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refactor(test): Add unit tests for golang/internal/mapper
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clebs committed Oct 27, 2022
1 parent c2d282b commit d8bb770
Showing 1 changed file with 348 additions and 0 deletions.
348 changes: 348 additions & 0 deletions golang/internal/mapper/grpc_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
//go:build unit

package mapper_test

import (

builder ""

v1 ""

func TestMapDeployImage(t *testing.T) {
req := testDeployRequest()
cfg := testAppConfig()

res := mapper.MapDeployImage(req, cfg)
expected := &v1.DeployImageRequest{
RequestID: "testID",
RegistryAuth: &builder.RegistryAuth{
Name: "test-name",
URL: "",
User: "test-user",
Password: "test-pass",
InstanceConfig: v1.InstanceConfig{
ContainerPreName: "test-prefix",
MountPath: "/path/to/mount",
Name: "",
Environment: []string{"Env1", "Val1", "Env2", "Val2"},
Registry: "",
RepositoryPreName: "repo-prefix",
SharedEnvironment: []string(nil),
UseSharedEnvs: false},
ContainerConfig: v1.ContainerConfig{
ContainerPreName: "test-prefix",
Container: "test-container",
Ports: []builder.PortBinding{{ExposedPort: 0x4d2, PortBinding: 0x1a85}},
PortRanges: []builder.PortRangeBinding{{Internal: builder.PortRange{From: 0x0, To: 0x18}, External: builder.PortRange{From: 0x40, To: 0x80}}},
Mounts: []string(nil),
Volumes: []v1.Volume{{Name: "test-vol", Path: "/Path/to/volume", Size: "512GB", Type: "Persistent", Class: "test-storage-class"}},
Environment: []string{"ENV1", "VAL1", "ENV2", "VAL2"},
Secrets: map[string]string{"testKey-1": "testValue-1", "testKey-2": "testValue-2"},
RuntimeConfigType: "",
Expose: true,
ExposeTLS: true,
IngressName: "test-ingress",
IngressHost: "test-host",
IngressUploadLimit: "5Mi",
Shared: false,
ConfigContainer: &v1.ConfigContainer{
Image: "test-image",
Volume: "test-volume",
Path: "/path/to/vol",
KeepFiles: true,
ImportContainer: nil,
InitContainers: []v1.InitContainer{
Name: "test-init",
Image: "test-image",
Volumes: []v1.VolumeLink{{Name: "test-vol-link", Path: "/path/to/mount"}},
Command: []string{"mybin", "run"},
Args: []string{"--verbose"},
UseParent: true,
Envs: map[string]string{"env1": "val1", "env2": "val2"},
User: req.GetContainerConfig().User,
Command: []string{"make", "test"},
Args: []string{"--name", "test-arg"},
TTY: true,
LogConfig: &container.LogConfig{
Type: "test-lg-driver",
Config: map[string]string{"opt1": "v1", "opt2": "v2"},
RestartPolicy: "always",
NetworkMode: "BRIDGE",
DeploymentStrategy: "RECREATE",
HealthCheckConfig: v1.HealthCheckConfig{Port: uint16(req.ContainerConfig.Crane.HealthCheckConfig.Port),
LivenessProbe: &v1.Probe{Path: "test-liveness"},
ReadinessProbe: &v1.Probe{Path: "test-readiness"},
StartupProbe: &v1.Probe{Path: "test-startup"},
CustomHeaders: []string(nil),
ResourceConfig: v1.ResourceConfig{
Limits: v1.Resources{CPU: "250m", Memory: "512Mi"},
Requests: v1.Resources{CPU: "100m", Memory: "64Mi"},
ProxyHeaders: true, Networks: []string{"n1", "n2"},
UseLoadBalancer: true,
ExtraLBAnnotations: map[string]string{"annotation1": "value1"},
RuntimeConfig: v1.Base64JSONBytes{0x6b, 0x65, 0x79, 0x31, 0x3d, 0x76, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x31, 0x2c, 0x6b, 0x65, 0x79, 0x32, 0x3d, 0x76, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x32}, // encoded string: a2V5MT12YWwxLGtleTI9dmFsMg==
Registry: req.Registry,
ImageName: "test-image",
Tag: "test-tag",
Issuer: "",

assert.Equal(t, expected, res)

func TestMapPorts(t *testing.T) {
ps := []*common.Port{
Internal: 1234,
External: 5678,
Internal: 9999,
External: 1111,

expected := []builder.PortBinding{
ExposedPort: 1234,
PortBinding: 5678,
ExposedPort: 9999,
PortBinding: 1111,

bindings := mapper.MapPorts(ps)
assert.Equal(t, expected, bindings)

func TestMapSecrets(t *testing.T) {
kvl := testKeyValueList()

m := mapper.MapSecrets(kvl)
expected := map[string]string{
"testKey-1": "testValue-1",
"testKey-2": "testValue-2",

assert.Equal(t, expected, m)

