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A small Express.js Middleware for conveniently formatting JSON responses. This package builds into the Express.js response object and allows you to return data in the following:

  • A response after a successful request
  • Paginated data for a list
  • An error for a bad request or other errors
  • No content after a deletion
  • Signing a request with a JWT auth token
  • Catch a server error and return an error message without important knowledge of the system


npm install express-api-responder --save

Can be used by your whole app or a router

var repsonder = require('express-api-responder');
var router = express.Router();

//How to use
router.get('/messages', function(req, res) {
  res.success({hello: 'world'});

Outputs 200

  "hello": "world"

Return Success Response

Returns a JSON body. By default returns HTTP status code 200 but a code can be passed.

res.success({item1: 'Hello', item2: false}, 201);

Output 200

  "item1": "Hello",
  "item2": false

Return Error Response

Returns a JSON body with a message field for error handling. Defaults the HTTP status code to 400. The message also defaults to a description based on the code

res.error('Cant find your message', 404);
//Or default to the code descriptor
res.error(null, 404);

Output 404

  "message": "Cant find your message"


  "message": "Not Found"

Paginated Responses

Returns a JSON object with a list of data as well as some useful fields. Defaults 200 HTTP status code

var data = [{name: 'Eric'}, {name: 'Dufresne'}, ...];
var totalCount = 50;
var page = 1;
var limit = 25;
res.paginate(data, totalCount, page, limit);

Output: 200

  "list": [
      "name": "Eric"
      "name": "Dufresne"
  "limit": 25,
  "page": 1,
  "count": "50",
  "pages": 2

Catch Internal Server Error

Returns an error message based on the HTTP status code given for an unexpected error. Defaults to HTTP status code 500 but a code can be passed.


In production environment 500

  "message": "Internal Server Error"

if not in a production environment 500

  "message": "Table \"messages\" doesn't exist..."

Signing Responses

Must provide a JWT secret or private key to the responder options.

  signing: {
    jwtSecret: 'some-super-secret'

res.sign({hello: 'world', id: 32});

Response 200

  "data": {
    "id": 32,
    "hello": "world"
  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJoZWxsbyI6IndvcmxkIiwiaWQiOjMyLCJpYXQiOjE1MTUzNzI0NzN9.uU_9EoOSodk6tR4LdzxYaAVefkVjXtdxfCfSM_OynKo"

No Content


Extra Options

You can include the status code as well as a success flag in all the JSON responses by passing extra options to the middleware.

  includeCode: 'status',
  includeSuccess: 'success'

res.error(null, 409);

Response 409

  "success": false,
  "status": 409,
  "message": "Conflict"

Run Tests

Tests use a mock server with the middleware in place. Can run using mocha as well as with istanbul

npm run test
npm run cover