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Welcome to VexilPy

This documentation including its installation guide may only be applicable to VexilPy v11

Documentation for VexilPy

VexilPy is a Python-based framework designed to simplify the development and management of web applications. It provides a set of tools and utilities to streamline the development process, enhance security, and improve performance.


To install VexilPy, you can use either pip or git.

Recommended | Install VexilPy v11 using pip:

pip install vexilpy

Updated in v11 | Download source code for VexilPy 11 using:

git clone

**Download Source Code


Updated in v11 | To upgrade VexilPy, you can use either pip or git.

Updated in v11 | Using pip:

pip install vexilpy --upgrade

Updated in v11 | Using git:

rm -rf vexilpy

git clone


Updated in v11 | - GitHub: Updated in v11 | - PyPI:


Command-Line Interface (CLI) Usage

VexilPy provides a command-line interface (CLI) to perform various tasks such as running the application, cleaning pycache files, and running processes directly from the CLI.

To use the CLI, you can run the following commands:

Updated in v11 | - Run the application with GUI:

python -m vexilpy --RunGui

Updated in v11 | - Clean pycache files:

python -m vexilpy --Clean

Updated in v11 | - Run a process directly from the CLI:

python -m vexilpy --Run-Process "<process_command>"

VexilPy Configuration

VexilPy supports configuration in YAML.

Updated in v11 | - To link a .yaml file, run your file like this:

python -F vexilconfig.yaml


python --File vexilconfig.yaml

Updated in v11 | If you don't provide a vexilconfig file, VexilPy will automatically create (if needed) and use vexilconfig.yaml. A warning will be logged if the file has to be created.

WARNING | No vexilconfig.yaml file found. Creating a new one.

Important Note

Please note that the backendutils directory is not intended to be accessed directly. It contains internal utilities and modules used by VexilPy. Any code within this directory should not be modified or accessed directly.