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Claims System

CNAB Claims 1.0.0 (CNAB-Claims1)

Final Approval, Published, Oct. 2020

This specification describes the CNAB Claims system. This is not part of the CNAB Core specification, but is a specification describing how records of CNAB installations may be formatted for storage. Implementations of CNAB Core can meet the CNAB Core specification without implementing this specification. Implementations that support claims MAY state that they comply with CNAB Claims 1.0.0.

In CNAB, an installation is a particular installed instance of a CNAB bundle. For example, if a bundle named myApp is installed in two places, we say there are two installations of myApp.

An installation MAY change over time, as a particular bundle is installed, then upgraded. In CNAB, each time a mutating (destructive) operation is performed (Such as install, upgrade, or custom operations that are not read-only), the installation gets a new revision. A revision is a unique identifier that identifies the combination of an installation and a modification of that installation. For example, when a CNAB bundle is installed, the initial installation will have an initial revision ID. When that installation is upgraded, it will have a new revision ID. How revisions are used is outside of the scope of this document, but it is safe to assume that if a revision ID has changed, one or more artifacts owned by the installation has also been changed.

A claim is a record of an action against a CNAB installation. This specification defines the format of a claim, and describes certain necessary behaviors of a system that implements claims.

A host environment is an environment, possibly shared between multiple CNAB runtimes, that provides persistence to a CNAB configuration. For example, a filesystem may contain a record of claims that two different CNAB clients share. Or a database may contain the environment that is shared by multiple tools at different locations in the network. Each of these is a CNAB host environment.

The word claim was chosen because it represents the relationship between a certain CNAB host environment and the resources that were created by a CNAB runtime in that host environment. In this sense, an environment takes responsibility for those resources if and only if it can claim them. A claim is an external assertion of ownership. That is, the claim itself is not "installed" into the host environment. It is stored separately, possibly in an entirely different location.

The claims system is designed to satisfy the requirements of the Bundle Runtime specification regarding the tracking of CNAB_REVISION. It also provides a description of how the state of a bundle installation may be represented.

This specification uses the terminology defined in the CNAB Core specification.

Managing State

Fundamentally, package managers provide a state management layer to keep records of what was installed. For example, homebrew, a popular macOS package manager, stores records for all installed software in /usr/local/Cellar. Helm, the package manager for Kubernetes, stores state records in Kubernetes ConfigMaps located in the system namespace. The Debian Apt system stores state in /var/run. In all of these cases, the stored state allows the package managing system to be able to answer (quickly) the question of whether a given package is installed.

Example from Homebrew:

$ brew info cscope
cscope: stable 15.8b (bottled)
Tool for browsing source code
/usr/local/Cellar/cscope/15.8b (10 files, 714.2KB) *
  Poured from bottle on 2017-05-15 at 09:24:58

The CNAB Claims specification does not define where or how records are stored, nor how these records MAY be used by CNAB tooling. However, this specification describes how a CNAB-based system MUST emit the record to an invocation image, and provides some guidance on maintaining integrity of the system.

This is done so that implementors can standardize on a way of relating an installation claim (the record of an installation) to operations like install, upgrade, or uninstall. This, in turn, is necessary if CNAB bundles are expected to be executable by different implementations.

Anatomy of a Claim

While implementors are not REQUIRED to implement claims, this is the standard format for claims-supporting systems.

The CNAB claim is defined as a JSON document. The specification currently does not require that claims be formatted as Canonical JSON. Claims are immutable and are not modified after creation. Before an action is executed against an installation, a new claim is created to represent the operation.

The claim for the last modifying action MUST be retained. Previous claims, and/or claims for non-modifying actions, MAY be retained to provide a history of actions performed on an installation.

  "action": "install",
  "bundle": {
    "credentials": {},
    "images": {},
    "invocationImages": [
        "image": "example/helloworld:0.1.0",
        "imageType": "docker"
    "name": "helloworld",
    "outputs": {
      "clientCert": {
        "definition": "x509Certificate",
        "path": "/cnab/app/outputs/clientCert"
      "hostName": {
        "applyTo": [
        "definition": "string",
        "description": "the hostname produced installing the bundle",
        "path": "/cnab/app/outputs/hostname"
      "port": {
        "definition": "port",
        "path": "/cnab/app/outputs/port"
    "parameters": {},
    "schemaVersion": "v1.0.0",
    "version": "0.1.2"
  "bundleReference": "",
  "created": "2018-08-30T20:39:55.549002887-06:00",
  "custom": {},
  "id": "01E5G8ZYP714JVM8NHTJQ4FH15",
  "installation": "technosophos.helloworld",
  "parameters": {},
  "revision": "01CP6XM0KVB9V1BQDZ9NK8VP29"

Source: 400.01-claim.json

The fields above are defined as follows:

