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247 lines (173 loc) · 11.4 KB

File metadata and controls

247 lines (173 loc) · 11.4 KB


1.6.0 – 2020-09-02

Migration to Genesis Custom Blocks

  • New: Full migration UI to Genesis Custom Blocks, the new home of our custom block efforts
  • The new plugin has the same features, and your existing blocks and content should work the same after migration

1.5.6 – 2020-08-10

Small bugfixes, improved testing

  • Fix: Prevent a console warning for a prop in WP 5.5
  • New: More JS component tests, and an e2e test

1.5.5 – 2020-04-23

Removed upgrade screen, dependency updates

  • Tweak: By default, the upgrade screen is hidden
  • Tweak: Minor package.json dependency updates for security and reliability

1.5.4 – 2020-03-26

Improved stability, small bugfixes.

  • Fix: Now block_field() returns null if the second argument is true, preventing confusion.
  • New: JavaScript component tests, improving reliability.
  • New: Linting for accessibility issues.

1.5.3 – 2020-01-20

Some UI improvements, bugfixes, and improved stability.

  • Fix: Improved import error feedback, and cleaner methods
  • Fix: Editor bug from @wordpress/nux package being deprecated
  • New: Improved stability, including JS tests and query limit
  • New: Pre-commit hook to lint only staged files

1.5.2 – 2020-02-04

Some small tweaks to the Block Importer and onboarding dialogs.

  • New: Selective import now allows you to choose which of the blocks contained in your export file you'd like to import
  • Fix: Onboarding notices are fixed so that they show in the right places, and at the right times

1.5.1 – 2019-11-11

This is a bugfix release, focused mostly on compatibility with WordPress 5.3.

  • Fix: Themes can now hook into the block_lab_add_blocks action from the functions.php file
  • Fix: Classic Text fields now function as expected when inside a repeater
  • Fix: Rare instances of a NaN error when duplicating fields
  • Fix: Style fixes for the Block Editor in WordPress 5.3

1.5.0 – 2019-10-30

Ready for a big release? We're really happy to be introducing quite a number of highly requested features, including a PHP API for registering blocks with code, a new text field with lists and headings, and some neat workflow efficiencies when building your block.

  • New: There's now a PHP API for registering blocks using code (instead of the WP Admin UI). Documentation is here for now, but more on its way soon
  • New: Classic Text control (for Block Lab Pro users)! This field is similar to Rich Text, but has a few extra options for things like lists and headings
  • New: Duplicate fields – building your block is now so much easier, with the ability to duplicate rows
  • New: Repeater Row Count function – a helper function that returns the total amount of rows in a given repeater. Documentation here
  • New: Repeater Row Index function – a helper function that returns the current row, while looping through a repeater. Documentation here
  • Tweak: We've removed our dependency on global variables. This is mostly a best practice thing, not user facing. More details here.
  • Tweak: We've refactored quite a lot about our block Loader class, to make it more robust, secure, and maintainable
  • Tweak: Loads of new unit and integration tests - these help prevent us from introducing bugs or regressions in the future
  • Fix: Bug which affected sites which had removed or renamed the admin user role
  • Fix: Empty Rich Text fields now no longer output a single </p> tag

1.4.1 – 2019-09-11

You can now add a Minimum and Maximum Rows setting to repeaters, allowing you to specify a lower and upper limit on how many repeater rows can be added.

  • New: The repeater field now includes a minimum and maximum row setting
  • Fix: Location and Width settings are now visible again when adding a new field
  • Fix: Using block_sub_field() with an image now correctly outputs the image URL instead of the ID

1.4.0 – 2019-09-04

This release applies some finishing touches to the repeater field. It also introduces a new "Field Width" feature, which lets you choose the width of the fields as seen in the Editor.

  • New: Function to reset repeater rows: reset_block_rows()
  • New: Add a "Field Width" control to blocks
  • Fix: Empty repeater rows now save and can be moved properly
  • Fix: An issue which occasionally prevented repeater rows from being deleted
  • Fix: Prevent repeated requests to validate a Pro license
  • Tweaks: Add a different admin notice for when a license validation request fails
  • Tweaks: Many new and shiny unit and integration tests, making Block Lab more solid than ever

1.3.6 – 2019-08-22

  • New: Conditional Blocks, based on Post Type
  • Tweaks: Just about everything! We did a lot of refactoring in this release to make things silky smooth and über-maintainable.

1.3.5 – 2019-08-18

  • New: Block Lab will now enqueue a global stylesheet, so you can keep your common block styles in one place. Read more
  • New: Block templates can now be placed inside a sub-folder, for an even cleaner directory structure. Read more
  • Tweak: Use a textarea for specifying the default value of a textarea control.
  • Tweak: Better handling of deprecated functions.
  • Tweak: Rewrite of various functions, making developer access to common commands much simpler.
  • Fix: Child theme templates are now correctly loaded before their parent templates.
  • Fix: Autoslugs now continue to work properly after the title field loses focus.

