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How to customize Document Automation use case

Customize DPR fine tuning pipeline

The following hyperparameters can be customized through command line arguments in the scripts/ script.

Command line argument What it is for Default value Data type
--num_hard_neg number of hard negative samples per positive sample in DPR fine tuning 0 int
--bs batch size in DPR fine tuning 128 int
--epochs number of epochs 3 int
--eval_every evaluate DPR performance every specified number of training steps 87 int
--lr learning rate learning rate of AdamW optimizer 1e-5
--warmup number of warmup steps 20 int
--query_encoder pretrained model name on HF model hub as the starting point of query encoder microsoft/infoxlm-base any model on Huggingface model hub that can be loaded by the AutoModel.from_pretrained method
--doc_encoder pretrained model name on HF model hub as the starting point of document encoder microsoft/infoxlm-base any model on Huggingface model hub that can be loaded by the AutoModel.from_pretrained method
--max_len_query maximum sequence length of the query 64 int
--max_len_passage maximum sequence length of the document passage 500 int

There are some other hyperparameters that can be further customized through the haystack DPR APIs. Please refer to the haystack source code for more information.

Customize indexing pipeline

You can use command line arguments in the scripts/ to customize the indexing pipeline with the functionalities already implemented in our use case. Advanced users can write their own methods and incorporate customized functionality into src/

Command line arguments for controlling the indexing pipeline

Command line argument Options What it does
--retrieval_method all, dpr, bm25 all: index into both Elasticsearch and postgresql databases for BM25 retrieval and DPR retrieval. dpr: only index into postgresql database. bm25: only index into Elasticsearch database.
--add_doc this is a "store_true" flag, you either include it or not in the command if included, the pipeline will add documents into database(s)
--embed_doc this is a "store_true" flag, you either include it or not in the command if included, the pipeline will embed documents with DPR passage encoder into a FAISS index file
--toy_example this is a "store_true" flag, you either include it or not in the command if included, the pipeline will run a toy example with a small subset of images

Command line arguments related to databases

Command line argument What it is Default value
--index_name name of the index table to be stored in database(s) dureadervis-documents
--index_file path to the faiss index file in haystack-api container /home/user/output/index_files/faiss-indexfile.faiss

You can experiment with the following FAISS document store parameters to tune the DPR retrieval performance. The higher the values, the better recall and MRR, but the retrieval speed will get slower.

Command line argument What it is Default value
--faiss_nlinks n_links param for faiss document store 512
--faiss_efsearch ef_search param for faiss document store 128
--faiss_efconstruct ef_construct param for faiss document store 200

Image preprocessing

The following methods are supported through command line arguments in scripts/run_distributed_indexing .sh

Method What it does command line argument
grayscale turn a color image into gray-scale image --preprocess grayscale
binarize turn a color image into blank-white image with locally adaptive thresolding --preprocess binarize
none do nothing to the image, use the original --preprocess none
crop_image crop images to a certain size, you can customize the cropping in src/ --crop_image

OCR engines

Currently we support the following two OCR engines, you can pick one through command line arguments in scripts/run_distributed_indexing .sh

OCR engine What it is command line argument with example values
PaddleOCR OCR engine developed by Baidu --ocr_engine paddleocr
Tesseract OCR engine developed by HP and Google --ocr_engine tesseract --ocr_lang chi_sim

PaddleOCR and Tesseract both support multiple languages, please refer to their documentations on what languages are supported.

  • For PaddleOCR: You need to change the lang arg in src/ for a language other than Chinese.
  • For Tesseract: You need to install additional packages for Tesseract if you want to extract text in a language other than English.

Advanced users: If you want to use another OCR engine, you need to implement your own ocr method and change the source code of src/ accordingly.

Post processing of OCR outputs

The following methods are supported through command line arguments in scripts/

  1. Splitting
    This method splits document text into passages of certain length and certain overlap, each passage should be at least certain length long.
    For example: --max_seq_len_passage 500 --overlap 10 --min_chars 5 --split_doc The --split_doc flag tells the pipeline to split the document, then the other args specify the splitting params: each passage max 500 string length with 10 string length overlap, minimum length of a passage is 5, any passages shorter than length of 5 will be discarded.

  2. Clustering
    This method clusters each text blocks extracted by OCR engine into passages. The blocks are firstly embedded into vectors with a pretrained language model, and then principal component analysis (PCA) is done on the vectors to reduce dimensionality, and then Kmeans clustering is performed on the reduced vectors, then finally the blocks belonging to the same cluster are concatenated together to form a passage. There is an option to further split the clustered passages into shorter ones. There is also an option to force the number of clusters to be 2 or to dynamically determine the number of clusters based on the length of the documents.

