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webrtc-jingle for android

(libjingle signaling + webrtc voice engine)

Discussion: webrtc-jingle


  • Working example android and ios apps of libjingle and webrtc voice backend.
  • Based on libjingle trunk and webrtc trunk updated on regular intervals.
  • Added improvements for stability and missing pieces for mobile implementation.
  • Can make calls between two phones, or between gmail and a phone.
  • Happy for any help, please see tickets, and send a pull request.

Getting the code

# mkdir webrtcjingleproject
# cd webrtcjingleproject
# gclient config --name trunk
# gclient sync

or for an older stable build, take the head of the stable branch revision.
# gclient sync --revision PUT_STABLE_HEAD_REV_HERE



export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/path/to/sdk/
export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/path/to/ndk/

#mvn variables

Running the project

  • Set your username, pass and connection setttings in android/voice-client-example/src/main/java/com/tuenti/voice/example/ui/
  • Build the core(c++ code): cd trunk/android/voice-client-core && ./
  • Build the apks: cd trunk/android && mvn install
  • To run a debugger: build/android/gdb_apk -p com.tuenti.voice.example -l android/voice-client-core/obj/local/${app_abi}
  • Build, deploy to phone, and start debugger in one script: tools/

Run unittests

  • Build debug code jni in debug mode: cd trunk/android/voice-client-core && ./
  • Generate unittest apk: tools/
  • Install unittest : adb install -r adb install -r voice_testing/${app_abi}/${lib}/${lib}-debug.apk
  • Prepare
  • Run unittest:
# adb shell mkdir /sdcard/talk
# adb shell am start -n org.chromium.native_test/org.chromium.native_test.ChromeNativeTestActivity
# See adb logcat adb | grep libjingle
  • Fetch unittest logs: adb pull /sdcard/talk talk-logs

Build for Video(Experimental)

  • NO UI YET, need more changes in libjingle core to make this work.
  • DEPS build on linux and mac.
  • Need to wire the java code in example app, using third_party/webrtc/video_engine/test/android/src/org/webrtc/videoengineapp/ as a template.
  • will certainly need changes, as will VideoRenderer to enable passing a java ref down to webrtc, contact me if you want to give this a shot.
# cd android/voice-client-core/
# ln -s [insert_full_path_here]/trunk/third_party/libvpx/source/libvpx jni/libvpx
# cd third_party/libvpx/source 
# git pull refs/changes/99/41299/1
# libvpx/configure --target=armv7-android-gcc --disable-examples --sdk-path=$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT --enable-error-concealment --enable-realtime-only --disable-vp9 --enable-pic
# Open jni/libvpx/build/make/ => change BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY to BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY



  • OSX machine
  • Download the latest xcode and command line tools.

Running the project

  • Apply the following patch to third_party/expat
Index: expat.gyp
--- expat.gyp   (revision 169394)
+++ expat.gyp   (working copy)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     'conditions': [
       # On Linux, we implicitly already depend on expat via fontconfig;
       # let's not pull it in twice.
-      ['os_posix == 1 and OS != "mac" and OS != "android"', {
+      ['os_posix == 1 and OS != "mac" and OS != "android" and OS != "ios"', {
         'use_system_expat%': 1,
       }, {
         'use_system_expat%': 0,
  • Autogenerate an xcode project with gyp with the following command:
./build/gyp_chromium --depth=.  -DOS=ios -Dinclude_tests=0 -Denable_protobuf=0 -Denable_video=0 webrtcjingle.gyp
  • open trunk/webrtcjingle.xcodeproj
  • Modify users/hardcoded setttings, in ios/VoiceClientExample/
  • In xcode, build and deploy
  • May experience issues about sse from audio_processing.gypi. If you push to an IOS device add -Dtarget_arch=arm. If emulator, the other command will probably work.


  • Opus is currently alpha in implementation, is hard set to 48kHz in webrtc. Android mic is set to 16kHz, meaning you'll probably upsample/downsample all audio by 3x.
  • Add "WEBRTC_BUILD_WITH_OPUS := true" to android/voice-client-core/jni/
  • Modify offer kCodecPrefs in third_party/libjingle/talk/media/webrtc/ to include OPUS and exclude ISAC.


  • Native code won't build on a windows machine.
  • VM with Ubuntu 64bit Linux
  • Recommended disk of at least 3GB. Current build cache is approx, 1.5GB.
  • 64bit Android Linux NDK required.
  • Video from jreyes