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Kibana Page Template
Learn how to create page layouts in Kibana
Be sure to import the `KibanaPageTemplate` from `@kbn/shared-ux-components`.

KibanaPageTemplate is a Kibana-specific wrapper around EuiPageTemplate and it's namespaced components such as KibanaPageTemplate.Header. This component makes setting up common types of Kibana pages quicker and easier while also adhering to certain Kibana-specific requirements and patterns.

Refer to EUI's own documentation on EuiPageTemplate for constructing page layouts and inherited props.

The following props are Kibana-specific extensions.


To add left side navigation for your solution, we recommend using the provided solutionNav prop which is an object that extends EuiSideNavProps.

Simply pass your array of solutionNav.items and the required and the template component will then handle the mobile views and collapsibility. For solutions and larger applications, we recommend also passing an solutionNav.icon.

    name: 'Management',
    icon: 'managementApp',
    items: [
        name: 'Root item',
        items: [
          { name: 'Navigation item', href: '#' },
          { name: 'Navigation item', href: '#' },

When using EuiSideNav, root level items should not be linked but provide section labelling only.

Screenshot of Stack Management empty state with a provided solution navigation shown on the left, outlined in pink.

Screenshots of Stack Management page in mobile view. Menu closed on the left, menu open on the right.

If you need custom solution navigation content, you can pass your own solutionNav.children instead of the items or supply your own componen with <KibanaPageTemplate.Sidebar> We still recommend using EuiSideNav.


Increases the consistency in messaging across all the solutions during the getting started process when no data exists. Each solution/template instance decides when is the most appropriate time to show this configuration, but is messaged specifically towards having no indices and/or data views at all or that match the particular solution.

This is a built-in configuration that displays a very specific UI and requires very specific object keys. It will also ignore all other configurations of the template including pageHeader and children, with the exception of continuing to show solutionNav.

The noDataConfig is of type NoDataPageProps:

  1. solution: string: Single name for the current solution, used to auto-generate the title, logo, and description (required)
  2. docsLink: string: Required to set the docs link for the whole solution (required)
  3. logo?: string: Optionally replace the auto-generated logo
  4. pageTitle?: string: Optionally replace the auto-generated page title (h1)
  5. action: NoDataPageActions: An object of NoDataPageActions configurations with a single primary key (required)


There is currently only one promotoed path to ingesting data and that is through the Fleet / Ingest UI. This gets presented to the user by rendering a card that provides consistent messaging. It is mostly pre-configured but require specific hrefs and/or onClick handlers for directing the user to the right location for that solution.

Optionally you can also replace the button label by passing a string, or the whole button component by passing a ReactNode.

// Perform your own check
const hasData = checkForData();

// No data configuration
const noDataConfig: KibanaPageTemplateProps['noDataConfig'] = {
  solution: 'Analytics',
  logo: 'logoKibana',
  docsLink: '#',
  action: {
    elasticAgent: {
      href: '#',

// Conditionally apply the configuration if there is no data
  solutionNav={/* Solution navigation still show if it exists and use the right template type */}
  pageHeader={/* Page header will be ignored */}
  noDataConfig={hasData ? undefined : noDataConfig}
  {/* Children will be ignored */}

Screenshot of and example in Analytics using the no data configuration and using the corresponding list numbers to point out the UI elements that they adjust.


Use the isEmptyState prop for when there is no page content to show. This is for when the user has data but has not created the thing that the page displays. For example, before the user has created something, when no search results are found, before data is populated, or when permissions aren't met.

This prop is a simple boolean uses any pageHeader info provided to populate an centered EuiPageTemplate.EmptyPrompt.

    iconType: 'dashboardApp',
    pageTitle: 'Dashboards',
    description: "You don't have any dashboards yet.",
    rightSideItems: [
      <EuiButton fill iconType="plusInCircleFilled">
        Create new dashboard

Screenshot of demo empty state code. Shows the Kibana navigation bars and a centered empty state with the dashboard app icon, a level 1 heading "Dashboards", body text "You don't have any dashboards yet.", and a button that says "Create new dashboard".

Because all properties of the page header are optional, the empty state has the potential to render blank. Make sure your empty state doesn't leave the user confused.

Custom empty states

You can also provide a custom empty prompt to replace the pre-built one using KibanaPageTemplate.EmptyPrompt as a child of KibanaPageTemplate.

    title={<h1>No data</h1>}
    body="You have no data. Would you like some of ours?"
      <EuiButton fill iconType="plusInCircleFilled">
        Get sample data

Screenshot of demo custom empty state code. Shows the Kibana navigation bars and a centered empty state with the a level 1 heading "No data", body text "You have no data. Would you like some of ours?", and a button that says "Get sample data".

Empty states with a page header

When passing both a pageHeader configuration and rendering a KibanaPageTemplate.EmptyPrompt, be sure to reduce the heading level within your child empty prompt to <h2>.

    pageTitle: 'Dashboards',
    title={<h2>No data</h2>}
    body="You have no data. Would you like some of ours?"
      <EuiButton fill iconType="plusInCircleFilled">
        Get sample data

Screenshot of demo custom empty state code with a page header. Shows the Kibana navigation bars, a level 1 heading "Dashboards", and a centered empty state with the a level 2 heading "No data", body text "You have no data. Would you like some of ours?", and a button that says "Get sample data".