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Coinfloor API Client Implementation Guide

This document supplements the Coinfloor WebSocket API reference to provide non-normative recommendations to implementers of Coinfloor API client software. This document assumes no particular programming language, model, or library and simply discusses the message flow between the client and the server at a network protocol level.


Client authentication to the Coinfloor API is in the form of an elliptic-curve digital signature, where the private key is derived from the user's numeric ID and textual passphrase and the message that is signed encompasses the numeric user ID and two nonces, one generated by the server and the other generated by the client. Although the mathematics involved comprise only simple arithmetic, they are rather cumbersome, and so a library implementation is suggested. The Coinfloor JavaScript client library supplies a pure-JavaScript implementation of the necessary algorithms, and the Coinfloor Java client library makes use of the standard Java Cryptography Architecture or the Bouncy Castle library, depending on the Java release.

Details of the signature generation procedure are provided in the Coinfloor Authentication Process document. To summarise, the signature algorithm to use is "SHA-224 with ECDSA," and the elliptic curve to use is secp224k1.

One challenge that often arises when using external cryptography libraries to generate the digital signature is that the two numeric components of the signature may not be directly exposed by the library's API. Instead, often the library will return a DER-encoded structure containing the signature components. This structure is defined in Appendix C of SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography and is reproduced here for convenience:

ECDSA-Sig-Value ::= SEQUENCE {
	y CHOICE { b BOOLEAN, f FieldElement } OPTIONAL

In practice, libraries omit the optional fields a and y and encode only the r and s integers. These integers are what must be transmitted to Coinfloor in the signature field of the Authenticate command message. An algorithm for extracting these integer values from the DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value follows:

  1. The value of the first byte of the DER encoding must be 0x30 (the ASN.1 tag for a SEQUENCE), and the value of the second byte must be equal to the number of bytes remaining in the encoding after these first two bytes.
  2. The value of the third byte must be 0x02 (the ASN.1 tag for an INTEGER), and the value of the fourth byte gives the length (in bytes) of the encoding of the first integer, r. Capture this number of bytes (following the length byte) as r, the first component of the signature.
  3. The value of the next byte (after the bytes captured as r) must be 0x02, and the value of the following byte gives the length (in bytes) of the encoding of the second integer, s. Capture this number of bytes (following the length byte) as s, the second component of the signature.
  4. The bytes captured as s must extend to the end of the overall encoding, assuming the optional a and y fields are omitted.
  5. The Authenticate command expects each of the two signature components, r and s, to be 28 bytes in length. The DER encoding of each of these components may have spanned fewer than 28 bytes, in which case you must zero-extend (with 0x00 bytes) the encoding on the left to exactly 28 bytes, or the encoding may have been 29 bytes in length, in which case you must truncate the encoding on the left to exactly 28 bytes, and the value of the removed byte must have been 0x00.
  6. With r and s now exactly 28 bytes in length, encode these byte strings using Base64 and place the encoded character strings into an array of two elements. This array becomes the value of the signature field in the Authenticate message.

Maintaining a Local View of an Order Book

Implementers may wish to maintain a local view of an order book. This can be effected by capturing a snapshot of the live order book and then incrementally applying incoming notices to keep the view current. Maintaining such a view incrementally is vastly more efficient than repeatedly polling the server for the complete order book, and your view is guaranteed to remain perfectly consistent with the live order book on the server if you exactly implement these rules:

