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Proposal for a[^i] syntax

A JavaScript proposal to add a[^i] syntax for a[a.length - i]

Stage: 0

Champions: HE Shi-Jun (hax)


For many years, programmers have asked for the ability to do "negative indexing" of JS Arrays, like you can do with Python. That is, asking for the ability to write arr[-1] instead of arr[arr.length-1], where negative numbers count backwards from the last element.

Unfortunately, JS's language design makes this impossible. The [] syntax is not specific to Arrays and Strings; it applies to all objects. Referring to a value by index, like arr[1], actually just refers to the property of the object with the key "1", which is something that any object can have. So arr[-1] already "works" in today's code, but it returns the value of the "-1" property of the object, rather than returning an index counting back from the end.

This proposal suggests adding a arr[^N] syntax (follow the prior art of C#), which just work as arr[arr.length - N], with the semantics as described above.


let a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
a[^1] // 4
++a[^1] // 5
a[^0] // a[4], undefined
a[^0] = 10
a // [1, 2, 3, 5, 10]


a[^i] work as a[CalcIndexFromEnd(a, i)].

function CalcIndexFromEnd(a, i) {
  // TBD: how to handle non-index cases? [1]
  return LengthOfArrayLike(a) - Number(i)

[1] See #5

Note, a[^i] will have two Get operations on a which the first is accessing a.length. And a[^i] += 1 only access a.length once.


// x = EXPR[^N]
// ->
x = ((a, n) => a[CalcIndexFromEnd(a, n)])(EXPR, N)
// ->
((a, n, v) => (a[CalcIndexFromEnd(a, n)] = v))(EXPR, N, VALUE)

Comparison of arr[^N] to arr[arr.length - N]

Currently, to access a value from the end of an indexable object, the common practice is to write arr[arr.length - N], where N is the Nth item from the end. This requires naming the indexable twice, additionally adds 7 more characters for the .length, and is hostile to anonymous values; you can't use this technique to grab the last item of the return value of a function unless you first store it in a temp variable.

Comparison of arr[^N] to


arr[^N] work for both read and write.

.at() only applies to read.

arr[^N] work for everything which is Array Like.

.at() only applies to Array, TypedArray, String.


Similar, though arr[^N] is 3 chars shorter than

Learning, understanding and memory cost

arr[^N] could be think as pure syntax sugar, so every JS programmers could learn it in 1 minute.

.at() looks also easy, but in real programming there are much things to consider, need to RTFM:

  • Which objects have the at() method? Does strings have it? Does DOM collections have it?
  • Does .at() throw or return undefined for out of range index?
  • Is codepoint safe?
  • What .at(-0) means?
  • etc.

Adoption cost

Similar, arr[^N] need transpiling but no runtime polyfill; .at() need no transpiling but runtime polyfill.

Relation to other proposals

arr[^N] could be extended to slice notation: arr[0:^N] (drop last N items), arr[^N:^0] (take last N items), which solve the block issue (syntax/semantic inconsitency of a[-1] with a[0:-1]) of slice notation.

Edge case

Note, ^N always means arr.length - N, so if N is 0, it means arr.length, as programmer expect. On the other side, and a.slice(-N) have the edge case of -0 which behave same as 0, it's very likely not programmers expect and error-prone. This edge case is very common in slice usage, but may also affect at, for example code if ( !== undefined) ....

See the discussions of -0 edge case in various places:


Why ^i syntax is not 0-based but 1-based?

To get the last element, you should use a[^1]. But it's still 0-based, and ^0 means the end position of the indexed collection (aka. the value of the length property). This make a[^i] be a better version of or a[a.length - i], and fit for slice notation proposal. See the discussion for more information.

Prior arts

C# 8 ^fromEnd (index from end operator)

D a[$-1]

Raku (formerly Perl 6) drop Perl's @a[-i] and introduce @a[*-i]