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DApp API Specification

Pravda specifies unified API for DApps (Distributed Applications).

This API allows client to execute different action on the Pravda blockchain, such as run arbitrary code, call methods from existing programs, get balance by address, sign binary data and transfer money from one address to another.

API Methods

Get current user address

You can get the current user addres. The current user is the user who signs a Pravda transaction by its private key, that is an executor of the transaction.

If there is no current user an API implemenation should return NoKeys error.

To run the API, use bin/expload-desktop from API will be located at http://localhost:8087.


Before using API, you need to login at /ui endpoint: http://localhost:8087/ui. You can sign up using public/private keys pair.


GET api/address


Hex formatted address of the current user as JSON string.


curl <api url>/api/address

might return e1941077e00b3cf81a8275788334292d9b2e2f0002bd622444cb37fa5e4d08a0 if the user with such address is the current user

Get balance by Pravda address

You can get balance of the Pravda user by his address. Absent address parameter means the current user.


GET api/balance?[address=<hex formatted address>]


Requsted user balance as integer value


curl <api url>/api/address

will return balance of the current user

curl <api url>/api/balance?address=e1941077e00b3cf81a8275788334292d9b2e2f0002bd622444cb37fa5e4d08a0

will return balance of the user with address e1941077e00b3cf81a8275788334292d9b2e2f0002bd622444cb37fa5e4d08a0

Call program method

DApps API Specification introduces method entity. This entity is similar to Solidity methods from Ethereum ecosystem.

DApp API specification establishes REST API for calling methods of the program with a given address.

An implementaion of the Standard should ask the current user if he confirms this transaction or not. An implementaion of the Standard should show the user the programm addres, program method and arguments to be executed. If this transaction is not confirmed, NotConfirmed error should be sent. On the other hand, if the transaction is confirmed, it should be signed with the current user private key and boradcasted to the Pravda blockchain.

If there is no current user, an implemenation of the Standard should return NoKeys error.


POST api/program/method

    "address": "<hex formatted string of program's address>",
    "method": "<name of the method>",
    "args": [ 
            "value": <value of argument>,
            "tpe": "<type of argument>"


    "value": <return value>,
    "tpe": "<type of return value>"    

Additional information

Argument type is the regular string, format of the argument value depends on that type and each such type string corresponds to one data type. Details are given in the following table:

Type string ("tpe" field) Example of "value" field Data
"int8" -123 int8
"int16" 23123 int16
"int32" 123123123 int32
"uint8" 123 uint8
"uint16" 23123 uint16
"uint32" 123123123 uint32
"number" 5.6 number
"boolean" true of false boolean
"utf8" "string" utf8
"bytes" "6789ABCD" bytes
"array <primitive type>" [1, 2, 3] array <primitive type>


For example if we are calling balanceOf method for user with 0xABCDEF address of some program with 0xe1941077e00b3cf81a8275788334292d9b2e2f0002bd622444cb37fa5e4d08a0 address we should pass:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"address": "e1941077e00b3cf81a8275788334292d9b2e2f0002bd622444cb37fa5e4d08a0", "method": "balanceOf", "args": [{"tpe": "bytes", "value": "ABCDEF"}] }'  <api url>/api/program/method

And receive:

    "value": 1234,
    "tpe": "uint32"

Transfer money

This method allows you to transfer money from current user to any Pravda address

An implementaion of the Standard should ask the current user if he confirms this transfer or not. It should show the amount and the address of the transferring. If this transaction is not confirmed, NotConfirmed error should be sent. On the other hand, if the transaction is confirmed, it should be signed with the current user private key and boradcasted to the Pravda blockchain.

If there is no current user, an implemenation of the Standard should return NoKeys error.


POST api/transfer

    "to": "<hex formatted string of the receiver address>",
    "amount": <amount of coins you are going to transer>


The following command will transfer 100 coins from the current account to the account with address e1941077e00b3cf81a8275788334292d9b2e2f0002bd622444cb37fa5e4d08a0

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "to": "e1941077e00b3cf81a8275788334292d9b2e2f0002bd622444cb37fa5e4d08a0", "amount": 100 }' <api url>/api/transfer

Execute VM bytecode

This method allows you to execute any Pravda bytecode

An implementaion of the Standard should ask the current user if he confirms this execution or not. It should show the bytecode translated to the Pravda assembler. If this transaction is not confirmed, NotConfirmed error should be sent. On the other hand, if the transaction is confirmed, it should be signed with the current user private key and boradcasted to the Pravda blockchain.

If there is no current user, an implemenation of the Standard should return NoKeys error.


POST api/execute

    "transaction": "<hex formatted transaction>",
    "wattLimit": <watt limit> // Optional


  "executionResult" : {
    "result" : {
      "spentWatts" : <spent-watts>,
      "refundWatts" : <refunded-watts>,
      "totalWatts" : <total-watts>,
      "stack" : [<stack-data>],
      "heap" : [<heap-data>]
  "effects" : [ {
    "eventType" : "<effect-type>",
  }, ...]

or with error

  "executionResult" : {
    "error" : {
      "error" : <error-code-or-string>,
      "finalState" : {
        "spentWatts" : <spent-watts>,
        "refundWatts" : <refunded-watts>,
        "totalWatts" : <total-watts>,
        "stack" : [<stack-data>],
        "heap" : [<heap-data>]
      "callStack" : [<call-stack-data>],
      "lastPosition" : <last-position>
  "effects" : [ {
    "eventType" : "<effect-type>",
  }, ...]

Sign binary data

This method allows you to execute any Pravda bytecode

An implementaion of the Standard should ask the current user if he confirms this signing or not. It should be possible to see the data. If the currenit user doesn't allow to sign the data, NotConfirmed error should be sent. On the other hand, if the current user allows to sign the data, the data should be signed with the current user private key and returned back.

If there is no current user, an implemenation of the Standard should return NoKeys error.


POST api/sign

  "app": "<application name>",
  "bytes": "<hex formatted binary data>"


  "signedBytes": "<hex formatted signed binary data>"

Additional information

You can also sign binary data with application/octet-stream or application/base64 http content types by using api/binary/sign?app=<application name> url with corresponding type.


Every API method may return error.

  "error": "<error type>"

Basic error types are:

  • NotConfirmed - means current user did not confirm the transaction
  • NoKeys - means there is no current user, so there is no keys for signing transactions