func testDeployRequest() *agent.DeployRequest {
registry := ""
runtimeCfg := "key1=val1,key2=val2"
var uid int64 = 777
upLimit := "5Mi"
mntPath := "/path/to/mount"
repoPrefix := "repo-prefix"
b := true
return &agent.DeployRequest{
Id: "testID",
ContainerName: "test-container",
ImageName: "test-image",
Tag: "test-tag",
Registry: &registry,
RuntimeConfig: &runtimeCfg,
ContainerConfig: &common.ExplicitContainerConfig{
User: &uid,
Command: []string{"make", "test"},
Args: []string{"--name", "test-arg"},
Environments: []string{"ENV1", "VAL1", "ENV2", "VAL2"},
Secrets: testKeyValueList(),
TTY: &b,
Ports: []*common.Port{
Internal: 1234,
External: 6789,
PortRanges: []*common.PortRangeBinding{
Internal: &common.PortRange{From: 0, To: 24},
External: &common.PortRange{From: 64, To: 128},
Volumes: []*common.Volume{testVolume()},
InitContainers: []*common.InitContainer{testInitContainer()},
Dagent: testDagentConfig(),
Crane: testCraneConfig(),
Expose: &common.Expose{
Public: true,
Tls: true,
Ingress: &common.Ingress{
Name: "test-ingress",
Host: "test-host",
UploadLimit: &upLimit,
ConfigContainer: &common.ConfigContainer{
Image: "test-image",
Volume: "test-volume",
Path: "/path/to/vol",
KeepFiles: true,
ImportContainer: &common.ImportContainer{
Volume: "test-volume",
Command: "rm -rf /",
Environments: map[string]string{"env1": "val1"},
RegistryAuth: &agent.DeployRequest_RegistryAuth{
Name: "test-name",
User: "test-user",
Password: "test-pass",
Url: "",
InstanceConfig: &agent.DeployRequest_InstanceConfig{
Prefix: "test-prefix",
MountPath: &mntPath,
RepositoryPrefix: &repoPrefix,
Environment: &agent.DeployRequest_InstanceConfig_Environment{
Env: []string{"Env1", "Val1", "Env2", "Val2"},

func testVolume() *common.Volume {
size := "512GB"
voltype := "Persistent"
class := "test-storage-class"
return &common.Volume{
Name: "test-vol",
Path: "/Path/to/volume",
Size: &size,
Type: &voltype,
Class: &class,

func testInitContainer() *common.InitContainer {
b := true
return &common.InitContainer{
Name: "test-init",
Image: "test-image",
Command: []string{"mybin", "run"},
Args: []string{"--verbose"},
Environments: map[string]string{"env1": "val1", "env2": "val2"},
UseParentConfig: &b,
Volumes: []*common.VolumeLink{
Name: "test-vol-link",
Path: "/path/to/mount",

func testKeyValueList() *common.KeyValueList {
return &common.KeyValueList{
Data: []*common.UniqueKeyValue{
Id: "testID-1",
Key: "testKey-1",
Value: "testValue-1",
Id: "testID-2",
Key: "testKey-2",
Value: "testValue-2",

func testDagentConfig() *common.DagentContainerConfig {
return &common.DagentContainerConfig{
RestartPolicy: common.RestartPolicy_ALWAYS.Enum(),
LogConfig: &common.LogConfig{
Driver: "test-lg-driver",
Options: map[string]string{"opt1": "v1", "opt2": "v2"},
NetworkMode: common.NetworkMode_BRIDGE.Enum(),
Networks: []string{"n1", "n2"},

func testCraneConfig() *common.CraneContainerConfig {
b := true
cpuReq := "100m"
memReq := "64Mi"
cpuLim := "250m"
memLim := "512Mi"

lProbe := "test-liveness"
rProbe := "test-readiness"
sProbe := "test-startup"
return &common.CraneContainerConfig{
CustomHeaders: []string{"header1", "value1", "header2", "value2"},
ExtraLBAnnotations: map[string]string{"annotation1": "value1"},
ProxyHeaders: &b,
UseLoadBalancer: &b,
ResourceConfig: &common.ResourceConfig{
Requests: &common.Resource{
Cpu: &cpuReq,
Memory: &memReq,
Limits: &common.Resource{
Cpu: &cpuLim,
Memory: &memLim,
HealthCheckConfig: &common.HealthCheckConfig{
Port: 1234,
LivenessProbe: &lProbe,
ReadinessProbe: &rProbe,
StartupProbe: &sProbe,
DeploymentStatregy: common.DeploymentStrategy_RECREATE.Enum(),

func testAppConfig() *config.CommonConfiguration {
return &config.CommonConfiguration{
DefaultLimitsCPU: "",
DefaultLimitsMemory: "",
DefaultRequestsCPU: "",
DefaultRequestMemory: "",
DefaultVolumeSize: "",
DefaultTag: "",
DefaultTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
GrpcKeepalive: 30 * time.Second,
Debug: false,
GrpcInsecure: true,
ImportContainerImage: "",
IngressRootDomain: "",
NodeID: "",
ReadHeaderTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
Registry: "",
RegistryPassword: "",
RegistryUsername: "",
SecretPrivateKey: "",
GrpcToken: &config.ValidJWT{
Issuer: "test-issuer",
Subject: "test-subject",
StringifiedToken: "test-token",
IssuedAt: time.Now(),

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