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File metadata and controls

216 lines (150 loc) · 8.06 KB


The CS467 Capstone Project at Oregon State University in the Spring of 2021. Carzam is a web application that leverages an AI to identify vehicles, their make and model in a submitted picture.

Running The Project

Create and setup a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv  
source ./venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run locally:


Project Structure

A brief overview of project structure. This project is getting huge quick, so I tried to do a bit of housekeeping to keep everything tidy.

File Description Entry point for the web server
requirements.txt Up-to-date list of dependencies for the project. If you install new dependencies be sure to update by running pip3 freeze > requirements.txt in the root of the project. Make sure you are in your virtual envirionment otherwise you'll add all the dependencies from your computer's Python installation.
.gitignore Self explanatory. Add what you need.
/data Dataset directory. Not saved to this repo, because its MASSIVE. Just follow the notes in the AI Identifier section.
/common All Python scripts go here. Keeps the root of the project from getting cluttered.
Dockerfile Kevin can probably explain this one better
/static Used by the web interface to serve static assets like JS, CSS or images.
/project-progress Folder to store screenshots of interesting things you encounter during project development, or big milestones.
/templates Used by the web interface for dynamic content

Inside of common, what does what...

File Description Supporting functions for Script called by to count the files that were converted during the preparation process. The cropping module. Takes crop_instructions and saves cropped images. Used by to crop all the files. Helper module. The vehicle identification modules. Takes a trained model and guesses what car is in a presented image. Object recognition module. Identifies cars and trucks in an image. Generates crop_instructions. Kevin's balancing script. Sorts images from one directory into test, train and verify subdirectories based on user arguments. Utility module to train the vehicle identification AI.

And the current models (held in common)...

File Description Not in repo, but if you see it, relies on this. A somewhat decent model at guessing from the 9 car classes in the CARZAM dataset. The output from and might be great, might not be. As of the time of writing this, it only had a 47% accuracy rate.

AI Identifier

This is the component that identifies the make and model of a vehicle in an image.

A couple of IMPORTANT notes.

  • All datasets are now going to be manipulated/stored/kept in /data. The exception to this is the place that files are held when they are uploaded, for now, that's not a big deal.

  • The convention of directory names within /data is:

    • UPPERCASE for original datasets that have not been cleaned yet. They should be a folder, that contains folders with car names, and car pictures within each of those car named folders.
    • lowercase for datasets that have been manipulated, such as what comes out of the script. These datasets should be a folder with a lowercase name, containing three folders, namely test, train and verify. I changed validate to verify everywhere because it was shorter. We can use the term validate to mean any image we are testing a completed model against (i.e. a user-uploaded image). Within the three folders, there should be folders with car names each containing 'cleaned' images of the cars.


  1. Have a dataset that looks like this:
┣ Car 1
┃  ┣ anyname.jpg
┃  ┣ anyname.png
┃  ┣ anyname2.jpg
┃  ┗ anyname2.jpg
┣ Car 2
┣ Car 3
┣ Car 4
┣ Car 5
┗ Car 6
  1. Place it in the data directory of the root of this project.

  2. Navigate to common

  3. Run: [your dateset folder name] [desired output folder name] [test %] [train %] [verify %]

# Example: CARZAM ready 70 30 0
  1. At this point, whatever files in the dataset will be cropped, the ones that are smaller than 400x400 are discarded, and then Kevin's splitter will separate them into test/train/verify.

  2. You can find your 'clean' dataset in /data/[output] where output is whatever you type for desired output folder name when you ran

  3. Still working in common run:

python3 [your clean dataset name]

# Example: python3 ready
  1. The AI will use your dataset to train 20 iterations, you can change these settings inside of if you wish. That's part of the fun. Your saved weights and balances will be written as in the common folder.

  2. Done! You just trained an AI!

Testing the Model (Identify Cars from Images in a Folder)

  1. Make sure you have a 'clean' dataset in /data. If not, go up one paragraph and read 'Training'.

  2. Make sure your trained model is named and it is in the common directory.

  3. Run:

python3 [name of directory with validation images in /data]

# Example: python3 VALIDATION
  1. Output will be displayed on the screen with the guesses of the model along with their confidence values.


The project has been containerized!

Getting set up:

Dowload and install Docker:

Ensure the Docker CLI is working:

docker --version

Basic Docker workflow (handled in the Dockerfile):

  1. Install python 3 in Docker image
  2. Install pip3 in Docker image
  3. Copy app source code in Docker image
  4. Install dependencies in Docker image
  5. Expose port in Docker image
  6. Create the Docker image
  7. Run the Docker image to create a container instance

Workflow for testing locally:

Testing locally without docker still works with "python3 app.y", you just want to make sure you test the Docker build and run steps when you are ready to make a pull request.

When ready for a pull request:

  1. Build the Docker image
  2. Run the Docker image to create a container
  3. View app on local host to confirm Docker container is functional
  4. Use the Docker desktop app to view Docker server logs if an issue arises
  5. Occassionally clean up dangling Docker images from old deployments

Docker CLI Commands:

Build the docker image:

docker build -t flaskapp:latest .

docker build -t 'new image name':'image version' .

  1. docker: calls Docker client
  2. builder: used to create a new Docker image
  3. -t: flag that defines the name of the image we are going to create dot notation at the end: Docker will look for the Dockerfile in the current folder

Run a docker image in demo mode:

docker run -it -d -p 8080:8080 flaskapp

docker run -it -d -p 'local port':'exposed container port' 'image name'

  1. -d: demo flag
  2. -p: publish flag, publishing containers exposed port to host, allowing host port to bind to container port
  3. : this can be any port number you want for local host
  4. : not sure this is required with dynamic host allocation, will have to test

Show docker images present on local system:

docker images

Check what containers are currently running on your system:

docker ps

Stop a container running as an executable (running in perpetuity):

docker stop 'container id'

Exit a container not running as an executable (running in the foreground of shell):


See all container's (stopped and running):

docker ps -a

Docker CLI Clearnup Commands:

Clean up images/containers and other resources that are dangling:

docker system prune

Delete a specific image:

docker rmi 'image id'

Delete multiple images:

docker rmi 'image id' 'image id'