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Amazon Chime SDK for Android

Amazon Chime SDK Project Board

Note: If building with the SDK source code, the development branch contains bleeding-edge changes that may not build with the publically available Chime media library or may not be as stable as public releases.

Build video calling, audio calling, and screen sharing applications powered by Amazon Chime.

The Amazon Chime SDK for Android makes it easy to add collaborative audio calling, video calling, and screen share viewing features to Android applications by using the same infrastructure services that power meetings on the Amazon Chime service.

This Amazon Chime SDK for Android works by connecting to meeting session resources that you have created in your AWS account. The SDK has everything you need to build custom calling and collaboration experiences in your Android application, including methods to: configure meeting sessions, list and select audio devices, switch video devices, start and stop screen share viewing, receive callbacks when media events occur such as volume changes, and manage meeting features such as audio mute and video tile bindings.

We also have an Amazon Chime SDK Project Board where you can find community requests and their statuses.

To get started, see the following resources:

And review the following guides:


NOTE: If you just want to run demo application, skip to Running the demo app

The Mobile SDKs for Android could be downloaded from the Maven Central repository, by integrated into your Android project's Gradle files, or you can be directly embedded via .aar files.

For the purpose of setup, your project's root folder will be referred to as root.

From Maven

To obtain the dependencies from Maven, add the dependencies to your app's (module-level) build.gradle.

Update build.gradle in root/app and add the following under dependencies:

dependencies {
    implementation '$MEDIA_VERSION'
    implementation '$SDK_VERSION'

The version numbers could be obtained from the latest release.

Manually download SDK binaries

To include the SDK binaries in your own project, follow these steps.

1. Download binaries

Download amazon-chime-sdk and amazon-chime-sdk-media binaries from the latest release.

Unzip them and copy the aar files to root/app/libs

2. Update gradle files

Update build.gradle in root by adding the following under repositories in allprojects:

allprojects {
   repositories {
      flatDir {
        dirs 'libs'

Update build.gradle in root/app and add the following under dependencies:

implementation(name: 'amazon-chime-sdk', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'amazon-chime-sdk-media', ext: 'aar')

Update build.gradle in root/app under compileOptions:

compileOptions {
    sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

Running the demo app

NOTE: This is just to run demo application and use SDK as code instead of aar library.

To run the demo application, follow these steps.

NOTE: Please make sure that you are running on ARM supported devices (real devices) or simulator with arm supported. We do not support x86 currently, so simulators with x86 will not work.

1. Deploy serverless demo

Deploy the serverless demo from amazon-chime-sdk-js, which returns

Provide for mobile demo app.

2. Download binary

Download amazon-chime-sdk-media binary from the latest release.

Unzip and copy the aar files to amazon-chime-sdk-android/amazon-chime-sdk/libs

3. Update demo app

Update test_url in strings.xml at the path amazon-chime-sdk-android/app/src/main/res/values with the URL of the serverless demo deployed in Step 1.

NOTE: use

Reporting a suspected vulnerability

If you discover a potential security issue in this project we ask that you notify AWS/Amazon Security via our vulnerability reporting page. Please do not create a public GitHub issue.


Starting a session

Use case 1. Start a session.

You need to start the meeting session to start sending and receiving audio. Make sure that the user has granted audio permission first.


The default audio format is Stereo/48KHz i.e Stereo Audio with 48KHz sampling rate (Stereo48K). Other supported audio formats include Mono/48KHz (Mono48K) or Mono/16KHz (Mono16K). You can specify a non-default audio mode in AudioVideoConfiguration, and then start the meeting session.


Use case 2. Add an observer to receive audio and video session life cycle events.

Note: To avoid missing any events, add an observer before the session starts. You can remove the observer by calling meetingSession.audioVideo.removeAudioVideoObserver(observer).

val observer = object : AudioVideoObserver {
    override fun onAudioSessionStartedConnecting(reconnecting: Boolean) {
        if (reconnecting) {
            // e.g. the network connection is dropped
    override fun onAudioSessionStarted(reconnecting: Boolean) {
        // Meeting session starts.
        // Can use realtime, devices APIs.
    override fun onAudioSessionDropped(reconnecting: Boolean) {}
    override fun onAudioSessionStopped(sessionStatus: MeetingSessionStatus) {
        // See the "Stopping a session" section for details.
    override fun onAudioSessionCancelledReconnect() {}
    override fun onConnectionRecovered() {}
    override fun onConnectionBecamePoor() {}
    override fun onVideoSessionStartedConnecting() {}
    override fun onVideoSessionStarted(sessionStatus: MeetingSessionStatus) {
        // Video session starts.
        // Can use video APIs.
    override fun onVideoSessionStopped(sessionStatus: MeetingSessionStatus) {}



Use case 3. List audio devices.

