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Training 4PP-EUSR

This tutorial demonstrates how to train a 4PP-EUSR model with the codes of this repository. Briefly, there are three training phases to get a 4PP-EUSR model as follows:

  • Pre-training the EUSR model
  • Training aesthetic and subjective qualitative score predictors
  • Training the 4PP-EUSR model based on the pre-trained EUSR and with employing the score predictors

Preparing training images

Here, the DIV2K dataset will be used for training. You can download the DIV2K dataset from its official website.

The EUSR model is trained with images downscaled with MATLAB's imresize function by factors of 2, 4, and 8. However, the origianl DIV2K dataset does not provide the x8 downscaled images. Therefore, we provide a helper script to generate downscaled images. Followings are the brief instruction.

  • Download the high resolution (HR) images from the official DIV2K website.
  • Extract the zipped file to a desired location. Here we assume that the extracted location is /tmp/DIV2K/train/HR.
  • Open MATLAB, specify the working directory as train/misc/, and run the following MATLAB commands:
downscale_generator_matlab('/tmp/DIV2K/train/HR', '/tmp/DIV2K/train/LR/x2', 2);
downscale_generator_matlab('/tmp/DIV2K/train/HR', '/tmp/DIV2K/train/LR/x4', 4);
downscale_generator_matlab('/tmp/DIV2K/train/HR', '/tmp/DIV2K/train/LR/x8', 8);

Now, the directory structure should be looked like this:

|- HR/
   |- 0001.png
   |- 0002.png
   |- ...
|- LR/
   |- x2/
      |- 0001.png
      |- 0002.png
      |- ...
   |- x4/
      |- ...
   |- x8/
      |- ...

You can also perform the same procedure for the validation images.

We also provide alternative downscaling helper scripts written in Python: (downscale via the OpenCV function) and (downscale via the TensorFlow function). However, please note that the downscaled results may not exactly the same as the images obtained from MATLAB.

Pre-training the EUSR model

The EUSR model is implemented and refactored from its official TensorFlow-based implementation.

Here is an example command to train the EUSR model:


You can also change other parameters, e.g., the maximum number of training steps and learning rate. Please run python --model=eusr --helpfull for more information.

During the training, you can view the current training status via TensorBoard, e.g.,

tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/tf-perceptual-eusr/eusr

You can also validate the trained model by For example, if you want to evaluate the model saved at step 50000, run


It will print out the PSNR and RMSE values of the upscaled images with saving them on the path that you specified in --save_path. Please run python --model=eusr --helpfull for more information.

※ Note that the calculated PSNR and RMSE values may differ from the the values in our paper, due to the different calculation methods. The code in this repository calculates PSNR and RMSE values from R, G, and B channels, while the measures reported in the paper were obtained from Y channel of the YCbCr color space.

Training qualitative score predictors

Our model requires two qualitative score predictors, which are trained on the AVA and TID2013 datasets. You can train the score predictors manually with the provided code, or skip it and use our pre-trained predictors.

The training code in score_predictors/ is based on Keras in TensorFlow. It is basically a refactored and modified version of To train the models, you need TensorFlow 1.11+, since the MobileNetV2 model is included in that version.

Aesthetic score predictor

The aesthetic score predictor can be trained on the AVA dataset.

  • Download and extract the AVA dataset. The dataset should contain AVA.txt, which has both the image ids and scores.
  • Prepare the original images of the AVA dataset.
  • Run the following code to train the last layer of MobileNetV2, which produces ava_lastonly.h5:
  --ava_dataset_path=<path of AVA.txt>
  --ava_image_path=<path of the images>
  • Notes:
    • The data loader may search all jpg files in --ava_image_path recursively.
    • The data loader assumes that all the image files are not corrupted. If some image files are corrupted, manually remove the corrupted files or specify --ava_validate_images. However, training with the --ava_validate_images option may take a while because it tries to read all the image files to check validity.
  • Run the following code to fine-tune all the layers, which produces ava.h5:
  --ava_dataset_path=<path of AVA.txt>
  --ava_image_path=<path of the images>
  • Freeze the model to be used in training the 4PP-EUSR model:

Subjective score predictor

The subjecitve score predictor can be trained on the TID2013 dataset.

  • Download and extract the distorted images.
  • Run the following code to train the last layer of MobileNetV2, which produces tid2013_lastonly.h5:
  --tid2013_image_path=<path of the distorted images>
  • Run the following code to fine-tune all the layers, which produces tid2013.h5:
  --tid2013_image_path=<path of the distorted images>
  • Freeze the model to be used in training the 4PP-EUSR model:

Training the 4PP-EUSR model

With the pre-trained EUSR model and two score predictors, you can train the 4PP-EUSR model with the following example command:


Change the parameters of the above command properly for your environment.

You can also change other parameters, e.g., the learning rate and and loss weights. For example, specify --eusr_weight_lr=0 to disable the reconstruction loss. Please run python --model=4pp_eusr --helpfull for more information.

The procedures to monitor the training status and validate the trained model are similar to those for the EUSR model. Example command of using TensorBoard:

tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/tf-perceptual-eusr/4pp-eusr

Example command of validating the trained 4PP-EUSR model:


Freezing the trained model

After training the model, you can "freeze" the model to test with

Example command of freezing the trained 4PP-EUSR model:


After executing the above command, you may find the frozed model file, which is saved as model.pb.