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Extensible Classes {#ExtensibleClasses}


Extensible classes are a way of implementing static polymorphism in C++. They allow various projects to override and extend the functionality of an existing class, through inheritance, in order to suit their specific needs. This is done by carefully organizing a project in such a way that the compiler can find the most extended implementation of a member function, no matter where it is called from.

This document describes the general characteristics of extensible classes as well as their implementation. Alternate approaches to this problem are also explored and compared to extensible classes.

What is an extensible class?

Suppose we have a group of projects that are similarly structured. They share similar features and have a similar implementation. It makes sense to abstract away the common functionality and structure so that it may be reused more effectively.

Extensible classes organize code in a way that allows the structure and implementation of a particular class to be extended. Conceptually, when extending a class, we do not create a new type. Instead, we take a previously implemented type and extend its functionality to suit our needs. We can access an instance of an extended class through a reference to the non-extended version because they are actually the same type (though doing so also hides the extended functionality). It is therefore common to refer to an entire extensible class hierarchy as a single class.

In addition, connectors allow extensible classes to define specialized extensions for use in specific situations. These can be very useful, for example, in cases where some special functionality is required to support a specific hardware architecture (a common problem in compiler development).

Traditionally, C++ solves these problems using dynamic polymorphism through the use of the virtual keyword. However, extensible classes allow for greater efficiency.


In essence, an extensible class is just a hierarchy of normal C++ classes. What makes extensible classes special is how project files, directories, and class hierarchies are organized.


Extensible classes organize the implementation of a class into a few distinct parts. These are the class extensions, extension specializations, and the concrete class.

A class extension is a class that extends the implementation of another class extension. Class extensions are abstract: they cannot be instantiated; only extended. An extension inherits the functionality of the parent extension and adds its own functionality to it (extends it). It can also override the parent's functionality.

A special case of a class extension is the base class that does not have a parent of its own, but still is extended by other classes. Although it does not extend the structure or functionality of any existing class, it is treated the same as other class extensions (notably, it is abstract).

Concrete classes are at the bottom of an extensible class hierarchy. They realize the implementation of the class extension they inherit from. These are the only classes in an extensible hierarchy that can be instantiated.

Extension specializations are special class extensions that specialize the functionality of a particular class extension. They allow us to define different implementations of the same class extension. We can then force the compiler to use a specific set of extension specializations. This is particularly useful for organizing platform specific code.

It should be noted that this must be a linear hierarchy at compile time. This means each class may only have one parent, so multiple inheritance is not allowed. This also means there can only be one child of each class extension visible to the compiler. There may be more children of a class extension if they are specializations, but only one must be visible at compile time.


The fundamental principle of extensible classes is to let the compiler find the most derived (extended) implementation of member functions at compile time. To do this, the compiler must search the class hierarchy from the bottom up. This is implemented by casting this to a pointer to the most derived type, then calling the member function. If the function is not defined in a given extensible class, then the compiler will search the extensible class' parent.

We can tell the compiler what the most derived type is with a forward declaration. To know the name of this class, we decide up-front what the name of the most derived type will be and force the hierarchy to end at this name. By ensuring that only the most derived type can be instantiated, we guaranty that the cast is always to the type of the object referenced by this. This is why only the concrete class may be instantiated.

For convenience, we define a special function in the base class called self(). It simply performs a static_cast of the this pointer to a pointer to the most derived type (which we forward declared) and returns the result. All calls to member functions from within an extensible class must be prefixed with self()->. Using the implicit this pointer must be avoided as it circumvents the down cast and can lead to strange and unpredictable behaviour.

To enforce this rule, we use a clang-based linter, OMRChecker, that uses a class annotation to verify that extensible classes are implemented correctly.

Naming and Namespaces

As previously mentioned, we must know the name of the concrete class in a hierarchy (most extended/derived type) when we declare the base class. Since we consider all extension classes, extension specializations, and the concrete class as essentially the same class, we give them all the same name and use namespaces to distinguish them.

Each project has its own namespace to hold all of its class extensions. Nested namespaces are used for the extension specializations provided by projects. Concrete classes all go in their own, separate namespace, and this is shared between all projects.


Sometimes, a class extension may only be needed in certain circumstances, such as when compiling on a specific architecture. Other times, only one of a collection of class extensions should be used. Connectors are an addition to extensible classes that solve both of these problems by allowing classes within the hierarchy to be conditionally specialized.

There are two parts to connectors. First, the include path of the compiler must be carefully built to include the extension specialization if it is required. Next, the extension specialization and its parent must signal to its child which to extend from.

To better understand this section, an example will be used. Assume a project contains the files src/Class.hpp and src/amd64/Class.hpp. The concrete class uses the line #include "Class.hpp" to include its parent.

The first concept is easy to understand, but hard to implement. First, remember that compilers search for headers in the order of the include paths given to them. This means if a compiler is given an include path of -Isrc/amd64 -Isrc, it will first search for a file in src/amd64, and only continue searching in src if it did not find it.

In the example, the #include will include either the Class.hpp under src or src/amd64, depending on the include path given to the compiler. Here, an include path could be -Isrc/amd64 -Isrc to use the AMD64 extension specialization, or -Isrc to not.

