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SCSS-Lint Changelog

master (unreleased)

  • Fix regression in rake task
  • Fix grammar of lints reported by SelectorFormat
  • Add .projections.json configuration file


New Features

  • Add support for disabling/enabling linters via inline comments
  • Add smacss sort order option for PropertySortOrder
  • Add recess sort order option for PropertySortOrder
  • Add allow_leading_underscore option to NameFormat to allow the leading underscore convention to denote private functions


  • Change IdWithExtraneousSelector to IdSelector and modify behavior to always report a lint when an ID appears as part of a selector.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix regression in default configuration for QualifyingElement so that elements with attributes, classes, or ids are disallowed by default
  • Fix error message for TrailingSemicolon where lines without a semicolon would incorrectly be reported as having a space before the semicolon
  • Fix BangFormat linter to not report lints for exclamation points in strings
  • Update minimum version of sass gem to 3.4.1 to fix a parser bug
  • Fix DuplicateProperty not reporting duplicate properties in nested rule sets
  • Fix TrailingSemicolon handling of comma-separated @imports
  • Fix SelectorFormat to not allow format of pseudo-selectors to be defined, as they are always hyphenated lowercase
  • Fix Indentation to not crash on @at-root directives with comments inside
  • Fix DuplicateProperty to report correct name of duplicated property
  • Fix EmptyLineBetweenBlocks to allow trailing comments after rule sets (e.g. control comments disabling linters)


New Features

  • Add VendorPrefixes linter which ensures only whitelisted vendor-prefixed properties are used
  • Add scss_files configuration option allowing a default set of files to be linted if no files are explicitly specified
  • Add BangFormat linter which enforces spacing around the ! for !important and !default
  • Add new_line option to SpaceBeforeBrace linter enforcing opening curly braces start on a new line
  • Add NestingDepth linter which ensures selectors are nested only up to a specified maximum depth
  • Add support to SelectorFormat for specifying different conventions for different types of selectors via the <type>_convention options
  • Add @import check to TrailingSemicolon
  • Add support for differentiating @includes with actual content versus no-content @includes in DeclarationOrder
  • Add support for checking the ordering of content within @includes
  • Add ImportPath linter which ensures paths for @import directives follow a certain format
  • Add QualifyingElement linter which checks for unnecessarily-qualified element selectors
  • Add --out flag which allows the output of the last formatter specified via the --format flag to be redirected to a file
  • Add --require flag allowing arbitrary Ruby modules to be loaded (facilitating custom reporters)


  • Improve message reported by PropertySortOrder to specify the expected sort order
  • Enforce UTF-8 encoding by default
  • Change BEM convention of SelectorFormat convention option to hyphenated_BEM, and introduce BEM format as specified in
  • Prefix all syntax error messages with "Syntax Error:"

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug in SpaceAfterPropertyName/TrailingSemicolon linters where lint would be reported for oneline properties following a selector with interpolation
  • Fix bug in SpaceAfterPropertyColon/SpaceAfterPropertyName/TrailingSemicolon linters where lint would be reported for one-line properties following a selector with interpolation
  • Fix PropertySpelling linter to check the names of nested properties


New Features

  • Add TrailingZero linter which checks for unnecessary zeros following a decimal point
  • Add SelectorFormat linter which checks that the names of ids, classes, etc. in selectors match a desired convention
  • Add JSON formatter


  • Update list of known properties (used by PropertySpelling lint)
  • Enhance TrailingSemicolon to check for more than one semicolon at the end of a statement
  • Remove CapitalizationInSelector, which has been superseded by the more powerful SelectorFormat linter

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug where SassScript selectors referring to the current selector would result in a crash
  • Fix bug in EmptyLineBetweenBlocks linter where lint would incorrectly be reported when comments immediately followed the closing brace of a rule set
  • Fix bug in PropertySortOrder where properties within media queries were not checked for sort order
  • Fix bug in UrlQuotes linter where lint would be reported for data URIs
  • Fix bug in UnnecessaryParentReference where selectors with multiple & references where one & was concatenated would incorrectly report a lint


  • Fix bug in StringQuotes where strings with interpolation were incorrectly being linted
  • Upgrade minimum sass version dependency to 3.4.x series


  • Fix broken ignore_unspecified option in PropertySortOrder
  • Add linting of @include and @if/@else blocks in PropertySortOrder
  • Fix HexValidation bug incorrectly reporting lints for 8 character hex codes in Microsoft filter property
  • Fix UnnecessaryParentReference incorrectly reporting lints for nested selectors with more than one parent reference


