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Image Classifier CLI

An easy-to-use CLI tool for training and testing image classifiers.

Key Features

  • Can handle ANY image size (but you need to specify it!)
  • Can handle ANY number of labels


  • All data are assumed to be of SAME size
  • Classes are based only on existing data

Getting Started


  • Python3
  • Numpy
  • TensorFlow
pip install tensorflow-gpu numpy

Note that depending on your environment (OS, GPU, etc.) the required TensorFlow version may vary.
This CLI was developed and tested on a machine with following specs:

  • OS: Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit
  • GPU: GeForce 940MX, 2 GB RAM
  • CUDA: v9.0

Of course, you may also choose to use TensorFlow CPU version :)


git clone

Running this CLI


To see all the parameters, run the following on the base directory (imageclassifier-cli/):

python3 -h

You should see the following:

usage: [-h] -m {trn_prep,tst_prep,trn,tst}
                              [-d DATA_DIR] -r TF_REC -a
                              {ImageGRU,ImageLSTM,SimpleANN,TFCNN} -l ALIAS
                              [-s MODEL_DIR] [-e MODEL_EPOCH]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m {trn_prep,tst_prep,trn,tst}
                        Execution mode:
                            trn_prep - prepare data as TFRecords then execute training
                            tst_prep - prepare data as TFRecords then execute testing
                            trn - Execute training (no preparation)
                            tst - Execute testing (no preparation)
  -d DATA_DIR           Location of images to use
                         - used for trn_prep and tst_prep
  -r TF_REC             TFRecords file
                         - NAME of TFRecords file to be created (for trn_prep, tst_prep)
                         - PATH of TFRecords file to be used (for trn, tst)
  -a {ImageGRU,ImageLSTM,SimpleANN,TFCNN}
                        Model Architecture to Use
  -l ALIAS              Alias for trained model (e.g. name of data)
  -s MODEL_DIR          Location of Saved Model
                         - optional; used only for tst and tst_prep
  -e MODEL_EPOCH        Epoch (load model saved at end of specific epoch)
                         - optional; used only for tst and tst_prep


  1. trn_prep - Save image data as TFRecords, then perform training.
  2. tst_prep - Save image data as TFRecords, then perform training.
  3. trn - Perform training. Saves trained model in models/
  4. tst - Perform testing. Loads trained model, classifies test data, and prints accuracy

When using the 'prep' modes, you have to specify the location of data (via -d) which you will format into TFRecords.
When using 'non-prep' modes, you have to specify location of TFRecords (via -r).


First of all, you have to gather and organize your image data!
This CLI expects the following directory structure for DATA_DIR (location of images):

├── <class0>
│   ├── image1.png
│   ├── image2.png
│   ...
│   └── imageN.png
├── <class1>
│   ├── image1.png
│   ├── image2.png
│   ...
│   └── imageN.png
└── <classN>
    ├── image1.png
    ├── image2.png
    └── imageN.png

As mentioned, this CLI assumes all these images to be of same size.
Prior to training, make sure that IMG_SHAPE is set correctly in common/
Take note that IMG_SHAPE is also used by our image classifier
to set the input layer size of the available architectures.

Now, let's start training!
As an example, I will use the CIFAR-10 dataset in PNG format and store it in data/:

and re-organize the images as follows:


Sample execution:

python3 \
-m trn_prep \
-d data/cifar/train \
-r cifar_train_img \
-a TFCNN \
-l cifar

The above command will do the following:

  1. Collect all images in data/cifar/train along with their corresponding labels
    and store them in TFRecords file format in records/cifar_train_img.tfrecords
  2. Train image model with TFCNN architecture (see arch/ using data in TFRecords file
    • the number of Epoch, Processed Images, and Loss value are printed
  3. Save trained model in following path:
    • the number of saved models may be varied in common/

Sample output:

