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Notare 2.0 - Notes App

This is the frontend for the Notare 2.0 App, utilizing API from the Masonite-Heroku backend.

Technologies Used

  • HTML5
  • Svelte JS
  • Bulma
  • Netlify

Router Route Table

Route URL Description
AllNotes / Index page
Form /new Create page
SingleNote /note/:id and /edit:id Show, Destroy, and Update page
Search /search/:term filtered Index page


  • AllNotes - show all the notes
  • Bar - form to input search criteria
  • Header - shows link to Form and additional functions - get random note and delete all notes
  • Form - template for new notes and editing existing notes, has autofill feature
  • Search - page that shows filtered notes
  • SingleNote - shows an additional note with delete, update, and return to AllNotes button


 |_____ Header
 |_____ Main
          |______ AllNotes / Search
                        |______ Bar
          |______ SingleNote
          |______ Form

User Stories

  • As a user, I can see a list of all my notes when I visit the page.
  • As a user, I can click on one of my notes and have it take me to its individual page.
  • As a user, I can create a new note and see it on the main page instantly.
  • As a user, I can update a note in case I made a typo or want to change an image.
  • As a user, I can autofill the form for a note in case I'm lazy.
  • As a user, I can delete a note so I can keep my list relevant.
  • As a user, I can delete all notes to start fresh.
  • As a user, I can click a button to go to a random note.
  • As a user, I can filter through notes with a search term.
  • As a mobile user, I can click on the abbreviated text of a note to bring up a modal with the full content

Development Notes

Svelte Setup

Most issues boiled down to getting Svelte setup through to the deploy, including getting various plugins rendering properly. Although Svelte should be performing great on Vercel I ran into unexpected build bugs and went back to ol' faithful Netlify.

Search, LoremIpsum Autofill, Random, and Delere Functions

These were mostly an exercise in translating from my last React Project to Svelte. Had some issues getting the random function to auto-populate the Link component in Svelte, which suggests it works differently under the hood than the React one. The search function could be updated to handle more complex RegEx expressions, but I didn't have the time to hash it out.

Bulma and the Modals

I was pleasantly surprised at the simplistic effectiveness of Bulma, a library I have never used yet. It made the process of putting together a modal, which I had difficulties with before, quite seamless. It also massively cut down on the overall amount of CSS I am used to writing. For Svelte Bulma has a variant called Svelma, which seemed to have potential as ready-made Svelte components. While that would cut down on the long lines of DOM element class names, I ultimately found Svelma lacking the robust functional interplay of pure Bulma. To be fair, Svelma is a brand new work in progress, and one that I'm thinking of contributing to in the future.