List available audio devices for the meeting.

val audioDevices = meetingSession.audioVideo.listAudioDevices()

// A list of MediaDevice objects
audioDevices.forEach {, "Device type: ${it.type}, label: ${it.label}")

Use case 4. Choose an audio device by passing a MediaDevice object.

Note: You should call chooseAudioDevice after the session started, or it'll be a no-op. You should also call chooseAudioDevice with one of the devices returned from listAudioDevices.

// Filter out OTHER type which is currently not supported for selection
val audioDevices = meetingSession.audioVideo.listAudioDevices().filter {
    it.type != MediaDeviceType.OTHER)
val device = /* An item from audioDevices */

Use case 5. Switch cameras.

Note: switchCamera() is a no-op if you are using a custom camera capture source. Please refer to the Custom Video for more details.

Switch between the front or back camera on the device, if available.


Use case 6. Add an observer to receive the updated device list.

Add a DeviceChangeObserver to receive a callback when a new audio device connects or when an audio device disconnects. onAudioDeviceChanged includes an updated device list.

val observer = object: DeviceChangeObserver {
    override fun onAudioDeviceChanged(freshAudioDeviceList: List<MediaDevice>) {
        // A list of updated MediaDevice objects
        freshAudioDeviceList.forEach {
  , "Device type: ${it.type}, label: ${it.label}")


Use case 7. Get currently selected audio device.

Note: getActiveAudioDevice API requires API level 24 or higher.

    val activeAudioDevice = meetingSession.audioVideo.getActiveAudioDevice()

For lower API levels, builders can achieve the same by tracking the selected device with the following logic:

var activeAudioDevice: MediaDevice? = null
override fun onAudioDeviceChanged(freshAudioDeviceList: List<MediaDevice>) {
    val device = /* An item from freshAudioDeviceList */
    activeAudioDevice = device // Update current device


Use case 8. Choose the audio configuration.

When joining a meeting, Mono/16KHz, Mono/48KHz and Stereo/48KHz are supported. Stereo/48KHz will be set as the default audio mode if not explicitly specified when starting the audio session.

meetingSession.audioVideo.start() // starts the audio video session with Stereo/48KHz audio

meetingSession.audioVideo.start(audioVideoConfiguration) // starts the audio video session with the specified [AudioVideoConfiguration]

Note: So far, you've added observers to receive device and session lifecycle events. In the following use cases, you'll use the real-time API methods to send and receive volume indicators and control mute state.

Use case 9. Mute and unmute an audio input.

val muted = meetingSession.audioVideo.realtimeLocalMute() // returns true if muted, false if failed

val unmuted = meetingSession.audioVideo.realtimeLocalUnmute() // returns true if unmuted, false if failed

Use case 10. Add an observer to receive realtime events such as volume changes/signal change/muted status attendees.

You can use this to build real-time indicators UI and get them updated for changes delivered by the array.

Note: These callbacks will only include the delta from the previous callback.

val observer = object : RealtimeObserver {
    override fun onVolumeChanged(volumeUpdates: Array<VolumeUpdate>) {
        volumeUpdates.forEach { (attendeeInfo, volumeLevel) ->
  , "${attendeeInfo.attendeeId}'s volume changed: " +
                $volumeLevel // Muted, NotSpeaking, Low, Medium, High

    override fun onSignalStrengthChanged(signalUpdates: Array<SignalUpdate>) {
        signalUpdates.forEach { (attendeeInfo, signalStrength) ->
  , "${attendeeInfo.attendeeId}'s signal strength changed: " +
                $signalStrength // None, Low, High

    override fun onAttendeesJoined(attendeeInfo: Array<AttendeeInfo>) {
        attendeeInfo.forEach {, "${attendeeInfo.attendeeId} joined the meeting") }

    override fun onAttendeesLeft(attendeeInfo: Array<AttendeeInfo>) {
        attendeeInfo.forEach {, "${attendeeInfo.attendeeId} left the meeting") }

    override fun onAttendeesDropped(attendeeInfo: Array<AttendeeInfo>) {
        attendeeInfo.forEach {, "${attendeeInfo.attendeeId} dropped from the meeting") }

    override fun onAttendeesMuted(attendeeInfo: Array<AttendeeInfo>) {
        attendeeInfo.forEach {, "${attendeeInfo.attendeeId} muted") }

    override fun onAttendeesUnmuted(attendeeInfo: Array<AttendeeInfo>) {
        attendeeInfo.forEach {, "${attendeeInfo.attendeeId} unmuted") }


Use case 11. Detect active speakers and active scores of speakers.

