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Quick start guide

Before you start, make sure you have followed the

installation instructions. Note the ML-fairness-gym is only intended to run with python 3.

Running a simulation

We will start with an example using the lending environment.

This environment plays out a simple simulation. There are 7 possible credit scores. If you have score i, there is a probability p(i) that you will pay back your loan. The higher your score, the higher your likelihood of repaying your loan. If you repay, your score (and your associated probability of success) goes up. Otherwise, it goes down.

There are two groups of applicants, group 1 and group 2.

At the beginning of the simulation, group 2 is disadvantaged - their distribution over credit scores is lower.

Histogram of credit score distributions at the start of the simulation.
Triangle markers indicate the median credit score for each group.

The classifier is trying to find one or more appropriate threshold(s) for giving out loans. It will follow a simple rule. For the first 200 steps, it will give out loans to everyone. After that, it will use that data to find the threshold with the highest accuracy. (In this simulation, the cost of a false positive is exactly equal to the gain from a true positive, so accuracy is a reasonable metric to optimize).

Run the following command to run a simulation:

python experiments/ --num_steps=5000

Congratulations, you've run your first ML-fairness-gym simulation!

Interpreting the generated results

There are a lot of angles to examine this simulation from. Let's look at the plots that are generated.


In stdout, you'll see the profit rate (total profit / number of steps) of the bank. On average, how much money it made per step. This is hard to interpret in isolation, but we can compare different strategies to see how they compare.

Profit Max reward 0.110022


Next, let's look at precision, of all the people who received loans, how many of them paid back. This metric is stratified between groups, and precision is very similar for both groups. Is this surprising?

Precision is easy for the agent to calculate for itself because it doesn’t require any access to ground-truth that the agent doesn’t have - but it doesn’t tell the whole story.

Cumulative loans

The cumulative loans plot shows that group 1 is getting more loans than group 2. This is probably not surprising since group 1 had more high credit scorers at the start of the simulation.

Final distribution

Final distribution of credit scores is another metric to look at. After the simulation has been run for 5000 steps, which group is advantaged?

This process has brought the distribution of credit scores closer together.


This metric is counterfactual because it requires reasoning about whether someone who was rejected for a loan would have paid it back.

Members of group 2 who would have paid back, are less likely to receive loans.

Changing the lending strategy

Now let’s try a different lending strategy in this same scenario.

Instead of attempting to maximize reward, the agent will try to maximize its reward subject to equality of opportunity constraints.

A word of caution: Equality of opportunity constraints require measuring recall, which we mentioned above is not possible (at least not directly) for an agent that does not have access to counterfactual data. As such we will be using equality of opportunity - as measured on all of the labeled data that the agent has. This approximation may not always exactly work - as you will see in the next simulation.

Try running the next command in a different console window so that you can compare the generated plots.

python experiments/ --equalize_opportunity --num_steps=5000

A number of things have now changed.

Cumulative loans

The cumulative loans plot shows that group 2 started out same number of loans, but ends up “ahead” after about 2000 steps. If this plot continued for another 5000 steps, what do you think you would happen? Change the --num_steps argument of the simulation to find out.

Final distribution

This process has lowered the credit scores of group 2 more than group 1. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? It certainly highlights that applying a policy for a long time unintended consequences.


The recall plots show an increase in recall for group 2 - but is equality of opportunity really being achieved?

Now group 1 has lower recall. This agent is applying thresholds that were largely learned to create equality of opportunity in the initial distribution, but a lot has changed since then. Can you design an agent that will maintain equality of opportunity throughout a long simulation?


Profit Eq. opportunity 0.132426

This is truly surprising. The equality of opportunity threshold scheme is actually more profitable than the profit-maximizing scheme!

The profit maximizer is myopic. It only looks one step ahead and doesn’t account for dynamics. Candidates with credit score = 3 have a 45% chance of repaying their loan. A greedy agent may not lend to them, but a more forward looking agent would recognize that beyond the immediate outcome of the loan, there is also an expected shift in credit score, which has long term value as well.

The equality of opportunity agent happened to learn a rule that was better in the long term. Will this always happen? Under what conditions does it happen? Is there an even more profitable policy out there?

Next steps

There are lots of questions to explore in this environment. Take a look at experiments/ to see the experiment class. Try different parameters - or design an entirely new agent.