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mini sqs client using undici

NPM version CI workflow TypeScript Maintainability Test Coverage


This module allows minimal set of SQS service functions using the aws-json protocol with "undici" as http agent.
The @fgiova/aws-signature module is used for signing requests to optimize performance.

Are supported:

  • sending messages
  • receiving messages
  • deleting messages
  • changing message visibility


npm install @fgiova/mini-sqs-client


import {MiniSQSClient} from '@fgiova/mini-sqs-client'
import console = require("console");

const client = new MiniSQSClient("eu-central-1");

await client.sendMessage("arn:aws:sqs:eu-central-1:000000000000:test", {
	MessageBody: "Hello world",
	MessageAttributes: {
		"my-attribute": {
			DataType: "String",
			StringValue: "my-value"

const messages = await client.receiveMessage("arn:aws:sqs:eu-central-1:000000000000:test", {
	WaitTimeSeconds: 20,
	MaxNumberOfMessages: 1,
	MessageAttributeNames: ["my-attribute"]

const message = messages[0];

await client.changeMessageVisibility("arn:aws:sqs:eu-central-1:000000000000:test", {
	ReceiptHandle: message.ReceiptHandle,
	VisibilityTimeout: 10


await client.deleteMessage("arn:aws:sqs:eu-central-1:000000000000:test", message.ReceiptHandle);


MiniSQSClient(region: string, endpoint?: string, undiciOptions?: Pool.Options, signer?: Signer | SignerOptions)
MiniSQSClient.sendMessage(queueARN: string, message: SendMessage): Promise<SendMessageResult>
MiniSQSClient.sendMessageBatch(queueARN: string, messages: SendMessage[]): Promise<SendMessageBatchResult>
MiniSQSClient.receiveMessage(queueARN: string, options: ReceiveMessage): Promise<ReceiveMessageResult>
MiniSQSClient.deleteMessage(queueARN: string, receiptHandle: string): Promise<boolean>
MiniSQSClient.deleteMessageBatch(queueARN: string, receiptHandles: string[]): Promise<boolean>
MiniSQSClient.changeMessageVisibility(queueARN: string, receiptHandle: string, visibilityTimeout: number): Promise<boolean>
MiniSQSClient.changeMessageVisibilityBatch(queueARN: string, receiptHandles: string[], visibilityTimeout: number): Promise<boolean>
MiniSQSClient.destroy(signer: boolean): Promise<boolean> // signer destroyer default true

All types are defined in schemas.ts and are derived from the AWS SQS API
The main difference is that batch operations are not limited to 10 items, but accept any number of items and provide for running the batches needed to exhaust the total number of items.


Licensed under MIT.