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Vert.x Jersey Example Modules

Build fat jars using the maven fat-jar profile. Run the following from the vertx-jersey-parent directory:

mvn clean package -P fat-jar

Each example can then be run from its directory with the following:

java -jar target/{artifactId}-{version}-fat.jar -conf src/test/resources/config.json

See the README files for details and test URLs

  • chunked - return chunked and streamed responses
  • filter - add a JAX-RS ContainerResponseFilter filter
  • guice - use vertx-guice for DI
  • inject-securitycontext - inject a custom SecurityContext and use role based filtering.
  • inject-vertx - inject standard vert.x objects
  • inject-vertxrequestprocessor - inject VertxRequestProcessor and VertxResponseProcessor instances.
  • jackson - use Jackson for JSON serialization and deserialization
  • maven-service - use the vertx-maven-service-factory
  • - use vertx-when to start a JerseyServer instance from a verticle.