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Salary Prediction Project

Define problem

In job posting websites like Glassdoor, LinkedIn, and Indeed, each post lists its required skills, education, qualification, experience, ..., and of course, salary.

  • For applicants, instead of accepting the salary employer proposed, having an estimator predicting the salary based on job requirements or skills acquired gives confidence of their worth for further negotiation.
  • For employer, an salary estimator suggests a market standard so employers can propose a reasonable salary to attract more applicates.

The goal of this project is to create a model that estimates a salary given jobs with various of requirements.


  • contains data files

  • ML_approach/: contains files using machine learning approach

  • ML_approach/Salary_Prediction_Analysis.ipynb: notebook includes detailed data extraction, data loading, data wrangling, data analysis, feature engineering, and model training.

  • ML_approach/ cleaned code in Python

  • ML_approach/test_salaries_prediction.csv: salary prediction of test dataset

  • DNN_approach/: contains files using deep neural network approach

  • DNN_approach/ cleaned code in Python

  • DNN_approach/test_salaries_prediction_dnn.csv: salary prediction of test dataset

  • DNN_approach/best-weight-batch_size_1000-epochs_###.hdf5: weight of the best model with least loss

  • DNN_approach/loss-batch_size_1000-epochs_###.png: plot of history of loss and validation loss during training


  1. Data loading

    • train_features.csv file contains training set features
    • train_salaries.csv file contains training set target, salary
    • test_features.csv file contains testing set features
  2. Data scrubbing

    • Remove incomplete instances
    • Remove duplicated instances
    • Remove invalid instnaces
      • Salary <= 0
      • yearsExperience < 0
      • milesFromMetropolis < 0
  3. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Explore data, find distribution of each features and categories, and visualize data to find embedded pattern(s).

  1. Encoding

Convert categories to distinguishable numerical values using category average salary

  1. Feature engineering

Not all features are independent, thus adding interaction features provides more information on dependencies between features. Generate new features based on IQR rule, including group min, first quantile, median, mean, third quantile, upper bound for outliers, and max.

  1. Modeling

For mechine learning approach: use default 5-fold cross validate and MSE to select best model.

  • Establish baseline: use average salary for each industry as baseline model and measure MSE

    Model MSE
    Baseline 1367.123
  • Try vanilla models (use default hyperparameter values) and select couple good models. In this case I selected:

    Model MSE
    LinearRegression 351.652
    RandomForestRegressor 337.152
    GradientBoostingRegressor 328.327
    ExtraTreeRegressor 343.122
  • Try training with standardized data: no obvious improvement

    Model MSE
    Scaled LinearRegression 351.652
    Scaled RandomForestRegressor 337.228
    Scaled GradientBoostingRegressor 328.327
    Scaled ExtraTreeRegressor 343.046
  • Tune model: tune best 2 models

    Model Hyperparameter Best MSE
    RandomForestRegressor n_estimators=200, max_depth=15, max_features=8 313.741
    GradientBoostingRegressor n_estimators=100, loss='ls', max_depth=8 306.792

For neural network approach: use simple Dense layers and tune network topology. The best result is MSE = 313

The best model is GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=100, loss='ls', max_depth=8) and the feature importance is:

Feature Feature Importance
companyId 0.000221
jobType 0.003601
degree 0.002906
major 0.001065
industry 0.002077
yearsExperience 0.151995
milesFromMetropolis 0.104973
CJDMI_min 0.008940
CJDMI_Q1 0.032568
CJDMI_mean 0.658095
CJDMI_median 0.006771
CJDMI_Q3 0.008138
CJDMI_upper 0.001924
CJDMI_max 0.016725
  1. Deploying

Use best model to predict test set.