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BLADE: Blur Aware Depth Estimation with a plenoptic camera

BLADE is a set of tools to estimate depth map from raw images obtained by (multifocus) plenoptic cameras (e.g., a Raytrix R12) based on the libpleno.

Quick Start


The BLADE applications have a light dependency list:

  • boost version >1.54 and up, portable C++ source libraries,
  • libpleno, an open-souce C++ library for plenoptic camera,

and was compiled and tested on:

  • Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS, GCC 7.5.0, with Eigen 3.3.4, Boost 1.65.1, and OpenCV 3.2.0,
  • Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS, GCC 9.4.0, with Eigen 3.3.7, Boost 1.71.0, and OpenCV 4.2.0.

Compilation & Test

If you are comfortable with Linux and CMake and have already installed the prerequisites above, the following commands should compile the applications on your system.

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j6

To test the depth application you can use the example script from the build directory:




All applications use .js (json) configuration file. The path to this configuration files are given in the command line using boost program options interface.


short long default description
-h --help Print help messages
-g --gui true Enable GUI (image viewers, etc.)
-v --verbose true Enable output with extra information
-l --level ALL (15) Select level of output to print (can be combined): NONE=0, ERR=1, WARN=2, INFO=4, DEBUG=8, ALL=15
-i --pimages Path to images configuration file
-c --pcamera Path to camera configuration file
-p --pparams "internals.js" Path to camera internal parameters configuration file
-o --output "depth.png" Path to save estimated depth map

For instance to run depth estimation:

./src/depth/depth -i images.js -c camera.js -p params.js -o depth.png -v true -g true -l 7

Five applications are included in BLADE.

Depth estimation

depth runs depth estimations on input images according to the selected strategy.

depth_from_obs runs depth estimations on input images according to the selected strategy at micro-images containing BAP features only.

Requirements: image(s), camera parameters, internal parameters, strategy configuration.

Output: raw depth map(s), point cloud(s), central sub-aperture depth map(s).

Depth scaling calibration

scaling runs the depth scaling calibration process.

Requirements: images, camera parameters, internal parameters, scene configuration, raw depth maps, features.

Output: camera parameters, scale error statistics (.csv).

Relative depth evaluation

evaluate runs the evaluations of relative depth estimation with respect to a ground truth. Supported depth formats include: raw depth maps, point clouds, .csv, .pts, .xyz, poses, .mat and planes.

Requirements: camera parameters, internal parameters, ground truth and depth information.

Output: absolute and relative errors statistics (.csv).

Extrinsic calibration lidar-camera

lidarcamera runs the extrinsic parameters calibration from LIDAR frame to camera frame, and graphically check the point clouds.

Requirements: camera parameters, internal parameters, calibration image, constellation configuration.

Output: extrinsic parameters.

Absolute depth evaluation

distances evaluates distances between reference point cloud and computed depth information, either, directly from central sub-aperture depth map(s) or point cloud(s) or raw depth map(s).

Requirements: camera parameters, internal parameters, extrinsic lidar-camera parameters, images, reference point cloud (.pts), depth information to evaluate.

Output: error maps, distances.


  • Datasets R12-A, R12-B and R12-C can be downloaded from here.
  • The dataset R12-D, and the simulated unfocused plenoptic camera dataset UPC-S are also available from here.
  • Datasets R12-E, ES and ELP20 are available here.


If you use BLADE or libpleno in an academic context, please cite the following publication:

  title = {Blur aware metric depth estimation with multi-focus plenoptic cameras},
  author = {Mathieu Labussière and Céline Teulière and Omar Ait-Aider},
  keywords = {Plenoptic Camera, Multi-focus, Calibration, Defocus stereo, Relative blur, Disparity, Metric depth estimation},
  doi = {},
  issn = {1077-3142},
  journal = {Computer Vision and Image Understanding},
  year = {2023},
  volume = {235},
  pages = {103802},
  url = {}


  title 	=	{Blur Aware Calibration of Multi-Focus Plenoptic Camera},
  author	=	{Labussi{\`e}re, Mathieu and Teuli{\`e}re, C{\'e}line and Bernardin, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Ait-Aider, Omar},
  booktitle	=	{Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  pages		=	{2545--2554},
  year		=	{2020}


  title		=	{Leveraging blur information for plenoptic camera calibration},
  author	=	{Labussi{\`{e}}re, Mathieu and Teuli{\`{e}}re, C{\'{e}}line and Bernardin, Fr{\'{e}}d{\'{e}}ric and Ait-Aider, Omar},
  doi		=	{10.1007/s11263-022-01582-z},
  journal	=	{International Journal of Computer Vision},
  year		=	{2022},
  month		=	{may},
  number	=	{2012},
  pages		=	{1--23}


BLADE is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. Enjoy!