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Dongjoon Hyun edited this page Feb 9, 2017 · 16 revisions

Apache Spark™ connector for Apache Hive™ LLAP

A library to load data into Apache Spark™ SQL DataFrames from Apache Hive™ using LLAP. With Apache Ranger™, this library provides row/column level fine-grained access controls.

  • Shared Policies: The data in a cluster can be shared securely and consistenly controlled by the shared access rules between Apache Spark™ and Apache Hive™.

  • Audits: All security activities can be monitored and searched in a single place, i.e., Apache Ranger™

  • Resources: Each user can use different queues while accessing the secured Hive data.

Use cases


For all use cases, make it sure that the permission of Hive warehouse is 700. It means non-hive user like spark can not access the secured tables.

$ hadoop fs -ls /apps/hive/
Found 1 items
drwx------   - hive hdfs          0 2017-02-01 20:52 /apps/hive/warehouse

In addition, make it sure that hive.warehouse.subdir.inherit.perms=true. Newly created tables will inherit the permission by default.

Case 1: Secure Spark Thrift Server with Fine-Grained Access

Run Spark Thrift Server with LLAP as hive. Then, Apache Ranger policies rule Spark Thrift Server and Hive Thrift Server together seamlessly as a single control center.

In the building section, we will describe how to patch and how to build. For testing, refer the test document.

Case 2: Shells (spark-shell or pyspark)

A non-Hive user also runs spark-shell or pyspark like the followings. The user can see only the accessible data.

$ bin/spark-shell --jars spark-llap_2.11-1.0.3-2.1.jar --conf spark.sql.hive.llap=true
scala> sql("show databases").show()
|    db_spark|
$ bin/pyspark --jars spark-llap_2.11-1.0.3-2.1.jar --conf spark.sql.hive.llap=true
>>> sql("show databases").show()
|    db_spark|

Case 3: Applications

A non-Hive user also can submit his spark job like the following. Note that it will fail without spark.sql.hive.llap=true configuration. You can find the full examples at examples/src/main/python/

spark = SparkSession \
    .builder \
    .appName("Spark LLAP SQL Python") \
    .master("yarn") \
    .enableHiveSupport() \
    .config("spark.sql.hive.llap", "true") \
spark.sql("show databases").show()
spark.sql("select * from db_spark.t_spark").show()


HiveServer2 Interactive (LLAP)

You need HiveServer2 Interactive service. For example, in HDP 2.5 or HDP 2.6 Preview, navigate to Hive -> Configs -> Settings -> Interactive Query and turn on Enable Interactive Query (Tech Preview).

Apache Ranger™

If you want to use access control, you need to setup Apache Ranger policies. The followings are some example policies.

Access policy for db_spark database

Name Table Column Permissions
spark_access t_spark * Select

Masking policy in db_spark database

Name Table Column Access Types Select Masking Option
spark_mask t_spark name Select partial mask:'show first 4'

Filter policy db_spark database

Name Table Access Types Row Level Filter
spark_filter t_spark Select gender='M'

Access policy for default database (Optional)

This is for a temporary space for Spark while executing INSERT INTO.

Name Database Table Column Permissions
spark_system default tmp_* * All

Download or build spark-llap library

You can download the pre-built library at .

To build spark-llap from the source, do the following.

git clone -b branch-2.1
cd spark-llap
build/sbt assembly

Build Apache Spark™ 2.1.x with patch

git clone -b branch-2.1
cd spark
curl | git am
build/sbt -Pyarn -Phadoop-2.7 -Phive -Phive-thriftserver package


Copy your existing hive-site.xml and spark-defaults.conf into Apache Spark conf folder.

Add the following three configurations to spark-defaults.conf..

spark.sql.hive.hiveserver2.url jdbc:hive2://YourHiveServer2URL:10500
spark.hadoop.hive.llap.daemon.service.hosts *value for hive.llap.daemon.service.hosts in Hive configuration*
spark.hadoop.hive.zookeeper.quorum *value for hive.zookeeper.quorum in Hive configuraion*


Start Spark Thrift Server with spark.sql.hive.llap=true.

sbin/ --jars spark-llap_2.11-1.0.3-2.1.jar --conf spark.sql.hive.llap=true 

You can turn off spark-llap by restarting Spark Thrift Server without this option or give spark.sql.hive.llap=false.

It is recommended to run Spark Thrift Server as user hive to use more SQL features.

You can access spark-llap enabled Spark Thrift Server via beeline or Apache Zeppelin™.

beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10016 -n hive -p password -e 'show databases'
beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10016 -n spark -p password -e 'show tables'

There are two simple Python examples to submit jobs using Spark-LLAP.


Note for Kerberized Clusters

When using on kerberized clusters, add the followings into Custom hive-interactive-site.


You can access spark-llap enabled Spark Thrift Server via beeline or Apache Zeppelin™.

beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://hostname:10500/;principal=hive/_HOST@EXAMPLE.COM;hive.server2.proxy.user=hive" -p password -e 'show tables'
beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://hostname:10500/;principal=hive/_HOST@EXAMPLE.COM;hive.server2.proxy.user=spark" -p password -e 'show tables'
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