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Smash The Mesh (STM) is a Godot add-on that allows you to break 3D meshes into multiple pieces and apply physics to each fragment. It includes features for saving the results to disk (cache) for quick loading.


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Smash The Mesh (STM) is a Godot add-on that allows you to break a 3D mesh into multiple pieces and then apply physics to each fragment. It also offers the ability to save the results to disk (cache) and load them quickly, thereby avoiding the need for repetitive, often time-consuming computations.

Note: This is a BETA version and is still under development. It should be tested thoroughly to assess its suitability for your needs.

Under the Hood

STM uses Godot's Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) system to create fragments from a mesh.

Table of Contents

STM Nodes

  • STMInstance3D

    This class is ideal for handling lightweight geometry (with few chunks) that doesn't require intensive computation. It can automatically break a mesh and apply physics to the resulting chunks. This can be done either at loading time (with chunk_opt_preload = true) or when the smash_the_mesh() method is called. For performance-critical scenarios, it is highly recommended to use STMCachedInstance3D.

  • STMCachedInstance3D

    This class extends STMInstance3D by adding a caching system that only recomputes data when it becomes invalid (for example, if you change the generation parameters). The cache is stored as a compressed scene on the disk, with the default path set to res://stm_cache/. This cache can be reused across multiple instances with the same geometry. However, be cautious when dealing with a lot of geometry and many fragments, as the size of the cache file will increase. It’s a good idea to periodically check the folder.

    To open a cache file, simply double-click on it. You can inspect the result and even make edits as needed, but it's important to maintain the tree structure. Note that manually modifying a cache file will invalidate it, so be sure to set cache_write = false to ensure your changes are not overwritten the next time the program runs.


  1. Download the repository.

  2. Import the addons folder into your project.

  3. Activate Smash The Mesh under Project > Project Settings > Plugins.

Getting Started Example

  1. Add a STMCachedInstance3D node to the scene.

  2. Add a new TorusMesh in the Original Mesh field.

  3. Add at least a Camera3D node in the scene and make it look the torus.

  4. Write this code in a script:

# Break the mesh when you press the SPACE key
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
    # Check if the event is a key press
    var key_event = event as InputEventKey
    # Reference to the STM instance (ensure this matches the name in your scene tree)
    var stm_instance = $STMCachedInstance3D
    # Return if STM instance or key event is invalid, or the key is not SPACE
    if !stm_instance or !key_event or key_event.keycode != KEY_SPACE:
    # Break the mesh when SPACE is pressed
    if key_event.is_pressed():
    # Apply an "explode" impulse to each fragment/chunk when SPACE is released
    elif key_event.is_released():

        # Define a callback to apply an impulse to a rigid body chunk
        var explode_callback = func(rb: RigidBody3D, _from):
            rb.apply_impulse(-rb.global_position.normalized() * Vector3(1, -1, 1) * 5.0)
        # Apply the callback to each chunk of the mesh
  1. Run your program and hit the SPACE to make the torus explode.

API Documentation

is_smashed() -> bool

Returns true if the current instance has been smashed, otherwise returns false.


Hides the mesh of the current instance and spawns the physical chunks in its place.

  • Note (1): The chunks will not appear until this method is called.
  • Note (2): If you're applying physics (e.g., apply_impulse()) immediately after smash_the_mesh(), ensure that the RigidBody3D is fully initialized in the physics space. To avoid issues, consider awaiting a process frame or using call_deferred() to apply the physics after the current frame.


Automatically adds a RigidBody3D and a CollisionShape3D to the current instance, using the same physics settings as the chunks.

chunks_iterate(callback: Callable)

Iterates over all the chunks' RigidBody3D instances, allowing you to perform operations on the chunks of this instance.
Example of callback:

# Perform an action for each chunk
callback := func(rb: RigidBody3D, from: DestructableMesh):
    # Get the collision shape of each chunk
    var collision_shape = rb.get_child(0) as CollisionShape3D
    # Get the mesh instance of each chunk
    var mesh_instance = collision_shape.get_child(0) as MeshInstance3D
    # ...perform additional actions with each chunk (e.g., apply a force)

chunks_get_elapsed_time() -> float

Returns the time elapsed (in seconds) since smash_the_mesh() was called.
Returns 0 if smash_the_mesh() has not been called.


Updates the elapsed time as if smash_the_mesh() was just called.
This is useful for restarting time-based animations without restoring the chunks to their original state.


Removes all the chunks of this mesh instance.


Resets this instance to its state before smash_the_mesh() was called.

chunks_freeze(enable: bool)

Freezes or unfreezes the physics simulation of the chunks.

  • enable: Pass true to freeze the simulation, or false to unfreeze it.

chunks_repair(weight: float)

Reverts the chunks to their starting position.

  • weight: The amount of repair, from 0 (no repair) to 1 (fully repaired).
    This method can be called each frame with a low value of weight to create a backward animation to the original position.
    Tip: Ensure that chunks_freeze() is called before using this method to avoid disrupting the physics simulation.

Cache System Documentation

@export var cache_write: bool = true

When enabled, the cache will be overwritten when the cached data becomes invalid.
If multiple instances use the same cache file, it is advisable to have only one instance with cache_write = true. This allows you to modify the cache data for all instances from a single point (the instance with cache_write = true).

@export var cache_read: bool = true

When enabled, the object will attempt to load data from the cache file instead of computing it.

  • If the cache isn't found, the data will be computed (either at loading time or when needed).
  • If cache_write = true, the computed data will be saved to disk, preventing future computations.
  • If cache_read = false, the data will always be computed at run-time.

