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Debugging Istio Traffic Management

This repo contains a demo/tutorial for debugging Istio traffic splitting.

Deploy the Weather App

Before deploying the sample weatherinfo app, you'll need an API key from OpenWeatherMap. Once you have that, use it to create a Secret:

  • kubectl create secret generic openweathermap --from-literal=apikey=[OPENWEATHERMAP-API-KEY]

Next, create the Istio Gateway, VirtualService, DestinationRule, and ServiceEntry objects needed for the sample app to function properly:

  • kubectl apply -f weather-rules.yaml
  • kubectl apply -f weather-deployment.yaml

Now access the app using the istio-ingressgateway Load Balancer IP address:

  • INGRESSGATEWAY=$(kubectl get svc -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress..ip}")
  • Open http://$INGRESSGATEWAY in a browser

Hit Refresh a few times and you'll notice that you're seeing the frontend populated by two different backends at about a 50/50 split. According to weather-rules.yaml you should be seeing a 90/10 split between version: single and version: multiple. So now you can assume that Istio routing rules aren't being properly applied since standard Kubernetes routing uses round-robin (hence 50/50 for the two services).

Debug the Weather App

Start by checking Pods and Services and confirm everything is running:

  • kubectl get pods
  • kubectl get service

Next, check that rules actually exist:

  • kubectl get virtualservice

Now deploy the respy Pod and use it to check the distribution percentage across versions of weather-backend:

  • kubectl apply -f respy.yaml
  • RESPY=$(kubectl get pod -l app=respy -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
  • kubectl exec -it $RESPY -c respy -- ./respy --u http://weather-backend:5000/version
☎️   1000 requests to http://weather-backend:5000/version...
|            RESPONSE            | % OF 1000 REQUESTS |
| weather-backend: single        | 50%                |
| weather-backend: multiple      | 50%                |

As you can see, after 1000 requests, traffic to weather-backend is still using the 50/50 split.

Now check the istio-proxy log from weather-frontend:

  • FRONTEND=$(kubectl get po -l app=weather-frontend -o jsonpath="{}")
  • kubectl logs $FRONTEND -c istio-proxy -f | grep 'weather-backend'

In the log, you'll see entries like the following:

[2019-04-05 20:03:16.038][18][info][upstream] external/envoy/source/common/upstream/] add/update cluster outbound|5000||weather-backend.default.svc.cluster.local during init
[2019-04-05 20:03:16.039][18][info][upstream] external/envoy/source/common/upstream/] add/update cluster outbound|5000|single|weather-backend.default.svc.cluster.local during init
[2019-04-05 20:03:16.040][18][info][upstream] external/envoy/source/common/upstream/] add/update cluster outbound|5000|multiple|weather-backend.default.svc.cluster.local during init
[2019-04-05T20:04:13.272Z] - 162 1009 270 "" outbound|5000||weather-backend.default.svc.cluster.local

Note that weather-frontend is able to connect to weather-backend, but the traffic is not directed to any particular version. So we've now confirmed that routing rules aren't being used and weather-frontend is using Kubernetes round-robin behavior to route traffic.

Now, check that routing rules have been synced to istio-proxy Pods:

  • istioctl proxy-status
NAME                                                  CDS        LDS        EDS               RDS          PILOT                            VERSION
istio-egressgateway-f7b8cc667-69r9k.istio-system      SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED (100%)     NOT SENT     istio-pilot-68f587df5d-r4vhn     1.2.2
istio-ingressgateway-cfbf989b7-b8kt9.istio-system     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED (100%)     SYNCED       istio-pilot-68f587df5d-r4vhn     1.2.2
respy-5b979cd985-vh548.default                        SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED (100%)     SYNCED       istio-pilot-68f587df5d-57ll9     1.2.2
sleep-7674d45776-fsjm7.default                        SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED (100%)     SYNCED       istio-pilot-68f587df5d-r4vhn     1.2.2
weather-backend-multiple-7bb94f788c-zthzz.default     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED (50%)      SYNCED       istio-pilot-68f587df5d-r4vhn     1.2.2
weather-backend-single-865c7779c9-lq9kh.default       SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED (50%)      SYNCED       istio-pilot-68f587df5d-57ll9     1.2.2
weather-frontend-565cdbbb67-l9c8f.default             SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED (50%)      SYNCED       istio-pilot-68f587df5d-57ll9     1.2.2
  • istioctl proxy-status $FRONTEND.default
Clusters Match
Listeners Match
Routes Match

Next, check istio-proxy configuration on weather-frontend, starting with cluster configuration:

