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Chapter 4: Some Tips

Simple setup of Vim

"Work well, must first sharpen his tools." Although Vim is very powerful, the default configuration of Vim looks relatively simple. In order to meet our development needs, we need to do some simple configuration to Vim.

  • :set number display line number
  • :set relativenumber display relative line number (this is very important, slowly experience)
  • :set hlsearch search result highlight
  • :set autoindent automatic indentation
  • :set smartindent smart indentation
  • :set tabstop=4 set tab tab width to 4
  • :set softtabstop=4 set the width of the indentation when pressing tab to 4
  • :set shiftwidth=4 set the automatic indentation width to 4
  • :set expandtab indent tab to space
  • :filetype on open file type detection
  • :syntax on open syntax highlighting

Here are the commands that you can use to set up Vim, but the parameters set in this way only take effect before closing Vim this time. If you exit Vim and open it again, the previous settings will be invalid.

If you want to take effect permanently, you need to modify an automatic configuration file of Vim. The general file path is /home/<user>/.vimrc (Linux system) or /Users/<user>/.vimrc (Mac OS system)

If not, create a new one. Take Mac OS system as an example:

Execute the following command in the console, remember to press Enter at the end of each line

cd ~
vim .vimrc

Now you have opened your Vim exclusive configuration file in Vim, copy the configuration mentioned above to your file, remember to delete the : at the beginning of each line

After the modification is completed, execute :wq or ZZ to save and exit. When you enter Vim again, your configuration should take effect

Of course, I have prepared a sample file vimrc for you. You can use it directly by executing cp vimrc.vim ~/.vimrc, and start Vim again or execute :source ~/.vimrc in Vim. Your configuration should take effect.

[AD] Of course, you can also find a more complete configuration scheme in another project maintained by me The 7th Vim.

Clear search highlight

In the configuration mentioned above, there is an option to highlight all search results :set hlsearch, its function is when you execute /, ?, * or # search and highlight all matching results.

If you have set this option, try executing /set

See the effect, the search results are clear at a glance, but this is sometimes a kind of trouble, because the highlight does not think so, it will always highlight, until you use :set nohlsearch to turn it off.

But this requires you to turn it on when you need it, and turn it off when you don't need it. Is there a better solution? of course! See the ultimate answer below:

Search for a string that does not exist

Usually I use the command /lfw to clear the search highlight. One is because the combination of lfw is generally not available (not applicable to this document...), and the other is that the combination of these three letters is more comfortable to press, and the fingers basically do not need to move (you feel it).

Repeat the last command

Vim has a special command ., you can use it to repeat the last command.

Follow the instructions below to operate

Press dd to delete this line
Press . to repeat the delete operation
Press 2. to delete two more lines
This line is gone
Press p to paste it back
Press 3. to add 6 more lines


  • >> indent the current line to the right
  • << indent the current line to the left

On this line, press 3>>, << and <G in turn to see the effect

Go to the soy sauce line

Automatic typesetting

  • == automatic typesetting of the current line
  • gg=G automatic typesetting of the current document
  • <N>== automatic typesetting for N lines starting from the current line
  • =<N>j automatic typesetting for the current line and N lines below
  • =<N>k automatic typesetting for the current line and N lines above

In addition, you can also use the matching search mentioned in Chapter 2 to batch typeset the code block. Try using the gf command to open chapter04-demo.js according to the instructions in it.

If the smart indentation setting takes effect, you will see the same typesetting effect as in Chapter 2.

The next Chapter will introduce split screen and tab page.