Second, the class that inherits from this needs to know to inherit from the AMD64 version of the file or not. To solve this problem in a uniform way, we do not inherit from the class directly but instead use what we call a "connector". A connector is a typedef of the class extension/specialization. Instead of being in the same namespace as its class, the connector is declared in the project's namespace. Each specialization (including the non-specialized class extension) overrides the class extension's connector. #define guards are used to ensure only one connector is ever defined for a given class extension. In addition, to ensure the correct connector is selected by the compiler, its definition must be placed before any #include statements.

Using connectors has the advantage of allowing a different extension specialization to be selected by simply changing what files a compiler compiles, without having to change the source code itself. Selecting what files are compiled is handled by modifying the include path, the specifics of which is explained later.

Files and Directories

Another key aspect of extensible classes is how files and directories are organized.

The simplest way to organize files is to create a separate directory for each level of extension. That is, a directory for just the base classes, a directory containing the first level of extensions, a directory containing the second, etc. These directories will usually be implemented by different projects (one directory per project that extends a class). We therefore call these "project directories".

A project directory must, as a minimum, declare the class extensions it needs and re-declare (or simply declare if the project is the base) the concrete classes as inheriting from the new extensions. By convention, the name of a file for a class extension should be the project's namespace followed by the class name. Files for concrete classes should just be named after the class name.

Project specializations must be put in sub-directories of a project directory. These should not need to re-declare the concrete class, but may if needed.

If directories are used to organize the (potentially large number of) files in a project, the organizational structure must be maintained across all projects and specializations. So, if one project puts certain classes in a specific directory, all other projects must put those same classes in a directory with the same name. Also, to maintain compatibility across different compilers, the name of these directories should be put as part of #include directives. This is because certain compilers (e.g. gcc) always search the current directory first, before looking in the include path.

The Include Path

The last important aspect of extensible classes is how the include path (i-path) is set. In order for the compiler to find the most extended version of a class, the path to the most specialized/extended classes must be specified first, followed by the more general ones, and so on until the path to the base project.

Likewise, header files for extensible classes must be included from most extended to most general. The only exception to this is the inclusion of the header file for a particular class in the corresponding source file. In this case, the file should be included first.

The Linter and class annotations

When using extensible classes, there are many things to keep track of and many things that can go wrong. This is especially true when it comes to the use of self(). Forgetting to use it can result in some very strange behaviour.

To help avoid this problem, we use a clang tool (a linter) that detects and reports these kinds of errors in the OMR project. When a class is annotated with __attribute__((annotate("OMR_Extensible")), the tool will ensure that:

  • self() is used were needed
  • the base of extensible hierarchies are in the correct namespaces
  • concrete classes are in the correct namespace, and
  • the annotation is used in all classes of the hierarchy

For convenience, we also define the macro OMR_EXTENSIBLE to make the annotation easier to read (and use) and to maintain compatibility with other compilers.

Currently, however, the tool only searches for errors in the use of extensible classes in the OMR project specifically.

Extensible enums

Extensible enums are created by using an #include within an enum definition. Using the same include path system as extensible classes, extensible enums include the most specialized enum file. This file can optionally include enumerator items and can #include more files, such as the file it is overriding.

Pros and cons of extensible classes


  • does not produce run-time overhead
  • encourages good code base organization


  • large number of files
  • no multiple inheritance nor multiple children
  • easy to get wrong

Comparison with other approaches

Dynamic polymorphism

Dynamic (runtime) polymorphism, implemented in C++ through virtual member functions, is an alternative to class extensions. There are benefits to using this approach, such as better language and IDE support. For example, C++ allows pure virtual functions and virtual methods can be called without the use of self().

However, dynamic polymorphism is less efficient, since each call to a virtual member function requires dereferencing a pointer. Additionally, virtual member functions cannot be inlined. Virtual member functions must also be marked as virtual for dynamic polymorphism to be usable on that function.

Note that dynamic polymorphism does not provide an alternative to extension specializations, however connectors can be adapted to work with dynamic polymorphism.


The Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP) uses templates to implement static polymorphism. This has the benefit of supporting multiple hierarchies from a common base class.

However, using CRTP requires base classes to make extensive use of templates. In C++, this syntax is verbose and hard to get right. Additionally, member function definitions must be in header files, which adds to compile times, in some cases significantly.

Note that like dynamic polymorphism, CRTP does not provide an alternative to connectors.

Namespace Aliases

Namespace aliases are a proposed alternative to connectors. This method makes namespaces accumulative, where if a class is not found in a namespace at compile time, the compiler looks in its parent namespace.

This greatly reduces the boilerplate code required to implement connectors, including the macros defined above a file's includes. Additionally, this simplifies the question of what to inherit from.

This method however has a few downsides. If the wrong file is included when using a class, some of the hierarchy would silently not be included. Similarly, if a class extension doesn't include its direct parent but a different ancestor, it can extend that class using its direct parent's namespace. This can lead to some hard-to-debug issues.

More details about namespace aliases and the debate about their usage is tracked in issue #527 on Github.