You can use the onActiveSpeakerDetected event to enlarge or emphasize the most active speaker’s video tile if available. By setting the scoreCallbackIntervalMs and implementing onActiveSpeakerScoreChanged, you can receive scores of the active speakers periodically.

val observer = object : ActiveSpeakerObserver {
    override fun onActiveSpeakerDetected(attendeeInfo: Array<AttendeeInfo>) {
        if (attendeeInfo.isNotEmpty()) {
  , "${attendeeInfo[0].attendeeId} is the most active speaker")

    // Set to receive onActiveSpeakerScoreChanged event at interval of 1s
    override val scoreCallbackIntervalMs: Int? get() = 1000

    override fun onActiveSpeakerScoreChanged(scores: Map<AttendeeInfo, Double>) {
        val scoreString = { entry -> "${entry.key.attendeeId}: ${entry.value}" }.joinToString(","), "Scores of active speakers are: $scoreString")

// Calculating the active speaker base on the SDK provided policy, you can provide any custom algorithm
meetingSession.audioVideo.addActiveSpeakerObserver(DefaultActiveSpeakerPolicy(), observer)


Note: You'll need to bind the video to a VideoRenderView to render it.

A local video tile can be identified using the isLocalTile property.

A content video tile can be identified using the isContent property. See Screen and content share.

A tile is created with a new tile ID when the same remote attendee restarts the video.

You can find more details on adding/removing/viewing video from Building a meeting application on android using the Amazon Chime SDK.

Use case 12. Start receiving remote videos.

You can call startRemoteVideo to start receiving remote videos, as this doesn’t happen by default.


Use case 13. Stop receiving remote videos.

stopRemoteVideo stops receiving remote videos and triggers onVideoTileRemoved for existing remote videos.


Use case 14. View remote videos.

val observer = object : VideoTileObserver {
    override fun onVideoTileAdded(tileState: VideoTileState) {
        // Ignore local video (see View local video), content video (seeScreen and content share)
        if(tileState.isLocalTile || tileState.isContent) return

        val videoRenderView = /* a VideoRenderView object in your application to show the video */
        meetingSession.audioVideo.bindVideoView(videoRenderView, tileState.tileId)

    override onVideoTileRemoved(tileState: VideoTileState) {
        // unbind video view to stop viewing the tile


For more advanced video tile management, take a look at Video Pagination.

Use case 15. Start sharing your video.

// Use internal camera capture for the local video

// You can switch camera to change the video input device

// Or you can inject custom video source for local video, see custom video guide

Use case 16. Stop sharing your video.


Use case 17. View local video.

val observer = object : VideoTileObserver {
    override fun onVideoTileAdded(tileState: VideoTileState) {
        // onVideoTileAdded is called after startLocalVideo
        val localVideoRenderView = /* a VideoRenderView object to show local video */

        if (tileState.isLocalTile) {
            audioVideo.bindVideoView(localVideoRenderView, tileState.tileId)

    override onVideoTileRemoved(tileState: VideoTileState) {
        // onVideoTileRemoved is called after stopLocalVideo
        if (tileState.isLocalTile) {
  , "Local video is removed")


Screen and content share

Note: When you or other attendees share content (e.g., screen capture or any other VideoSource object), the content attendee (attendee-id#content) joins the session and shares content as if a regular attendee shares a video.

For example, your attendee ID is "my-id". When you call meetingSession.audioVideo.startContentShare, the content attendee "my-id#content" will join the session and share your content.

Use case 18. Start sharing your screen or content.

val observer = object : ContentShareObserver {
    override fun onContentShareStarted() {, "Content share started")

    override fun onContentShareStopped(status: ContentShareStatus) {, "Content share stopped with status ${status.statusCode}")

val contentShareSource = /* a ContentShareSource object, can use DefaultScreenCaptureSource for screen share or any subclass with custom video source */
// ContentShareSource object is not managed by SDK, builders need to start, stop, release accordingly

See Content Share for more details.

