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Mikhail edited this page May 12, 2021 · 6 revisions

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Gitsrap works mostly with resource specification yaml documents. Each file should contain at least one document and may contain multiple documents separated by --- yaml document separator.

Each specification document is a yaml mapping, it consists of these keys:

  • version - specification document version
  • kind - specification kind
  • metadata - specification metadata
  • spec - resource specification

Version should be v2. Kind is a string which describes the specification kind, it must be one of:

A spec may have selector key to attach to the correct resource.

Metadata is differ for specification, but most of them has these keys:

  • name - resource name (e.g. repository name or organization name)
  • id - resource ID (e.g. repository, webhook, organization ID)
  • owner - resource owner, e.g. repository owner


Describes GitHub repository resource, it has:

  • description (string) - repository description
  • homepage (string) - repository home page URI
  • defaultBranch (string, default: "master") - the name of the default branch
  • mergeStrategy (list of strings, default: [merge]) - pull request merge options, could be one of:
    • merge - enable merge commits PR merging
    • rebase - enable rebase PR merge
    • squash - enable squash PR merge
  • deleteBranchOnMerge (bool) - enables delete branch options on PR merge
  • topics (list of strings) - repository topics, keywords in GitHub page description
  • archived (bool, readonly) - true if repsitory is archived
  • disabled (bool, readonly) - true if repository is disabled
  • license (string) - license GitHub key, e.g. (mit)
  • visibility (string. default: "public") - one of:
    • public - repository is public
    • private - repository is private
  • features (list of strings) - enables repository features:
    • issues - enable issues
    • wiki - enable wiki pages
    • pages - enable GitHub pages
    • projects - enable repository project board
    • downloads - ???

Repository metadata must specify repository name, and may have owner, in case if owner is not a current user (current user = token owner). When updating existing repository, metadata must contain id of the repository. The full metadata could be fetched with get command.


version: v2.0-alpha
kind: Repository
    name: gitstrap
    owner: g4s8
    id: 12345
    description: CLI for managing GitHub repositories
    defaultBranch: master
        - squash
    deleteBranchOnMerge: true
        - cli
        - git
        - github
        - webhooks
    license: mit
    visibility: public
        - issues
        - pages
        - wiki
        - downloads


Describes GitHub organization, it has:

  • name (string) - the shorthand name of the company.
  • description (string) - organization description
  • company (string) - organization company affiliation
  • blog (string) - URI for organization blog
  • location (string) - geo location of organization
  • email (string) - public email address
  • twitter (string) - twitter account username
  • verified (bool, readonly) - true if organization was verified by GitHub


version: v2.0-alpha
kind: Organization
    name: artipie
    id: 12345
    name: Artipie
    description: Binary Artifact Management Toolkit
    verified: true


Describes repository or organization web-hook. It has:

  • url (string, required) - webhook URL
  • contentType (string, required) - one of:
    • json - send JSON payloads
    • form - send HTTP form payloads
  • events (list of strings, required) - list of GitHub events to trigger web-hook
  • insecureSsl (bool, default: false) - if true, disable SSL certificate verification
  • secret (string, writeonly) - specify secret payload when creating or updating the hook
  • active (bool, default: true) - if false, the hook will be disabled but now removed
  • selector (mapping, required) - specifies hook selector. It must have only one of two keys, either:
    • repository - the name of repository for this hook
    • organization - the name of organization for this hook


  • owner (string, optional) - may specify the owner of the repository if hook's selector is repository and repository owner is not a current user
  • id (number, required on update) - it must be specified to update existing web-hook, if not specified a new hook will be created. It could be fetched with get command.


version: v2.0-alpha
kind: WebHook
    owner: g4s8
    id: 12345
    contentType: json
        - pull_request
    active: true
        repository: gitstrap


Readme could be described by specification with these fields:

  • selector (mapping, required)
    • repository (string, required) - the name of repository where this readme will be created
  • title (string, optional) - The main title in the readme
  • abstract (string, optional) - Short abstract about the repository
  • topics (array, optional)
    • heading (string, required) - Subs-title for topic
    • body (string, required) - Topic content


  • owner (string, optional) - could be specified to create readme in organization or another user repo


version: v2
kind: Readme
    owner: artipie
      repository: conan-adapter
    title: Conan Artipie adapter
    abstract: >
      Conan is a C/C++ repository, this adapter is an SDK for working
      with Conan data and metadata and a HTTP endpoint for the Conan
      - heading: How does Conan work
        body: TODO
      - heading: How to use Artipie Conan SDK
        body: TODO
      - heading: How to configure and start Artipie Conan endpoint
        body: TODO


Describes GitHub organization's team, it has:

  • name (string, required) - team name
  • description (string, optional) - team description
  • privacy (string, default: secret) - team privacy
  • permission (string, readonly) - team permission. Permission is deprecated when creating or editing a team in an org using the new GitHub permission model.


  • owner (string, required) - organization to which the team belongs.
  • name (string, required on update) - team slug. It must be specified to update existing team, if not specified, gitstrap will try to update by id.
  • id (number, required on update) - it must be specified to update existing team if name is not specified. If name and id are not specified a new team will be created. It could be fetched with get command.


version: v2
kind: Team
    name: example-team
    owner: artipie
    id: 123456
    name: Example team
    description: Gitstrap example team
    permission: pull
    privacy: closed
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