  • action (REQUIRED): The name of the action executed against the installation. This may be any of the built-in actions (install, upgrade, uninstall) as well as any custom actions as defined in the bundle descriptor. The special name unknown MAY be used in the case where the CNAB Runtime cannot determine the action name of a claim.
  • bundle (REQUIRED): The bundle, as defined in the Bundle Definition.
  • created (REQUIRED): A timestamp indicating when this claim was created.
  • bundleReference (OPTIONAL): A canonical reference to the bundle used in the action. This bundle reference SHOULD be digested to identify a specific version of the referenced bundle.
  • custom (OPTIONAL): A section for custom extension data applicable to a given runtime.
  • id (REQUIRED): The claim id. A ULID that MUST change with each new claim, so that every claim associated with an installation has a unique id. This is used to associate the the claim with its result(s).
  • installation (REQUIRED): The name of the installation. This can be automatically generated, though humans may need to interact with it. It MUST be unique within the installation environment, though that constraint MUST be imposed externally. Elsewhere, this field is referenced as the installation name. The format of this field must follow the same format used for the installation field in the bundle.json file specification.
  • parameters (OPTIONAL): Key/value pairs that were passed in during the operation. These are stored so that the operation can be re-run. See the Parameters section below for more details.
  • revision (REQUIRED): The installation revision. A ULID that MUST change each time the installation is modified. It MUST NOT change when a non-modifying operation is performed on the installation.

Note that credential data is never stored in a claim. For this reason, a claim is not considered trivially repeatable. Credentials MUST be supplied on each action. Implementations of the claims specification are expected to retrieve the credential requirements from the bundle field.

Timestamps in JSON are defined in the ECMAScript specification, which matches the ISO-8601 Extended Format.


ULIDs have two properties that are desirable:

  • High probability of uniqueness
  • Sortable by time. The first 48 bits contain a timestamp

Compared to a monotonic increment, ULID has strong advantages when it cannot be assumed that only one actor will be acting upon the CNAB claim record. While other unique IDs are not meaningfully sortable, ULIDs are. Thus, even unordered claim storage records can be sorted.


If parameters are passed in during the operation, they MUST be stored on the claim. The parameter data stored in a claim is the resolved key/value pairs that result from the following transformation:

  • The values supplied by the user are validated by the rules specified in the bundle.json file
  • The output of this operation is a set of key/value pairs in which:
    • Valid user-supplied values are presented
    • Default values are supplied for all parameters where default is provided and no user-supplied value overrides this

Claim Results

The result of executing an operation is defined separately in a claim result document. Claim results are immutable and are not modified after creation. A claim can have multiple results. Only the final status, such as succeeded or failed MUST be recorded for a claim, though an implemenation MAY choose to persist results for intermediate status transitions. For example, a claim may have a result for starting and another for succeeded, or have multiple results when the operation was cancelled and then retried.

The last result associated with a retained claim MUST also be retained. Previous results MAY also be retained to provide a more detailed history of the operation's progress.

  "claimId": "01E5G8ZYP714JVM8NHTJQ4FH15",
  "custom": {},
  "id": "01E2ZZ2FKSE0V41DCXFCSW5D1M",
  "created": "2018-08-30T20:39:55.549002887-06:00",
  "message": "",
  "outputs": {
    "clientCert": {
    "hostName": {
    "port": {
  "status": "succeeded"

Source: 400.01-claim-result.json

The fields above are defined as follows:

  • claimId (REQUIRED): ID of the claim that generated this result.
  • custom (OPTIONAL): A section for custom extension data applicable to a given runtime.
  • id (REQUIRED): A ULID identifier for the result.
  • created (REQUIRED): A timestamp indicating when this result was created.
  • message (OPTIONAL): A human-readable string that communicates the outcome. Error messages MAY be included in failed conditions.
  • outputs (OPTIONAL): Outputs generated by the operation. It is a map from the output names to metadata about the output. The output value is not stored in the claim result. See the Outputs section for details. If this field is not present, it may be assumed that no outputs were generated as a result of the operation.
    • contentDigest (OPTIONAL): The contentDigest field contains a digest, in OCI format, which can be used to compute the integrity of the output.
  • status (REQUIRED): Indicates the status of the last phase transition. Valid statuses are:
    • cancelled: The operation was cancelled, potentially during the operation's execution. This is an error condition.
    • failed: Failed before completion.
    • pending: Execution has been requested and has not begun. This should be considered a temporary status, and the runtime SHOULD work to resolve this to either failed or succeeded.
    • running: Execution is in progress and has not completed. This should be considered a temporary status, and the runtime SHOULD work to resolve this to either failed or succeeded.
    • unknown: The state is unknown. This is an error condition.
    • succeeded: Completed successfully.


The claim result provides metadata about the outputs generated by the operation. A tool may choose to request the contents of any outputs to persist them but is not required to do so.

The output name, as defined in the bundle, is used to request the content of the file located at the path defined for that output.

Below, you can see an example of a claim result that includes an entry for the output clientCert.