Use case 19. Stop sharing your screen or content.


Use case 20. View attendee content or screens.

Chime SDK allows two simultaneous content shares per meeting. Remote content shares will trigger onVideoTileAdded, while local share will not. To render the video for preview, add a VideoSink to the VideoSource in the ContentShareSource.

val observer = object : VideoTileObserver {
    override fun onVideoTileAdded(tileState: VideoTileState) {
        if (tileState.isContent) {
            // tileState.attendeeId is formatted as "attendee-id#content"
            val attendeeId = tileState.attendeeId
            // Get the attendee ID from "attendee-id#content"
            val baseAttendeeId = DefaultModality(attendeeId).base()
  , "$baseAttendeeId is sharing screen")

            val contentVideoRenderView = /* a VideoRenderView object in your application to show the content video */
            meetingSession.audioVideo.bindVideoView(contentVideoRenderView, tileState.tileId)

    override onVideoTileRemoved(tileState: VideoTileState) {
        // unbind video view to stop viewing the tile



Use case 21. Add an observer to receive the meeting metrics.

See ObservableMetric for more available metrics and to monitor audio, video, and content share quality.

val observer = object: MetricsObserver {
    override fun onMetricsReceived(metrics: Map<ObservableMetric, Any>) {
        metrics.forEach { (metricsName, metricsValue) ->
  , "$metricsName : $metricsValue")


Data Message

Use case 22. Add an observer to receive data message.

You can receive real-time messages from multiple topics after starting the meeting session.

Note: Data messages sent from local participant will not trigger this callback unless it's throttled.

val YOUR_ATTENDEE_ID = meetingSession.configuration.credentials.attendeeId

val observer = object: DataMessageObserver {
    override fun onDataMessageReceived(dataMessage: DataMessage) {
        // A throttled message is returned by backend
        if (!dataMessage.throttled) {
  , "[${dataMessage.timestampMs}][{$dataMessage.senderAttendeeId}] : ${dataMessage.text()}")

// You can subscribe to multiple topics.
const val DATA_MESSAGE_TOPIC = "chat"
meetingSession.audioVideo.addRealtimeDataMessageObserver(DATA_MESSAGE_TOPIC, observer)

Use case 23. Send data message.

You can send real time message to any topic, to which the observers that have subscribed will be notified.

Note: Topic needs to be alpha-numeric and it can include hyphen and underscores. Data cannot exceed 2kb and lifetime is optional but positive integer.

const val DATA_MESSAGE_TOPIC = "chat"

// Send "Hello Chime" to any subscribers who are listening to "chat" topic with 1 seconds of lifetime
    "Hello Chime",

Stopping a session

Note: Make sure to remove all the observers and release resources you have added to avoid any memory leaks.

Use case 24. Stop a session.

val observer = object: AudioVideoObserver {  
    override fun onAudioSessionStopped(sessionStatus: MeetingSessionStatus) {
        // This is where meeting ended.
        // You can do some clean up work here.

    override fun onVideoSessionStopped(sessionStatus: MeetingSessionStatus) {
        // This will be invoked as well.


Amazon Voice Focus

Amazon Voice Focus reduces the background noise in the meeting for better meeting experience. For more details, see Amazon Voice Focus.

Use case 25. Enable/Disable Amazon Voice Focus.

val enbabled = meetingSession.audioVideo.realtimeSetVoiceFocusEnabled(true) // enabling Amazon Voice Focus successful

val disabled = meetingSession.audioVideo.realtimeSetVoiceFocusEnabled(false) // disabling Amazon Voice Focus successful

Custom Video Source

Custom video source allows you to control the video, such as applying a video filter. For more details, see Custom Video.

Frequently Asked Questions

Refer to General FAQ for Amazon Chime SDK.


How can I get Amazon Chime SDK logs for debugging?

Applications can get logs from Chime SDK by passing instances of Logger when creating MeetingSession. Amazon Chime SDK has some default implementations of logger that your application can use, such as ConsoleLogger which logs into console. ConsoleLogger is set to INFO level as default. Therefore, in order to get all logs, including media logs, create logger by following:

val logger = ConsoleLogger(LogLevel.VERBOSE)

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