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Jens Østergaard Nielsen edited this page Nov 5, 2017 · 4 revisions

First you must configure the IHC platform using the connect information for your IHC controller. After this you can configure the individual components. See the page for each component.

IHC platform setup


  url: ''
  username: your-ihc-username
  password: your-ihc-password
  info: True

url,username and password are the connection for your ihc controller.

When “info” is True each device will have 3 properties: ihcid, ihcname and ihcnote, these are the value from the ihc project. You can see the properties at the bottom when you click the device in Home Assistant – see image:

IHC info

This makes it easier to identify each device when you are setting up the system, so it is a good idea to leave this on in the beginning.

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