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Utility for molecular mechanics energy minimization

Installation (Linux only)

  1. Install libmol2 (verified to work with commit 4fd36be, Check version: 0.14, Jansson version: 2.12)

  2. Build minimization executable

     mkdir build && cd build
     make && make test
  3. The binary is in build/nrgmin

  4. To build OpenMP enabled binary, add -DOPENMP=YES to cmake command, it will create additional executable build/nrgmin.omp. --num-threads controls the number of OpenMP threads.

CMake flags:

  • BUILD_TESTS — set to YES to enable tests, and to NO if you don't need them.

  • USE_LTO – set to YES for Link Time Optimization.

  • USE_SANITIZER — enable AddressSanitizer. Not recommended for release builds, since it complicates linking to other projects.

  • OPENMP — set to YES to create a multithreaded binary nrgmin.omp in addition to a serial one.

  • NOE — set to NO if you want to drop NOE (NMR) calculation capability (e.g. if libmol2 was build without NOE).

How to run

Full list of parameters can be viewed by running ./nrgmin -h

Passing a molecule

A molecule can be passed using single file mode as a set of 4 files

./nrgmin --pdb mol.pdb --psf mol.psf --prm mol.prm --rtf mol.rtf

Or as a json file

./nrgmin --json mol.json

As well as in a rec/lig mode:

./nrgmin --rec_pdb rec.pdb --rec_psf rec.psf --rec_prm rec.prm --rec_rtf rec.rtf --lig_json lig.json

If you want to use parameters from json file and coordinates from pdb

./nrgmin --rec_pdb rec.pdb --rec_json rec.json --lig_pdb lig.pdb --lig_json lig.json

Multiple models, multithreading

PDB file can contain multiple models. nrgmin.omp parallelizes minimization for multiple models using the flag --num-threads. All available cores are used by default.

./nrgmin.omp --json mol.json --pdb mol_10models.pdb --num_threads 10

In rec/lig mode the receptor can contain a single model and the ligand and can have N models and vice versa. In this case the receptor model is copied N times and merged with the ligand models. Otherwise, the number of receptor and ligand models must match. Therefore, the following will work:

./nrgmin.omp --rec_pdb rec_1model.pdb --lig_pdb lig_10models.pdb --rec_psf rec.psf --rec_prm rec.prm --rec_rtf rec.rtf --lig_json lig.json

./nrgmin.omp --rec_pdb rec_10models.pdb --lig_pdb lig_10models.pdb --rec_psf rec.psf --rec_prm rec.prm --rec_rtf rec.rtf --lig_json lig.json

./nrgmin.omp --rec_pdb rec_10models.pdb --lig_pdb lig_1model.pdb --rec_psf rec.psf --rec_prm rec.prm --rec_rtf rec.rtf --lig_json lig.json

And the following will not:

./nrgmin.omp --rec_pdb rec_3models.pdb --lig_pdb lig_10models.pdb --rec_psf rec.psf --rec_prm rec.prm --rec_rtf rec.rtf --lig_json lig.json

Energy function

Energy function setup is flexible, so you can switch terms on and off

./nrgmin --json mol.json --vdw_off --ace_on

And add restraining potentials

./nrgmin --json mol.json --pair_springs_txt springs.txt

List of restraints:

  • fixed atoms (--fix_receptor, --fix_ligand, --fixed_pdb)
  • pairwise distance restraints (--pair_springs_txt)
  • pointwise distance restraints (--point_springs_txt)
  • density fitting (--density_json)
  • NOE matrix fitting (--noe_txt, --noe_json)

Instead of providing flags you can setup all minimization parameters and multiple minimization stages using a master json file

./nrgmin --setup_json setup.json

To see all flags:

./nrgmin -h

Freezing atoms

Atoms can be frozen in several ways:

  1. --fix_receptor and --fix_ligand flags can be used in rec/lig mode

  2. --fixed_pdb flag can be used to pass fixed atoms. Atoms in the minimized atom group will be frozen, if they are closer than 0.01 A to any of the atoms in --fixed_pdb. --fixed_pdb can contain multiple models, in which case the number of models should match the number of models in the minimized atom group. If it contains only one model and the minimized atom group has several, then the same --fixed_pdb will be applied to all the models in the minimized atom group.

  3. Field fixed in --setup_json can specify IDs of frozen atoms (for example fixed: [0, 1, 3, 4])

Master json file format for --setup-json

Has two fields: options, which duplicates all existing flags, and stages. Stages is an array, where each entry describes a minimization stage and can use all existing flags. Fields specified in options will be used throughout all stages, unless specified differently in each stage. So if an option is not specified in stage parameters, its value is taken from options or is set to default, if it is not set there as well.

  "options": {
    "rec_pdb": "BACE_4_rec_2models.pdb",
    "rec_psf": "BACE_4_rec.psf",
    "rec_prm": "BACE_4_rec_parm.prm",
    "rec_rtf": "BACE_4_rec_pdbamino.rtf",
    "lig_json": "BACE_4_lig.json",
    "lig_pdb": "BACE_4_lig_2models_close.pdb"
  "stages": [
      "nsteps": 1000,
      "fix_ligand": true
      "nsteps": 1000,
      "fix_receptor": true
      "nsteps": 1000,
      "vdw03": false,
      "ace": true,
      "pointsprings": [
          "weight": 10,
          "coords": [
          "atoms": [
      "pairsprings": [
          "distance": 10,
          "weight": 10,
          "lerror": 1,
          "rerror": 1,
          "potential": 2,
          "average": 0,
          "group1": [
          "group2": [

Pairsprings setup dictionary

As can be seen in the example of Master json above, to use the "pairsprings" potential energy in minimization, one dictionary needed to be created for every distance restraint and 8 different parameters need to be assigned in the dictionary: distance, weight, lerror, rerror, potential, average, group1, group2. The "distance" denotes expected distance between the two sets of atoms. The "lerror" and "rerror" are the left and right tolerance errors from the expected distance respectively. The "weight" is the scale factor for the potential energy function. The "potential " is the type of penalty function for the distance restraints. There are three different types of penalty function: Square-Well (0), Biharmonic (1), Soft-Square (2). The "average" denotes the method to average the distances between the two selected sets of atoms, and two types of averaging can be selected: SUM (0) and R-6 (1). The "group1" and "group2" are two lists of indices that indicate the two sets of atoms in the restraint. If there are more than one atom in either set, the distances of all possible pairs between two groups will be computed. Then the average distance of all the computed distances will be calculated using "average" method. This averaged distance is the calculated distance for this restraint. More details of the description of distance restraints can be found here


More setup examples are here and usage examples here.