  • Start by atomically capturing a snapshot of the live order book and subscribing to incremental updates to that book by sending a WatchOrders command with watch set to true.
    • It is possible that you may begin to receive order update notices before you receive the command reply containing the initial snapshot of the live order book. If this occurs, then you must temporarily store these early notices and apply them to the snapshot once you receive it.
    • When you receive the reply to your WatchOrders command, build your initial view of the order book from the array given in the orders field of the reply message, noting that bids are represented with positive quantities and asks with negative quantities. Then apply to this initial view any early update notices that you may have received by following the rules for applying update notices, given below.
    • Note that the snapshot sent by the server contains at most the top 1000 bids and the top 1000 asks from the live order book at the time when the snapshot was taken.
  • When you receive an OrderOpened notice, add the described order to your view, which will not have contained any order with the given ID prior to the addition.
  • When you receive an OrderClosed notice, delete the identified order from your view.
    • If your view did not contain the identified order, then simply ignore the notice, as it pertains to an order that was open at the time of your initial snapshot of the live order book but was not among the top 1000 bids and top 1000 asks at that time.
  • When you receive an OrdersMatched notice:
    • If the notice contains a bid field, then find in your view the order whose ID is specified in the bid field of the notice, and set that order's remaining quantity to the quantity given in the bid_rem field of the notice.
    • If the notice contains an ask field, then find in your view the order whose ID is specified in the ask field of the notice, and set that order's remaining quantity to the quantity given in the ask_rem field of the notice. Note that the quantity given in the ask_rem field is always positive, so you would need to store the negative of this value if you are using the sign of the order quantity to indicate the side of the book in your view.
    • If your view did not contain an order identified by the bid or ask field of the notice, then you can ignore that side of the trade, as it pertains to an order that was open at the time of your initial snapshot of the live order book but was not among the top 1000 bids and top 1000 asks at that time.

Tracking Fills of Your Orders

When you place an order, you will likely want to know when it fills, at what price, and by what quantity. The OrdersMatched notice provides all of this information, but there is a caveat that you must account for. You may receive one or more OrdersMatched notices pertaining to your order before you have received the reply to your PlaceOrder command. Because you won't learn the ID of your new order until you receive the reply message, you may not recognise the notices as pertaining to your order. What follows are two strategies for dealing with this.

  • If you specify a tonce when you place your order, then you can recognise any notices pertaining to your new order, even before you learn its ID, because the notices will bear the same tonce. Your tonce will appear in the tonce field of OrderOpened and OrderClosed notices and in the bid_tonce or ask_tonce field of OrdersMatched notices.
  • Alternatively, between the time when you transmit your PlaceOrder command and the time when you receive the reply to that command, you can temporarily store any notices pertaining to orders that belong to you but whose IDs you do not recognise. You must then process those notices after receiving the reply that contains the ID of your new order.
    • If you are watching all orders on a book, then you can distinguish notices pertaining to your own orders because they will contain a tonce (or bid_tonce or ask_tonce) field (whose value will be null if you did not specify a tonce in your PlaceOrder command). These fields will be absent from notices pertaining to orders that belong to other users.

How Balance Reservations Work

When you place an order, some quantity of your available balance becomes reserved. A bid order takes its reservation from your counter asset balance, while an ask order takes its reservation from your base asset balance. The reserved amount is the amount that you would trade away if your order were to be matched. Cancelling your order causes its reservation to be returned to your available balance.

The amount of an ask order's reservation is simply the quantity of the base asset that the order is seeking to sell. The amount of a bid order's reservation is calculated by the formula ceil(quantity * price / 10000), where quantity and price are the scaled values given in the PlaceOrder command, and the result of the formula has the scale of the counter asset. As an example, an order to buy 12345 units of the base asset at a price of 1234500 would reserve 1523991 units of the counter asset.

Stochastic Rounding

When the trade engine computes a trade total (the amount of the counter asset that changes hands in a trade) or a trading fee, it must round the exact number to a whole number of asset units. Rather than following a deterministic rounding rule — such as "round to the nearest integer" or "always round up" — which could be gamed by savvy users to the detriment of others, the trade engine performs stochastic rounding: real numbers very close to the next lower integer are very likely to be rounded down, and real numbers very close to the next higher integer are very likely to be rounded up. The exact probability of rounding up is precisely equal to the fractional part of the real number. For example, 43.21 has a 21% chance of being rounded up to 44 (and a 79% chance of being rounded down to 43). Stochastic rounding minimizes the cumulative rounding error in the long run, resulting in fairer trades and fairer fees for all users.

How Fees Affect Trade Quantities

At the time of this writing, Coinfloor charges trading fees only on the counter asset in a trade. On the seller's side the trading fee is taken from the proceeds of the sale, meaning the seller receives slightly less of the counter asset from the sale than the amount of the counter asset that was traded. The situation on the buyer's side is less clear: the buyer receives an amount of the base asset in the trade but must pay the trading fee in the counter asset and may have insufficient available balance in the counter asset to pay the fee. To avoid this scenario, the buyer's trading fee is taken out of the bid order's reservation, leaving a lesser amount of the reservation remaining to be traded. As an example, an order to buy Ƀ1.0000 might end up buying only Ƀ0.9997 because the reserved funds that would have gone to buy the other Ƀ0.0003 were consumed by the trading fee instead.