@export var cache_is_saved: bool = false

An informational property (not meant to be modified) that indicates whether this instance can read the cache from disk without the need to recompute the data.

@export_file("*.scn") var cache_name: String = str(get_instance_id())

Specifies the name of the cache file on disk.

  • To have multiple instances of the same object read from the same cache, set the same cache_name for all instances.
  • In this case, it is advisable to disable cache_write for all instances except one, which can be used to modify the cache.
  • To ensure that the cache data is never overwritten, set cache_write = false for all objects.

@export var cache_baked_shape: bool = true

When enabled, the collision shape of the chunks will be read directly from the cache without being recomputed.

  • If you want to keep the chunk data from the cache but use a different collision shape, set cache_baked_shape = false.

@export var cache_baked_physics: bool = false

When enabled, all physics data of the chunks will be read directly from the cache without being recomputed.

  • If you want to keep the chunk data from the cache but use different physics settings, set cache_baked_physics = false.

Chunks Generation Documentation

@export var original_mesh: Mesh

Specifies the original (source) mesh that you want to break into chunks.

@export var chunk_brush: Mesh = StandardBrush

Defines the mesh used as an intersection volume for each voxel to create the chunks.

  • The shape of the brush can significantly influence the result and may cause unwanted artifacts if not chosen carefully.
  • If you create custom brush meshes, keep them centered on the origin of the system with a size close to 1x1x1 to avoid unpredictable results.
  • A set of experimental brush meshes is available in the "brushes" sub-folder. For example, the "wood" brush has been used for simulating the breaking of wood material.

@export var chunk_inner_material: StandardMaterial3D

Specifies the material to be used for the inner parts of the chunks.

@export var chunk_count: Vector3i = Vector3i(2, 2, 2)

Represents the 3D voxel grid, which also indicates the maximum number of chunks that can be created for each axis.

  • The maximum number of chunks is determined by chunk_count.x * chunk_count.y * chunk_count.z.
  • Example: If your object is tall (Y axis) but thin (X, Z), you might increase the count on the Y axis while keeping the other two values low to achieve the desired effect.

@export var chunk_vertices_threshold: int = 32

Sets the minimum number of vertices required for a chunk to be retained.

  • Choosing this value carefully is important to avoid creating insignificant chunks.
  • Note: Higher values can reduce the number of chunks created.
  • Tip: Monitor the console when generating chunks to see the vertex count for each chunk, and adjust this value accordingly.

@export var chunk_random_sampling: bool = true

When set to false, chunks are removed from the mesh starting from the minimum position of the bounding box.

  • Disable this flag if you need more regular and predictable chunking results.

@export var chunk_noise_factor: Vector3 = Vector3.ZERO

Specifies the amount of noise applied to the brush geometry before computations.

  • Adding noise can create interesting irregularities but may also cause artifacts.
  • This factor is size-dependent. If you notice excessive artifacts, try setting the noise factor to 0.

@export var chunk_opt_preload: bool = true

If true, chunk computation will occur at loading time.

  • When false, chunks will only be calculated when the smash_the_mesh() method is called.

@export var chunk_opt_already_smashed: bool = false

If true, the smash_the_mesh() method will be automatically called at the start.

Physics Settings Documentation

@export_enum(...) var phys_shape: int = 1

Specifies the collision shape to be used for each chunk.

  • Options:
    • Sphere: 0
    • Box: 1
    • Capsule: 2
    • Cylinder: 3
    • ConvexShape: 4
  • Note: If precise collisions are required, you can use ConvexShape, but be aware that it may cause performance loss when dealing with a large number of chunks.

@export_range(0.01, 10, 0.1, "or_greater") var phys_total_mass: float = 1.0

Represents the mass of the entire geometry. Each chunk will have a fraction of this mass based on its volume or size.

@export var phys_material: PhysicsMaterial = null

Specifies the physical material to be applied to each chunk.

@export_flags_3d_physics var phys_collision_layer: int = 1

Defines the physics layers that the chunk will check for collisions.

@export_flags_3d_physics var phys_mask_layer: int = 1

Specifies the physics layers where the chunk will reside when another collider checks for collisions.

@export_range(0.0, 1.0, 0.05, "or_greater") var phys_collision_priority: float = 1.0

Represents how much a collider will be allowed to penetrate another object. This value helps determine the priority of collision handling.

Performance Tips

  • Mesh Complexity: High polygon meshes may result in slow fragmentation. Consider simplifying the mesh before fragmentation.
  • Caching: Use the caching feature to save fragmented meshes and improve load times.
  • Physics Settings: Adjust physics settings to balance realism and performance, especially for large numbers of fragments.

Known Issues

  • Some meshes may not fragment as expected due to limitations in the CSG system.
  • Performance may degrade significantly with very complex meshes or large numbers of fragments.
  • Mesh Original Size Issue: If you encounter problems fracturing the mesh, try checking the mesh's original size. Until this issue is fixed, there may be difficulties with meshes that are not at least 1 unit in size on at least one axis (preferably larger). For example, a long but thin panel may still work if at least one dimension is sufficiently large to avoid problems with the voxel grid used for fracture computation.
  • As this is a BETA version, there may be other unforeseen issues. Please report any bugs to the issue tracker.

Additional Resources

  • Tutorial Video by AntzGames: A clear and simple video tutorial on how to use the SmashTheMesh plugin. Great for beginners looking for a straightforward introduction to the fundamentals.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your improvements. Make sure to follow the project's coding standards and write clear commit messages.


MIT License


Smash The Mesh (STM) is a Godot add-on that allows you to break 3D meshes into multiple pieces and apply physics to each fragment. It includes features for saving the results to disk (cache) for quick loading.








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