  • istioctl proxy-config cluster $FRONTEND
SERVICE FQDN                                              PORT      SUBSET       DIRECTION     TYPE
*                                          80        -            outbound      ORIGINAL_DST
*                                          443       -            outbound      ORIGINAL_DST
BlackHoleCluster                                          -         -            -             STATIC                                       80        -            outbound      ORIGINAL_DST                                       443       -            outbound      ORIGINAL_DST                                    80        -            outbound      ORIGINAL_DST
heapster.kube-system.svc.cluster.local                    80        -            outbound      EDS
istio-citadel.istio-system.svc.cluster.local              8060      -            outbound      EDS
istio-citadel.istio-system.svc.cluster.local              9093      -            outbound      EDS
istio-egressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local        80        -            outbound      EDS
istio-egressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local        443       -            outbound      EDS
istio-galley.istio-system.svc.cluster.local               443       -            outbound      EDS
istio-galley.istio-system.svc.cluster.local               9093      -            outbound      EDS
istio-ingressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local       80        -            outbound      EDS
istio-ingressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local       443       -            outbound      EDS
istio-ingressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local       853       -            outbound      EDS
istio-ingressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local       8060      -            outbound      EDS
istio-ingressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local       15011     -            outbound      EDS
istio-ingressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local       15030     -            outbound      EDS
istio-ingressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local       15031     -            outbound      EDS
istio-ingressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local       31400     -            outbound      EDS
istio-pilot.istio-system.svc.cluster.local                8080      -            outbound      EDS
istio-pilot.istio-system.svc.cluster.local                9093      -            outbound      EDS
istio-pilot.istio-system.svc.cluster.local                15010     -            outbound      EDS
istio-pilot.istio-system.svc.cluster.local                15011     -            outbound      EDS
istio-policy.istio-system.svc.cluster.local               9091      -            outbound      EDS
istio-policy.istio-system.svc.cluster.local               9093      -            outbound      EDS
istio-policy.istio-system.svc.cluster.local               15004     -            outbound      EDS
istio-sidecar-injector.istio-system.svc.cluster.local     443       -            outbound      EDS
istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local            9091      -            outbound      EDS
istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local            9093      -            outbound      EDS
istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local            15004     -            outbound      EDS
istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local            42422     -            outbound      EDS
kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local                    53        -            outbound      EDS
kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local                      443       -            outbound      EDS                                  80        -            outbound      ORIGINAL_DST                                  443       -            outbound      ORIGINAL_DST
metrics-server.kube-system.svc.cluster.local              443       -            outbound      EDS
prometheus_stats                                          -         -            -             STATIC
promsd.istio-system.svc.cluster.local                     9090      -            outbound      EDS
weather-backend.default.svc.cluster.local                 5000      -            outbound      EDS
weather-backend.default.svc.cluster.local                 5000      multiple     outbound      EDS
weather-backend.default.svc.cluster.local                 5000      single       outbound      EDS
weather-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local                5000      -            inbound       STATIC
weather-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local                5000      -            outbound      EDS
xds-grpc                                                  -         -            -             STRICT_DNS
zipkin                                                    -         -            -             STRICT_DNS

Everything looks good, now let's check the outbound routes from istio-proxy:

  • istioctl proxy-config routes $FRONTEND
NOTE: This output only contains routes loaded via RDS.
NAME                                                         VIRTUAL HOSTS
80                                                           7
5000                                                         1
8060                                                         1
8080                                                         1
9090                                                         1
9091                                                         2
9093                                                         5
15004                                                        2
15010                                                        1
15030                                                        1
15031                                                        1
inbound|5000||weather-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local     1
inbound|5000||weather-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local     1

Now we know that weather-backend is running on port 5000 so let's dig into that route:

  • istioctl proxy-config routes $FRONTEND --name 5000 -o json
        "name": "5000",
        "virtualHosts": [
                "name": "weather-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local:5000",
                "domains": [
                "routes": [
                        "match": {
                            "prefix": "/"
                        "route": {
                            "cluster": "outbound|5000||weather-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local",
                            "timeout": "0.000s",
                            "maxGrpcTimeout": "0.000s"
                        "decorator": {
                            "operation": "weather-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local:5000/*"
                        "perFilterConfig": {
                            "mixer": {
                                "disable_check_calls": true,
                                "forward_attributes": {
                                    "attributes": {
                                        "destination.service": {
                                            "string_value": "weather-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local"
                                        "": {
                                            "string_value": "weather-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local"
                                        "": {
                                            "string_value": "weather-frontend"
                                        "destination.service.namespace": {
                                            "string_value": "default"
                                        "destination.service.uid": {
                                            "string_value": "istio://default/services/weather-frontend"
                                "mixer_attributes": {
                                    "attributes": {
                                        "destination.service": {
                                            "string_value": "weather-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local"
                                        "": {
                                            "string_value": "weather-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local"
                                        "": {
                                            "string_value": "weather-frontend"
                                        "destination.service.namespace": {
                                            "string_value": "default"
                                        "destination.service.uid": {
                                            "string_value": "istio://default/services/weather-frontend"
        "validateClusters": false

Note: the output of istioctl proxy-config routes can be lengthy and difficult to parse. Consider using jq to simplify visualizing the output. For example: istioctl proxy-config routes $FRONTEND --name 5000 -o json | jq '.[].virtualHosts[]|.name,.domains' will show each route's name and associated domains.

The only route on port 5000 that istio-proxy knows about is back to weather-frontend. So Istio doesn't have any specific routes for weather-backend.

Beyond including istio-proxy in your Pods, the only way for Services to be available for routing is through the Service definition. So let's take a look at that:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: weather-backend
    app: weather-backend
  - port: 5000
    name: backend
    app: weather-backend

And there is the culprit: spec.ports[0].name is set to backend. For Istio's routing rules to apply, Service port names must follow a specific naming convention.

So now, update the Service definition:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: weather-backend
    app: weather-backend
  - port: 5000
    name: http-backend
    app: weather-backend

Once that's applied, wait a few moments and check the rules syncing status to confirm the changes have been applied:

  • istioctl proxy-status

Then you can also check the istio-proxy routes in the weather-frontend Pod:

  • istioctl proxy-config route $FRONTEND --name 5000 -o json

And now you see that the istio-proxy has route entries for both weather-backend subsets.