An astute reader may wonder why extra funds are not reserved by the bid order in advance to cover the buyer's trading fee. The reason is that the fee rate that will be effective on the buyer at the time of trading is not known at the time the order is placed, since the buyer's trailing 30-day trade volume may change at any time.

In a partial fill scenario, the quantity remaining in the bid order after the trade will be less than the bid order quantity before the trade minus the traded quantity. This is because the trading fee is taken out of the bid order's reservation, leaving insufficient reserved funds to purchase the full remainder of the bid quantity. Continuing from the example given in the previous section, if the order to buy 12345 units at a price of 1234500 were to match and trade a quantity of 1234 units, then intuitively one would expect that the bid order would have a remaining quantity of 11111 units after the trade. However, one must consider the impact of the trading fee on the bid order's reservation. Initially the bid order had reserved 1523991 units of the counter asset. The trade quantity was 1234 units of the base asset, so the trade total would be 152338 (or 152337, depending on rounding) units of the counter asset. As an example, let's say that the fee rate effective on the buyer at the time of the trade is 0.03%, so the buyer pays 46 (or 45) units of the counter asset as a fee. Both the trade total and the fee come out of the bid order's reservation, leaving a remaining reservation of 1371607. This is insufficient to cover a bid for 11111 units of the base asset at a price of 1234500, which would require a reservation of 1371653 units of the counter asset — a shortfall of 46 units. The remaining reservation is enough to cover a bid for only 11110 units of the base asset, and such a bid would require a reservation of 1371530 units of the counter asset. The difference between this new required reservation and the actual reservation remaining after the trade is 77 units. This amount is immediately returned to the buyer's available balance.

Maintaining a Local View of Your Balances

Implementers may wish to maintain a local view of their account balances at all times. Because BalanceChanged notices may be delivered asynchronously at any time, an implementation may be challenged to correlate incoming BalanceChanged notices with other events in the system. The following rules may be helpful:

  • For each asset in which you have a balance, you will need to keep track of the balance that you most recently observed in a BalanceChanged notice and a collection of balance deltas that you anticipate observing in upcoming BalanceChanged notices.
  • When you receive a BalanceChanged notice, compute its balance delta as the new balance it reports minus the balance you had most recently observed in the same asset. Remove this delta, if it is present, from the collection of balance deltas that you anticipate observing.
  • When you transmit a PlaceOrder command, compute the amount of the reservation that it will require, as described in the section above, and add the negative of this amount to the collection of balance deltas that you anticipate observing.
    • If you later receive an error reply to your PlaceOrder command, be certain to remove the delta from the collection.
  • When you receive an OrderClosed notice pertaining to your own order, compute the amount of the reservation that it had been requiring, as described in the section above, and add this amount, if it is non-zero, to the collection of balance deltas that you anticipate observing.
  • When you receive an OrdersMatched notice pertaining to your own order:
    • If your order was a bid, then add the traded quantity to the collection of base-asset balance deltas that you anticipate observing. Compute the return of excess reservation, if any, as described in the section above, and add this amount, if it is non-zero, to the collection of counter-asset balance deltas that you anticipate observing.
    • If your order was an ask, then add the traded total minus the trading fee to the collection of counter-asset balance deltas that you anticipate observing.
  • At any instant between notices, you can assume your usable available balance in any given asset is equal to the balance reported in the most recently delivered BalanceChanged notice pertaining to that asset, plus the sum of the deltas in the collection of balance deltas that you anticipate observing in that asset.
  • No balance delta should remain in any collection of anticipated balance deltas for very long. If you see that a balance delta appears to be "stuck" in a collection of anticipated balance deltas, then this means that you have a logic bug.

The above rules imply the following general truths about the delivery order of notices:

  • An OrdersMatched notice always precedes the BalanceChanged notices that result from the trade.
  • An OrderClosed notice always precedes any BalanceChanged notice that results from closing the order.
  • BalanceChanged notices are always delivered strictly in the order in which the balance changes occurred in the trade engine.

An additional truth that is not implied by the above rules, but is nonetheless true, is that an OrderOpened notice always follows the BalanceChanged notice that resulted from taking out the reservation that was required to open the order.