  "claimId": "01E5G8ZYP714JVM8NHTJQ4FH15",
  "id": "01E2ZZ2FKSE0V41DCXFCSW5D1M",
  "created": "2018-08-30T20:39:55.549002887-06:00",
  "message": "",
  "outputs": {
    "clientCert": {
    "hostName": {
    "port": {
  "status": "succeeded",

The tool may request the contents of the output, retrieved from /cnab/app/outputs/clientCert, and persist it for later use.


How the Claim is Used

The claim is used to inform any CNAB tooling about how to address a particular installation. For example, given the claim record, a runtime that implements the CNAB Claims spec should be able to:

  • List the names of the installations, given a bundle name
  • Given an installation's name, return the bundle info that is installed under that name
  • Given an installation name and a bundle, generate a bundle info.
    • This is accompanied by running the install path in the bundle
  • Given an installation's name, replace the bundle info with updated bundle info, and update the revision with a new ULID, and the modified timestamp with the current time. This is an upgrade operation.
    • This is accompanied by running the upgrade path in the bundle
  • Given an installation's name, mark the installation as deleted.
    • This is accompanied by running the uninstall path in the bundle
  • Given an installation's name, return the name(s) of the generated outputs.

To satisfy these requirements, implementations of a CNAB runtime are expected to be able to store and retrieve state information. However, note that nothing in the CNAB Claims specification tells how or where this state information is to be stored. It is not a requirement to store that state information inside of the invocation image. (In fact, this is discouraged.)

Injecting Claim Data into an Invocation Image

Compliant CNAB Claims Spec implementations MUST conform to this section.

Environment Variables

The claim is produced outside of the CNAB package. The following claim data is injected into the invocation container at runtime:

  • $CNAB_INSTALLATION_NAME: The value of claim.installation.
  • $CNAB_BUNDLE_NAME: The name of the present bundle.
  • $CNAB_ACTION: The action to be performed (install, upgrade, ...)
  • $CNAB_REVISION: The ULID for the present revision. (On upgrade, this is the new revision)
  • $CNAB_CLAIMS_VERSION: The version of this specification (currently CNAB-Claims-1.0.0)

Credential data, which is also injected into the invocation image, is not managed by the claim system. Rules for injecting credentials are found in the bundle runtime definition.

Parameters declared with an env key in the destination object MUST have their values injected as environment variables according to the name specified. Likewise, files MUST be injected if path is set on destination.


The invocation image may benefit from accessing the claim. Consequently, a claim MUST be attached to the invocation image when the invocation image is started.

The claim MUST be mounted at the path /cnab/claim.json inside of the bundle. The version of this claim that is to be mounted is the version representing the current operation. In other words, when a bundle is installed, the runtime creates the original installation claim and passes this in. On the first upgrade, the claim describing the upgrade operation is located at /cnab/claim.json.

Note: Systems may be compliant with the core specification but not support the claims specification. If $CNAB_CLAIMS_VERSION is not present, a runtime SHOULD assume that the claims specification is not implemented. Bundle authors may therefore have to take care when relying upon /cnab/claim.json, accommodating the case where the runtime does not support claims.

Calculating the Result

The result object is populated by the result of the invocation image's action. For example, consider the case where an invocation image executes an installation action. The action is represented by the following shell script, and $CNAB_INSTALLATION_NAME is set to my_first_install:


set -eo pipefail

helm install stable/wordpress -n $CNAB_INSTALLATION_NAME > /dev/null
kubectl create pod $CNAB_INSTALLATION_NAME > /dev/null
echo "yay!"

(Note that the above script redirects data to /dev/null just to make the example easier. A production CNAB bundle might choose to include more verbose output.)

If both commands exit with code 0, then the claim result will look like this:

  "claimId": "01E5G8ZYP714JVM8NHTJQ4FH15",
  "id": "ULID",
  "message": "yay!",    // From STDOUT (echo)
  "created": "TIMESTAMP",
  "status": "succeeded"   // succeeded (exit == 0), failed (exit > 0), or unknown (connection terminated before exit code was received)

Tools that implement claims MAY then present this result info to end users to show the result of running an invocation image.

Credentials, Parameters, and Claims

The claims specification makes two assumptions about security:

  • Claims are safe for writing sensitive information
  • Claims are not a means for proxying identity

Parameters may contain sensitive information, such as database passwords. And this specification assumes that storing such information (un-redacted) can be done securely. However, the precise security mechanisms applied at the storage layer are beyond the scope of this specification.

Parameter values MUST be stored in claims. Implementations of the claims spec MUST NOT provide methods to block certain parameters from having their values written to the claim.

Credentials, on the other hand, are proxies for user identity, including potentially both authentication information and authorization information. Claims are not intended to provide a proxy for identity. In other words, a claim record should allow two users with identical permissions the ability to install the same configuration, it should not provide a way for one user to gain the permissions of another user.

Credential data MUST NOT be stored in claims. Credentials are identity-specific, while claims are identity-neutral.