  • Fix TrailingSemicolon bug with @include blocks that didn't contain properties
  • Add more properties to concentric preset order


  • Fix TrailingSemicolon incorrectly reporting @includes with block contents
  • Fix UnnecessaryParentReference incorrectly reporting using of & with concatenation
  • Fix SingleLinePerSelector crashing for selectors that contained interpolated function calls
  • Add additional properties to the concentric preset order
  • Fix LeadingZero crashing on multi-line strings with interpolation


New Features

  • Add severity option allowing the severity level of a lint to be configured
  • Include linter name in lint description
  • Add character option to Indentation linter which allows specifying tabs or spaces as the indentation character of choice
  • Add SingleLinePerProperty linter which checks that properties each reside on their own line
  • Add support to PropertySortOrder to specify a preset sort order via the order property
  • Add concentric preset sort order to the PropertySortOrder linter
  • Add ignore_unspecified option to PropertySortOrder to indicate that unspecified properties in custom sort orderings are to be ignored (i.e. they can appear anywhere)
  • Add ignore option to Compass::PropertyWithMixin linter allowing you to not warn for certain properties
  • Add ignored_names option to CapitalizationInSelector, allowing you to whitelist certain names as not needing to follow the convention
  • Add ignored_types option to CapitalizationInSelector, allowing you to selectively ignore capitalization in certain types of selectors
  • Add UnnecessaryParentReference linter which checks nested selectors for extraneous parent references
  • Teach TrailingSemicolon to report lints for uses of @extend, @include, or variable declarations without semicolons


  • Change CLI to return exit code of 1 if only warnings are reported, or 2 if any errors are reported (was previously 65 for either)
  • Update sass dependency to require 3.3.7 or later (fixes a parsing bug)
  • Include test files in gem distribution
  • Rename TrailingSemicolonAfterPropertyValue to TrailingSemicolon

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug in SpaceBeforeBrace linter where an erroneous lint would be reported for a brace on its own line
  • Fix bug in SpaceAfterComma where trailing spaces followed by a newline after a comma would incorrectly report a lint
  • Fix SingleLinePerSelector to ignore any selectors that contain interpolation


  • Fix bug in Indentation linter where it would crash when a comment preceded a line whose indentation was being checked


  • Fix bug in Indentation linter where @at-root directives with inline selectors would erroneously report incorrect indentation levels
  • Fix bug in Indentation linter where rule nodes with selectors spread over multiple lines and a single inline property would incorrectly report a lint
  • Add ElsePlacement linter which checks the position of @else directives with respect to the previous curly brace
  • Replace allow_extra_spaces option on SpaceAfterPropertyColon linter with style which accepts multiple different property spacing styles
  • Fix bug in PlaceholderInExtend linter which erroneously report lints for selectors with interpolated strings


  • Fix bug in TrailingSemicolonAfterPropertyValue to not crash on a one-line property without a semicolon
  • Fix crash due to DefaultReporter not being loaded on Windows machines
  • Fix bug in MergeableSelector where it would crash checking rules with interpolation


  • Extend DuplicateRoot to MergeableSelector linter to check for nested rule sets that can be merged in addition to root-level ones
  • Add ConfigReporter formatter which returns a valid .scss-lint.yml configuration file where all linters that caused a lint are disabled
  • Fix bug in Indentation linter where @at-root directives were not treated as an increase in indentation level
  • Fix ZeroUnit to only report lints for zero values in lengths
  • Fix crash in SingleLinePerSelector for selectors containing only interpolation
  • Add --show-formatters option to display all available formatters
  • Add HexValidation to validate hex colors
  • Split HexFormat into HexLength (checking length) and HexNotation (checking lowercase / uppercase)


  • Fix bug in SpaceAfterPropertyColon linter for properties with no terminating semicolon
  • Fix bug in DuplicateRoot linter where incorrect lints would be reported in @keyframes directives


  • Fix character escaping in XML attributes output by XMLReporter
  • Fix bug in ZeroUnit where hex color codes or real numbers with a zero decimal unit would report a false positive
  • Fix bug in Shorthand linter where !important priority overrides would prevent lints from being reported
  • Add UnnecessaryMantissa linter which checks for zero value decimals in numbers (i.e. prefers 4 over 4.0)
  • XMLReporter now includes column and length information for lints
  • Fix class of bugs in SpaceBeforeBrace where a false positive could be reported for braces that aren't part of declarations
  • Teach Compass::PropertyWithMixin to prefer inline-block mixin over display: inline-block
  • Add DuplicateRoot linter which checks for identical rules used as root selectors in a document