Found 50000 images. Creating TF records... 
Training on 50000 images for 5 epochs...
[2018-09-02 20:59:40.869] Epoch: 1/5, Processed: 0/50000, Loss: 3.386968
[2018-09-02 20:59:41.252] Epoch: 1/5, Processed: 3200/50000, Loss: 1.743668
[2018-09-02 20:59:41.638] Epoch: 1/5, Processed: 6400/50000, Loss: 2.058634
[2018-09-02 20:59:42.035] Epoch: 1/5, Processed: 9600/50000, Loss: 1.742383
[2018-09-02 20:59:42.428] Epoch: 1/5, Processed: 12800/50000, Loss: 1.573048

[2018-09-02 21:21:44.043] Epoch: 20/20, Processed: 35600/50000, Loss: 0.049832
[2018-09-02 21:21:45.492] Epoch: 20/20, Processed: 38800/50000, Loss: 0.039704
[2018-09-02 21:21:46.948] Epoch: 20/20, Processed: 42000/50000, Loss: 0.117836
[2018-09-02 21:21:48.396] Epoch: 20/20, Processed: 45200/50000, Loss: 0.006848
[2018-09-02 21:21:49.842] Epoch: 20/20, Processed: 48400/50000, Loss: 0.029094
Model saved in path: models/TFCNN/20180902_2121_TFCNN_cifar_20.mdl

To re-run same training without TFRecords preparation, use:

python3 \
-m trn \
-r records/cifar_train_img.tfrecords \
-a TFCNN \
-l cifar


Perform same initial steps done for Training (if you haven't done yet!).

Sample execution:

python3 \
-m tst_prep \
-d data/cifar/test \
-r cifar_test_img \
-a TFCNN \
-l cifar

The above command will do the following:

  1. Collect all images in data/cifar/test along with their corresponding labels
    and store them in TFRecords file format in records/cifar_test_img.tfrecords
  2. Load pre-trained image model with latest epoch in following path:
  3. Classify data in TFRecords file using loaded model
    • number of processed images is printed during execution
  4. Print (and save to log file) the accuracy

Sample output:

Found 10000 images. Creating TF records... 
[2018-09-02 21:24:47.251] Starting classification. Using model in:
[2018-09-02 21:24:49.584] Processed 100/10000 images
[2018-09-02 21:24:49.728] Processed 1100/10000 images
[2018-09-02 21:24:49.866] Processed 2100/10000 images
[2018-09-02 21:24:50.005] Processed 3100/10000 images
[2018-09-02 21:24:50.144] Processed 4100/10000 images
[2018-09-02 21:24:50.281] Processed 5100/10000 images
[2018-09-02 21:24:50.418] Processed 6100/10000 images
[2018-09-02 21:24:50.576] Processed 7100/10000 images
[2018-09-02 21:24:50.734] Processed 8100/10000 images
[2018-09-02 21:24:50.898] Processed 9100/10000 images
[2018-09-02 21:24:51.074] Accuracy: 75.320000

To re-run same testing without TFRecords preparation, use:

python3 \
-m tst \
-r records/cifar_test_img.tfrecords \
-a TFCNN \
-l cifar

NOTE: If you have multiple trained models having SAME architecture, SAME alias and are located in SAME folder,
the LATEST trained model is loaded. If this is not the intended behavior in such cases, then use alias (-l).

ALIAS (-l)

The intended use of -l (alias) is to distinguish models having same architecture but are trained with different dataset or hyperparameters. For example, I can use aliases of "mnist" and "cifar" for training a
SimpleANN network on MNIST and CIFAR-10 dataset respectively.
This will leave me with two distinct models on same folder:


Or if I want to train two different CIFAR models using different learning rates, I can use aliases to get the following:



-s dir

  • You're basically telling the program to look for the pre-trained model in dir.

-e num

  • You're telling the program to use the model saved at epoch num for testing.
    (You may save the model at specific epoch intervals via NUM_EPOCH_BEFORE_CHKPT in common/


Classes for neural network architectures are in arch/ Currently, the following are implemented:

  • TFCNN - TensorFlow CNN Architecture
  • SimpleANN - Neural Net w/ Single Hidden Layer
  • ImageLSTM - Basic LSTM RNN for Images
  • ImageGRU - Basic GRU RNN for Images

Other network architectures may be added. Just make sure to update MODEL_ARCH in
to add them as architecture option in CLI.


You may modify hyperparameters in common/ and arch/

Built With



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details