (option) , but we don't need to exercise it. In particular, we can either drop the BOW model completely, or simply include them as additional results, without focusing in-depth on the performance differences. Additionally/finally, by switching to word embeddings, then we also have all NN-based fairness approaches, which are transferrable to Transformer stuff.

Another possibility could be empirical fairness eval when switching from ML models to neural models. How does the language modelling process produce useful, zero-tuning embeddings for a variety of classification tasks.

  1. Principled focus: just trying to set up the data pipeline. But 1 will eventually need to be addressed regardless.


  1. debiased word embeddings. and think about principled approaches to leveraging word embeddings. If out of vocab, then what happens? We could use the scikit learn Log reg to transform it, and then it would just give us OOV, which is fine. And we can see the performance. yes, this is a good first approach.

Listfile.csv simply is a pointer to the actual file with the data. But otherwise it is meaningless, we will need to go and open the OG data to get HADM info and so forth It seems they are partitioned so that the patients don't appear in both the train and test split. And also, one visit may be discounted/discarded for one task

Mostly figured out, but can we have multiple icustay for a single hosp adm? Possibly

For a single hospital stay, seems like there can be multiple ICU stays. -- try running a group by query!

The subject IDs are LITERALLY the subject ids in MIMIC too!

May 7

OK, so now let's just work on it easily. Essentially, we can run the baseline, and see what result we get. That is quite simple!

Why this is simple:

  • we are doing time series prediction. we just read in the csv files, as readers, to get the features, and then we need to do the joins to get all the notes. And we can leverage Haoran's code to do it.

Note that only does the 3 tasks (and NOT phenotyping). Therefore, just doing phenotyping is by itself novel, plus the fairness. We also provide open-source code which allows for flexible generation and combination of text with the mimic data, allowing for reproducible builds, and further opening the door for future joint text-numeric analysis.

Potential blockers:

  1. want to get the joins in one shot: i.e. one framework for joining the notes and the outcome, for all things, as per Haoran's code. One thing is that a time series immediately destroys the nice matching, since we can have multiple correspondences to a single event.

yet here is another perspective. We can ensure we do not have any note from AFTER the actual event.

Potential issues: in the note, it says Patient died. But the actual mortality event is not recorded for several hours later. Is that an issue in practice? Is there causal leakage? If so, the check if KAgg also addresses it.

  1. ensuring no causal leakage, as per KAgg and Haoran

One other area, is that we could try leveraging the clinical word embeddings, to see what happens.

May 6

Mainly was working on the seq2seq and other fairness stuff.

May 5

Finished all the preprocessing commands. Going to do the following:

  1. Re-import the original notebook for dataprocessing.
  2. Recall that interestingly, there are several satisfying solutions to use the notebook.
  3. we can get it to hook up running REMOTELY on my vector computer (SSH tunnelling)
  4. we can get it to hook up running REMOTELY on the cluster computers (Jupyter notebook; PHRI)
  5. We can simply use it locally on the vector machines; this is via VNC. (best approach/simplest)

Therefore, we will set up the notebook, in order to make our SQL queries to examine the right events.

Essentially, we simply perform the processing of the benchmark, in order to get preprocessed (better?: dubious) data.

Q: doesn't it make more sense to just use ICUSTAY to directly link with the patients? A: possibly. Instead, we have the X. The X is important since we have PATIENTS that are tracked longitudinally ; it doesn't make that much sense to track everything as a sequence of independent events!

Indeed, I think that explains everything. For mortality prediction: it is 48 hours. Note that everyone dies in the end.

However, we should still be able to join things back and forth! In particular: we have specific ICUSTAYS and the notes correspond directly to those times!

Indeed, because we want to do first-48 hour ICU mortality prediction, then that is reason enough for a) the time based approach (instead of joining directly on the ICUSTAY. Note that we can do various SQL optimization, like filter before join etc.). and b) the reason for why we don't just look at icustay, but instead at the patient.

Timeseries, is kind of like the PURE data. We can also measure the trajectories then. Staged: classification + regression => First a network predicts whether or not the time will happen, and then next, another network predicts time; loss is only computed if the first network gets it wrong, essentially.

The key takeaways:

  • we understand how the data is preprocessed
  • AND how we can train a model to use it
  • that is for mortality, then we can do it for phenotyping, and decompensation prediction

This github seems like exactly what I want: just merging the TF-IDF stuff on top of it. f

(defending work: fairness novelty. as well as more technical analysis of the word embeddings. Their work was not initially novel, because of work by Horng et al. and so we can argue we use better and more word embeddings (deep contextualized ones, for instance) )

But more word embeddings means we should stick to pytorch, OK. And it would be good learning, anyways. (in particular if we want to extend the work later)

Also: The readers pretty directly provide the data we want to work with. Features, and the label. But what about the timesteps? They are also all there!

Therefore: N * T * K (where K is simply the number of variables we have, T is the number of timesteps, N is the number of rows/patients we have)

May 4

Currently running:

python -m mimic3benchmark.scripts.validate_events data/root/

Started May 4, 4pm Finished? Yes

Started may 4: 520pm python -m mimic3benchmark.scripts.extract_episodes_from_subjects data/root/ Finished? Yes

Started may 4: 940pm python -m mimic3benchmark.scripts.split_train_and_test data/root/ Finished? (seems no progress bar)