  • Add allow_single_line_padding option to SpaceBeforeBrace which allows you to visually align multiple single line blocks with extra padding spaces
  • Add FinalNewline linter which checks for existence/lack of final newlines in files
  • Fix bug in ZeroUnit linter where a string with a substring that looked like a zero followed by units would incorrectly report a lint
  • Fix bug in TrailingSemicolonAfterPropertyValue where a lint would be incorrectly reported for properties split up over multiple lines
  • Fix bug in UrlFormat where using a data URL would be incorrectly reported as a URL with protocol
  • Add allow_extra_spaces option to SpaceAfterPropertyColon which allows you to use extra spaces to align values
  • Fix bug in SpaceBeforeBrace linter when using { in single quotes


  • Add support to DuplicateProperty linter to detect duplicate properties in placeholder and mixin declarations
  • Add option ignore_single_line_blocks to the EmptyLineBetweenBlocks linter
  • Add UrlFormat linter which reports uses of url(...) with URLs containing protocols or domains
  • Replace colorize dependency with rainbows


  • Fix bug in NameFormat linter where it would incorrectly report a lint for transform-related Compass mixins


  • Fix bug in SpaceBeforeBrace where it would report a lint for #{...} interpolation erroneously


  • Fix bug in SpaceBeforeBrace where it would not report a lint for one-line rule sets


  • Add convention option to NameFormat allowing custom convention to be specified
  • Fix bug in SpaceBetweenParens linter for majority of cases where a lint would be reported if parens existed inside a comment
  • Add basic rake task


  • Update Sass dependency to 3.3.0. All previous versions are not supported.
  • Fix StringQuotes linter to not report lints for strings containing interpolation
  • Fix configuration loading to gracefully report YAML errors


  • Add order option to SortedProperties linter allowing an explicit ordering of properties to be specified
  • Rename SortedProperties linter to PropertySortOrder


  • Fix bug in XML output where DuplicateProperty linter message would result in invalid XML


  • Merge DeclaredName and UsageName into NameFormat linter


  • Downgrade colorize dependency from 0.6.0 back to 0.5.8


  • Fix bug where SingleLinePerSelector would incorrectly report lint for selectors where interpolation contained commas
  • Gracefully handle files with invalid byte sequences
  • Add FilesReporter which prints out just the files that had lints
  • Add exclude option to individual linter configurations, which disables that linter for files matching any of the specified set of globs
  • Fix bug where scss-lint would crash if a .scss-lint.yml file contained only comments
  • Teach scss-lint to report a lint when double quotes are used when single quotes will suffice (can be configured to prefer double quotes instead)
  • Teach scss-lint to prefer quoted URLs
  • Upgrade colorize dependency from 0.5.8 to 0.6.0
  • Fix bug where SelectorDepth would error when encountering percentages inside of @keyframe declarations.


  • Fix bug where data directory was not included in gemspec


  • Add extra_properties option to PropertySpelling linter so additional CSS properties can be added to the whitelist
  • Teach scss-lint to report a lint when rule sets, functions, or mixins are not separated from each other with an empty line


  • Fix bug where SelectorDepth could incorrectly report a lint for selectors with sequences chained onto a parent selector
  • Teach scss-lint to detect non-existent/misspelled properties
  • Teach IdWithExtraneousSelector linter to not report lints for IDs with just pseudo-selectors
  • Teach scss-lint to detect spaces in parentheses
  • Fix bug where DuplicateProperty linter would incorrectly report lints for properties with vendor-prefix values


  • Fix bug where ColorKeyword would incorrectly report a lint for identifiers containing color keywords as substrings
  • Teach scss-lint to detect selectors with large depths of applicability
  • Add -f/--format flags to allow different output format type
  • Remove --xml flag in favor of -f XML/--format XML


  • Teach scss-lint to load configuration via the --config flag
  • Teach scss-lint to load configuration based on location of file being linted
  • Allow Indentation linter to have configurable indent width
  • Add exclude directive to configuration system, allowing you to specify glob patterns of files to not lint
  • Allow use of wildcards when configuring linters so you can enable/disable entire namespaces
  • Use semantic exit codes for common error conditions


  • Teach scss-lint to prefer Compass mixins over some CSS properties
  • Fix bug where Shorthand linter would crash on a numeric property value with no trailing semicolon


  • Split PropertyFormat linter into SpaceAfterPropertyColon, SpaceAfterPropertyName, and TrailingSemicolonAfterPropertyValue linters
  • Teach scss-lint to prefer spaces after commas in argument lists
  • Display better error message for unexpected linter errors, including the name of the linter, the file that the linter failed on, and a link to the issue tracker