1.3.4 - 2019-07-22

  • New: Block Lab grew to level 1.3.4. Block Lab learned Custom Categories.
  • Tweak: @phpbits used Pull Request. All right! The block_lab_get_block_attributes filter was caught!
  • Tweak: Template Loader used Harden. Template Loader's defense rose!
  • Tweak: Booted up a TM! It contained Unit Tests!
  • Fix: Wild Missing Filter in Inspector Controls bug appeared! Go! Bugfix!
  • Fix: Enemy Mixed Up Inspector Controls fainted! @kienstra gained 0902a06 EXP. Points!

1.3.3 - 2019-06-21

  • Fix: The previous release broke the className field, used for the Additional CSS Class setting. This fixes it.

1.3.2 - 2019-06-21

  • New: Rich Text Control (for Block Lab Pro users)!
  • New: Show Block Category in the list table
  • New: We've got a new block_lab_render_template hook which fires before rendering a block on the front end. Great for enqueuing JS
  • Tweak: Updated logo
  • Tweak: Prevent block field slugs from changing when you edit the field title
  • Fix: Saving your license key no longer results in an error page
  • Fix: License details screen showing the wrong information
  • Fix: Remove duplicate IDs on the edit block screen
  • Fix: Range sliders can now set a minimum value of zero
  • Fix: A console warning about unique props

1.3.1 - 2019-05-22

  • New: Support for Gutenberg's built-in Additional CSS Class in your block template, by using the field className. Read more
  • New: The Textarea field now has an option to automatically add paragraph tags and line-breaks
  • Fix: Bug affecting blocks containing Pro fields when there's no active Pro license

1.3.0 - 2019-04-30

Important: This update includes a backwards compatibility break related to the User field.

Read more here

  • New: A Taxonomy control type, for selecting a Category / Tag / or custom term from a dropdown menu (for Block Lab Pro users)
  • Fix: Bug with the Post control when outputting data with block_field()
  • Tweak: Update the User control to store data as an object, matching the Post control

1.2.3 - 2019-04-23

Important: This update includes a backwards compatibility break related to the Image field. If you are using the block_value() function with an image field and externally hosted images, this update may effect you.

Read more here

  • New: A Post control type, for selecting a Post from a dropdown menu (for Block Lab Pro users)
  • New: Added the block_lab_controls filter to allow custom controls to be loaded (props @rohan2388)
  • New: The Image control now returns the image's Post ID
  • Tweak: Travis CI support

1.2.2 - 2019-04-05

  • New: Block Editor redesign

1.2.1 - 2019-03-21

  • New: Automatic stylesheet enqueuing. Now you can create custom stylesheets for individual blocks! Read more here.
  • New: A User control type (for Block Lab Pro users)
  • Fix: Various multiselect bug fixes, allowing for empty values in the multiselect control

1.2.0 - 2019-02-27

  • New: Introducing Block Lab Pro!
  • New: A setting for the number of rows to display in a Textarea control
  • Fix: Allow negative numbers in Number and Range controls

1.1.3 - 2019-01-25

  • New: Image field

1.1.2 - 2019-01-11

  • New: Color field
  • Fix: Incorrect output for empty fields

1.1.1 - 2018-12-14

  • Fix: Undefined index error for multiselect and select fields
  • Fix: Correct values now returned for boolean fields like checkbox and toggle
  • Fix: Editor preview templates are back! Use the filename preview-{blog slug}.php
  • Fix: "Field instructions" is now a single line text, and renamed to "Help Text"
  • Fix: Slashes being added to field options
  • Fix: Allow empty value for select and number fields
  • Fix: Allow empty default values

1.1.0 - 2018-12-07

  • New: Complete revamp of the in-editor preview
  • New: Email field
  • New: URL field
  • New: Number field
  • New: block_config() and block_field_config helper functions, to retrieve your block's configuration
  • Fix: filemtime errors
  • Fix: HTML tags were being merged together when previewed in the editor
  • Fix: Problems with quotes and dashes in a block's title or field parameters
  • Fix: field_value() sometimes returned the wrong value
  • Fix: Incorrect values shown in the editor preview

1.0.1 - 2018-11-16

  • New: Added "Save Draft" button, so you can save Blocks-in-Progress
  • New: Better handling of the auto-slug feature, so you don't accidentally change your block's slug
  • New: Better expanding / contracting of the Field settings
  • New: Emoji (and special character) support! 😎
  • Fix: Resolved Fatal Error that could occur in some environments
  • Fix: Remove unused "Description" field
  • Fix: Remove duplicate star icon

1.0.0 - 2018-11-14


  • Advanced Custom Blocks is now Block Lab


  • New control types (Radio, Checkbox, Toggle, Select, Range)
  • Block icons
  • Field location – add your block fields to the inspector
  • List table refinements
  • Field repeater table improvements


  • All the things. Probably not all the things, but close.

0.1.2 - 2018-08-10


  • New properties help, default and required added to fields.
  • Ability to import blocks from a {theme}/blocks/blocks.json file. Documentation still to be added.
  • Gutenberg controls library updated preparing for 0.0.3.

Technical Changes

  • Updated control architecture to improve development and adding adding of additional controls.
  • Clean up enqueuing of scripts.

0.1 - 2018-08-03

  • Initial release.