For example:

--cluster_doc --cluster_model microsoft/infoxlm-base --max_seq_len_passage 500 

The command line arguments above will use the specified model (example here is microsoft/infoxlm-base) to embed the text blocks and dynamically decide the number of clusters based on the total length of the document and the specified max length of passages (for example 500 here).

--cluster_doc --cluster_model microsoft/infoxlm-base --force_num_cluster

The command line arguments above will force the number of clusters to be 2.

--cluster_doc --cluster_model microsoft/infoxlm-base --force_num_cluster --split_doc --max_seq_len_passage 500 --overlap 10 --min_chars 5

The command line arguments above will force the number of clusters to be 2, and then for each cluster it will split the text into passages of specified max length/overlap/min length.

Customize Deployment Pipeline

Docker-compose yaml file and env config file

In most cases, you don't need to change the docker-compose yaml files. You can pick from one of the three docker-compose yaml files we provided for the three retrieval methods: bm25, dpr, ensemble.
The env config file may need editing. The variables are described below. In most cases, you just need to change the PIPELINE_PATH to your customized pipeline yaml file and leave the other variables unchanged as long as you follow the folder structure described here. If you changed the index name, then you need to update the INDEX_NAME variable accordingly.

Variable What it does Value
PIPELINE_NAME functionality of the pipeline fixed at 'query', no need to change
PIPELINE_PATH path to pipeline yaml file (path inside haystack-api container) Example: /home/user/application/configs/pipelines_ensemble.haystack-pipeline.yml
APPLICATION volume to be mounted to haystack-api container that has the use case resource code <your-path-to-source-code>
MODEL volume to be mounted to haystack-api container that has the DPR models <your-path-to-dpr-models>
ESDB volume to be mounted to elasticsearch container that has the elasticsearch database files <your-path-to-esdb-files>
DB volume to be mounted to postgresql container that has the postgresql database files <your-path-to-postgresqldb-files>
INDEX_NAME name of the index table must match the index name specified in indexing

Pipeline config file for haystack

You can use one of the 3 pipeline yaml files we provided as the starting point. The params that you can customize are listed in the table below.

Retrieval method Component Param What it is
BM25, Ensemble DocumentStore index the index name specified in indexing
DPR, Ensemble DocumentStore faiss_index_path path to the faiss index file (.faiss file) in the haystack-api container
DPR, Ensemble DensePassageRetriever query_embedding_model, passage_embedding_model path to the fine-tuned local DPR models or pretrained model names on Huggingface model hub
Ensemble Ensembler weights weighting factors for BM25 and DPR retrievers, the first number is BM25 weight and the second number is DPR weight
BM25, DPR, Ensemble Retriever top_k how many documents to retrieve by BM25 or DPR retrievers
Ensemble Ensembler top_k_join how many documents to be returned by ensembler

UI config file


  1. Please do not change the filename of the UI config file, leave it as "config.yml".
  2. Do not change the volume mount path in the UI container in the docker-compose yaml file.

There are two parts in the UI config file:

  1. dataset: only one dataset is allowed
  2. pipelines: can have multiple pipelines

To customize the UI:

  1. dataset: specify the name of your own dataset and some questions that you want to show as examples on the webpage.
  2. pipelines: you can copy one of the pipelines in the UI config file, paste to the bottom of the file and modify as needed. For example, if you have a cutomized pipeline config yaml called "pipelines.Ranker.haystack-pipeline.yml" where you have a Retriever followed by a Ranker. The pipeline yaml file may look similar to the following:
  - name: DocumentStore
    type: ElasticsearchDocumentStore
      host: localhost
      index: document
  - name: Retriever
    type: BM25Retriever
      document_store: DocumentStore
      top_k: 100
  - name: Ranker
    type: SentenceTransformersRanker
      model_name_or_path: /home/user/model/my_ranker_model
      top_k: 5

Then for the pipelines section in the UI config file, you can add a sub-section like the following to the bottom of the UI config file.

- name: pipelines.Ranker.haystack-pipeline.yml
      - name: answer
        desc: "Max. number of answers"
        default_value: 5
          - key: Ranker # match component name in pipeline yaml
            param: top_k # match param name of Ranker in pipeline yaml
      - name: retriever
        desc: "Max. number of documents from retriever"
        default_value: 100
          - key: Retriever # match component name in pipeline yaml
            param: top_k # match param name of Retriever in pipeline yaml

The most important variables are the keys, the key must match the name of the component in the pipeline yaml file, and the param in UI config should match the param in pipeline yaml.