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ERPNext Version 8

Umair Sayed edited this page Mar 7, 2017 · 13 revisions


Custom DocPerm

In the earlier version of ERPNext, customization made using Role Permission Manager was updated in the doctype masters itself. This doesn't allow us to update default permissions of the Doctype from a backend. To resolve this, we have introduced a feature Custom DocPerms. Now, all your permissions preferences defined from Role Permission Manager will be saved as a Custom DocPerms.

Dedicated roles for Report and Page

Till now, permission on reports was assigned based on permissions on the Doctype that report was based. There was no option to define roles and permission for the report and pages specifically. In version 8, you will be able to define permissions for each Report and Page master as per your requirement.

Kanban View

Kanban Board offers yet another view of documents. It allows you to identify a field based on which documents will be categorized and viewed together. For example, Task has Status field. If Kanban Board is created for Task, based on the Status field, then following is what you get.

Kanban Board

Kanban Board gives you the flexibility to update Task status from Kanban Board itself. Also, you can create Custom Kanban Board as per your preference. For more details on Kanban Board, check following link.

Customer Feedback

Feedback is a very valuable information to any company as it provides with insight that can be used to improve the quality of the services. We have added a Feedback feature that will allow you to ask a customer to rate your service. You can configure Feedback Trigger, just like we setup an Email Alert. Customer's Feedback will be updated in the relevant. You can also check Feedback Rating report for daily average rating and trend.

We are testing this feature internally on Issues. Hence you if receive a feedback request against an Issue, please share your experience by responding to it.

Employee Loan

Global Search

Multiple UOMs in Selling

Accrual system in Salary

Document Versioning

Delete and Restore

New Calendar

Assessment Module

Accrual Accounting for Expense Claims


BOM Web view

Summernote Text Editor

Image view of documents

Export report in Excel format

Newsletter Enhancements

- Attachments
- multiple email groups
- Optional unsubscribe link

Production Analytics Report

Half Day Leave Application

  • Get valuation rate from Item while not found based on SLE
  • get items from material requests based on possible supplier
  • Student attendace enhancements
    • Student Monthly Attendance Sheet
  • Optimization to reduce GLE reposting time for future stock transactions
  • Attendance validation in Leave Application
  • replace autocomplete with awesomplete

Email Inbox

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