  • Update Sass dependency from 3.2.10 -> 3.3.0.rc.1 for better source mapping
  • Fix bug in ColorKeyword where an incorrect lint would be reported for the "transparent" color keyword


  • Fix bug in Shorthand linter where a property with interpolation that started with a shorthandable property name could report false positives
  • Improve message reported by Shorthand linter to display the shortest possible form
  • Syntax errors are now differentiated from lint warnings in scss-lint's output by using E and W respectively.
  • NoZeroBeforeDecimal linter has been renamed to LeadingZero
  • Fix bug where LeadingZero linter would not report lints for numeric values appearing in Sass script (e.g. function arguments)
  • Teach scss-lint to detect duplicate properties in a rule set
  • Teach scss-lint to detect incorrect indentation


  • Fix bug where HexFormat linter would crash on color keywords
  • Fix bug where ColorKeyword linter would not detect color keywords in shorthand properties and function/mixin calls


  • Teach scss-lint to prefer hexadecimal colors over color names
  • Linters can now define visit_* methods for visiting selectors
  • Linters can now report lints with context-specific descriptions
  • Fix bug where CapitalizationInSelector would report lint for attribute selectors with values containing capital letters
  • DeclaredName and UsageName linters now report context-specific lint descriptions (i.e. they mention whether the offending item is a function, variable, etc.)
  • TypeInIdSelector was renamed to IdWithExtraneousSelector and now reports a lint for the use of an ID with any other selector
  • Upgrade Sass gem dependency to 3.2.10
  • Fix bug where ZeroUnit linter would not report lints for properties with lists of values or Sass script
  • Fix bug where HexFormat linter would report lints for ID selectors with names that could be hexadecimal color values


  • Add --show-linters flag for listing all linters available to scss-lint
  • Change --ignore-linter flag to use CamelCase linter names instead of snake_case
  • Removed -x alias for --xml flag
  • Change -i/--ignore-linter flags to -x/--exclude-linter
  • Add -i/--include-linters flag to specify a subset of linters
  • Fix bug where using transform-related functions were reported as lints
  • Teach scss-lint that .5em is preferred over 0.5em
  • Teach scss-lint to prefer lowercase characters in selectors
  • Linters names no longer have a Linter suffix
  • Teach scss-lint that @extend should use placeholder selectors
  • Fix bug where a lint would be reported for hyphened keyword arguments
  • Teach scss-lint to recognize vendor-prefixed properties when enforcing sort order


  • Handle non-existent files/directories gracefully
  • Teach scss-lint that opening curly braces should be preceded by one space
  • Teach scss-lint that placeholder names should be lowercase and use hyphens


  • Upgrade Sass gem dependency from 3.2.8 -> 3.2.9
  • Fixed crash that occurred for directive nodes (@media, etc.)


  • Teach scss-lint that border: 0; is preferred over border: none;
  • Teach scss-lint that variable names should not contain underscores or capital letters
  • Teach scss-lint that function and mixin names follow same rules as variables
  • Fix shorthand linter to work with Sass script expressions
  • Fix property format linter to work with interpolated expressions
  • Teach scss-lint to check names of functions/mixins/variables in scripts
  • Fix hex color linter to work with Sass script expressions
  • Teach scss-lint that // comments should be preferred over /**/ comments
  • Upgrade Sass gem dependency from 3.2.7 -> 3.2.8


  • Fixed --ignore-linters flag


  • Fixed --version flag to not error due to not autoloading VERSION
  • Trailing newlines are no longer output by default in linter output


  • Major refactor of the Linter class to use Visitor pattern
  • Fix shorthand linter for lists containing function calls


  • Only lint files with css or scss extensions
  • Fix recursive directory scanning
  • Fix specs on Sass gem >= 3.2.6 (ShorthandLinter was failing)
  • Add changelog (the thing you're reading)
  • Add command-line flags (e.g. --version, --help)
  • Add --xml flag for outputting XML
  • Add --exclude flag for excluding SCSS files from being linted
  • Add --ignore-linters flag to skip lints produced by certain linters


  • Version bump to remove erroneously added untracked files from gem


  • Improve clarity of shorthand linter through naming
  • Teach scss-lint property: 10px 10px can be shorter
  • Clarify ShorthandLinter spec structure


  • Add linter for unnecessary types in selectors


  • Teach scss-lint that selectors each get their own line


  • Teach scss-lint about nested property syntax
  • Teach scss-lint to detect too-long shorthand values
  • Make scss-lint detect space before semicolon
  • Add linter for order of declarations


  • Initial public release