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NGS Data Analysis Handbook

Helpful repository with cheat-sheets for NGS studies!

Typical workflow of NGS data analysis

┣ 📕01_Quality_Control
┣ 📗02_Genomic_Variation_Analysis
┣ 📘03_Whole_(Pan)genome_Analyses
┣ 📙04_Phylogenetics
┃ ┣ 📃04_01_Intro_trees
┃ ┣ 📃04_02_Mining_Data
┃ ┣ 📃04_03_MSA
┃ ┣ 📃04_04_Trees
┃ ┣ 📃04_05_Root_Date
┃ ┣ 📃04_06_Phylogenomics
┃ ┣ 📃04_07_Visualization_Pro
┃ ┗ 📃04_08_Tanglegram
┗ 📓05_16S_Amplicon_Analysis
┃ ┣ 📃05_01_Introduction
┃ ┣ 📃05_02_Crohns_disease
┃ ┗ 📃05_03_Parkinsons_disease
┗ ℹ️

Handbook's structure

05 16S Amplicon Analysis 🧫

In the 16S amplicon analysis folder there is an introductory guide on conducting analysis using DADA2 followed by two interesting examples of "real-life" analysis pipeline with the data from studies on Crohn's and Parkinson's diseases.

04 Phylogenetics 🌳

In the Phylogenetics folder there is a complete pipeline of simple research in phylogenetics, from working with NCBI (and other databases) to building trees, evaluating them, and getting some worthwhile results.

03 Whole Genome and Pangenome Analyses 🧬

In the Whole (pan)genome analyses there is a pipeline of whole genome and pangenome analyses with PanACoTA pipeline which includes genomes filtering with mash, annotating with prokka & prodigal, pangenome building with mmseqs, core genomes alignment with mafft and finally building phylogenetic tree with iq-tree.

02 Genomic Variation Analysis 🔬

In the Genomic Variation Analysis folder there is a detailed guide how to conduct studies on Variant Calling using fastqc, trimmomatic, bwa, samtools, abra2, bcftools, snpEff & SnpSift.

01 Quality Control of raw data 💎

In the Quality Control folder there is a detailed guide how to conduct quality control of raw data using fastqc and trimmomatic.