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83 lines (58 loc) · 4.08 KB

File metadata and controls

83 lines (58 loc) · 4.08 KB

Contributing Guidelines

Welcome, and thanks in advance for your help! Please follow these simple guidelines 👍

What should you know before you get started?

Vue.js and Node.js basics

Node.js is an open source server environment which allows you to run JavaScript on the server whereas on the other hand, Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications.

Setting up the enviornment

Often while working on various projects, you will come across situations where two projects would be running on different node versions. In such scenarios nvm comes to the rescue. NVM - Node Version Manager allows you to manage multiple versions of Node.js on the same machine.

  • Installing nvm : For installing nvm refer to the following link. Link

  • Installing Node.js:

    • For installing stable release of Node.js
    nvm install stable
    • Replace stable with a version number to install a specific version.
    • For selecting the installed version
    nvm use stable/version_number
  • Installing project dependancies: Once done with the above steps, run the following command from the shell to install the project dependencies.

    npm i

    NPM - Node Package Manager is the package manager for node. It helps with installing various packages and resolving their various dependencies.

  • Running the project:

    npm run watch

Now you are ready to rock !!! But wait, let us introduce you to the project structure first.

Project Structure

The src directory contains the source code of the project. In this directory you will find various directories :

  • assets : This directory stores all the images, vector graphics, and other assets that are used in the project.
  • components : Every complex webpage consists of various simple components. These simple components are combined together to make individual pages. This directory contains the components which have been used in various pages.
  • pages : Each page is also a component which uses other components to create the complete structure of the page. This directory consists of webpage components.
  • router : This directory contains a file that is responsible for the routing of webpages.
  • styles : Consists of stylus files, which define globally defines styling variables, animations, fonts, mixins, etc.
  • js & store : As the name suggests, these directory contains js scripts, used in the project. These files define constants, exceptions, terminal commands, etc.

How to contribute to CodeFest19-Website?

When you propose a bug fix

Note: Please make sure to write an issue first and get enough feedback before jumping into a Pull Request!

  • Please make sure there is an open issue discussing the new feature or bug fix.
  • If there isn't, please open an issue so we can talk about it before you invest time into the implementation
  • When creating an issue, follow the following guidelines:
    • Keep the title descriptive, and at the same time, it must not be too long.
    • Describe the bug fix and if possible attach a screenshot of the same.

When you want to work on an existing issue

Note: Please write a quick comment in the corresponding issue and ask if the feature is still relevant and that you want to jump into the implementation.

We will do our best to respond/review/merge your PR according to priority. We hope that you stay engaged with us during this period.

General Guidelines

Note: Don't clone the original repository directly.

  1. Fork: Create a fork of the original repository.
  2. Clone: Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
  3. Install: Install the project dependencies.
  4. Branch and Work:(Preferable) Create a new branch and work on that branch.
  5. Merge and Push: Once done, merge your changes to the frontend branch and push the changes to the forked repository.
  6. Create a PR: Make a pull request to the original repository (include the link of the issue resolved by this PR ).