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With GOST 2012 for macOS (including M1 Apple Silicone)

How-to documentation on GOST R 34.10-2012 digital signature algorithm for macOS (including M1 Apple Silicone)




Install brew

Install macOS build tools

xcode-select --install

install brew packages

brew install cmake pkg-config openssl@1.1

configure pkg-config tool variable to link gost-engine with brew version of openssl

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:$(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl@1.1/lib/pkgconfig
# check flags
pkg-config --cflags openssl

clone gost-engine from github repository for openssl version 1.1.1

git clone
cd engine
git checkout openssl_1_1_1


Create build directory and build gost-engine

mkdir build; cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../
cd bin
ls -al ./


Save openssl engines directory path to ENGINESDIR variable

ENGINESDIR=$($(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl@1.1/bin/openssl version -e |
                sed  's/.*\"\(.*\)\".*/\1/')
ls -la ${ENGINESDIR}

Copy library file to openssl engines directory

cp gost.1.1.dylib ${ENGINESDIR}/gost.dylib
ls -la ${ENGINESDIR}

Or make install

make install


Sample configuration

Save openssl.cnf config path to OPENSSLCFG variable

OPENSSLCFG=$($(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl@1.1/bin/openssl version -d |
                sed  's/.*\"\(.*\)\".*/\1/')/openssl.cnf
ls -la ${OPENSSLCFG}

Add first line openssl_conf = openssl_def to openssl.cnf config

grep -q '^openssl_conf' $OPENSSLCFG ||
sed -i '' '1i\'$'\n''openssl_conf = openssl_def'$'\n' $OPENSSLCFG

Add to the end of openssl.cnf config

cat >> $OPENSSLCFG << _EOF_
engines = engine_section

gost = gost_section

engine_id = gost
default_algorithms = ALL
CRYPT_PARAMS = id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet

Create alias

create shortcut alias for brew version of openssl openssl@1.1

alias openssl@1.1=$(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl@1.1/bin/openssl

Check installation

openssl@1.1 engine
openssl@1.1 engine gost -c -t

Both commands should output:

(gost) Reference implementation of GOST engine


List cipher algorithm

openssl@1.1 list --cipher-algorithms
# or
openssl@1.1 enc -engine gost -ciphers

List digest algorithms

openssl@1.1 list --digest-algorithms
# or
openssl@1.1 dgst -list -engine gost

Generate key and certificate

Generate gost 2012 private key

openssl@1.1 genpkey -algorithm gost2012_256 \
            -pkeyopt paramset:TCB -out ca.key

Generate gost 2012 private key with openssl 3.0

openssl@3 genpkey -engine gost -algorithm gost2012_256 -pkeyopt paramset:A -out ca.key

Generate gost 2012 certificate

openssl@1.1 req -new -x509 -md_gost12_256 -days 365 \
            -key ca.key -out ca.cer

Alernative non-interactive way of gost 2012 certificate generation with predefined input values

openssl@1.1 req -new -x509 -md_gost12_256 -days 365 \
   -subj "/C=RU/ST=Russia/L=Moscow/O=Internet/OU=Dev/CN=localhost/emailAddress=admin@localhost" \
   -key ca.key -out ca.cer

Read for more

Check key and certificate

Check key is valid

openssl@1.1 pkey -in ca.key -check -pubcheck -noout

Check certificate is valid

openssl@1.1 x509 -in ca.cer -text -noout -engine gost

Parse ASN.1 structure of key or certificate

openssl asn1parse -i -in ca.cer -dump
openssl asn1parse -i -in ca.key -dump

Check if a private key matches a certificate

Generate public key md5hash for private key

openssl@1.1 pkey -in ca.key -pubout -outform pem | openssl@1.1 md5

Generate certificate public key md5hash

openssl@1.1 x509 -in ca.cer -noout -pubkey | openssl@1.1 md5

Both md5 hashes should match

Sign and check signature

Create test file input.txt

cat > input.txt << _TXT_
Sed dictum sapien in scelerisque accumsan. Ut ac vehicula tortor, luctus rutrum augue.
Ut rhoncus blandit nisi, a tincidunt orci pulvinar non. Quisque at rutrum est.
Ut a aliquam felis. Nam et vestibulum tortor. Aliquam ut rhoncus nulla. Nulla tincidunt,
diam eu eleifend eleifend, est orci lobortis sem, eu placerat nibh ligula at risus.

Sign without detaching content

openssl@1.1 smime -sign -nodetach -engine gost  \
            -binary -md md_gost12_256 -in input.txt \
            -signer ca.cer -inkey ca.key -out output.out -outform DER

Verify signature and output original content

openssl@1.1 smime -verify -noverify -engine gost  \
            -binary -md md_gost12_256 -in output.out -inform DER \
            -signer ca.cer -inkey ca.key -out output.txt

Encode and decode

Encode file and store output in DER format

openssl@1.1 smime -encrypt -engine gost -binary -noattr -gost89 \
            -in input.txt -out output.enc -outform DER ca.cer

Decode file

openssl@1.1 smime -decrypt -engine gost -binary -noattr \
            -inkey ca.key -in output.enc -inform DER -out output.2.txt 

Openssl 3.0

Using kuznechik

Encode file and store output in DER format with kuznechik

openssl@3 smime -encrypt -engine gost -binary -noattr -kuznyechik-ctr-acpkm-omac \
            -in input.txt -out output.enc -outform DER ca1.cer 

Decode with kuznechik

openssl@3 smime -decrypt -engine gost -binary -noattr \
            -inkey ca1.key -in output.enc -inform DER -out output.2.txt