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Phone Service: Demo Project

This is an example project using "Thymeleaf + Spring".


To build this project you will need Maven 3. You can get it at:

Clean compilation products:

  mvn clean


 mvn compile


Build Docker image

 docker build -t mtech/phoneshop .

Push Docker image

 - docker tag mtech/phoneshop farhanejaz/mtechphoneshop
 - docker login -u <your-user-name>
 - docker push farhanejaz/mtechphoneshop

Fig: Docker image pushed

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Pull Docker Image

  docker pull farhanejaz/mtechphoneshop


Create Namespace (Prerequisite)

  kubectl create ns 230928005

Fig: describe namespace

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Ingress Controller (Prerequisite)

Installed in default namespace 'ingress-nginx'

   - kubectl apply -f
   - kubectl apply -f

Fig: Ingress controller

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Mongo (Kustomize)

 - cd Kustomize/mongo
 - Kubectl apply -k . -n 230928005

App Services

Using Docker

Three environment variables are required

  • SERVICE_KEY can have values ('serviceA','serviceB','serviceC')
  • SERVICE_NAME can have values ('iPhone','Samsung','OPPO')
  • MONGO_CONNSTR As per your instance. If you have installed using the steps defined below in this document, the value mentioned here should work.

Example to deploy as ServiceA

  docker run -itd -p 8080:8080 \
  -e SERVICE_KEY=serviceA \
  -e SERVICE_NAME=iPhone \
  -e MONGO_CONNSTR=mongodb://adminuser:password123@ \
  --name serviceA mtech/phoneshop

Using Kubernetes (Kustomize)

  - cd Kustomize/apps
  - Kubectl apply -k . -n 230928005

Fig: Mongo and Applications deployed to 230928005 namespace

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Fig: Screenshot Service A

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Fig: Screenshot Service B

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Fig: Screenshot Service B

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