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理解关于递归的理论,因为 readback 的难点就是递归。 我目前唯一知道的实现递归的方式就是用 mod,但是这给 readback 带来了困难。

  • 递归函数是否可以有效地被化归到一般递归组合子,比如 fix 与 Y?
  • 递归函数之间的等价问题是否可以被化归到 Graph isomorphism problem?
  • 同时理解 jojo 与 lambda calculus 中的递归现象。
  • cell complex 是否可以被划归到 Graph theory 或者 hypergraph theory?
  • raymond-smullyan

    • to understand diagonalization is to understand recursion without name
    • to understand diagonalization and recursion is to understand graph
    • graph seems is more complicated than tree, just like tree seems is more complicated than number
    • in lambda calculus, two graph can be applied or composed to form new graph, just like in higher order algebra, two cell-complex can be can be composed to form new cell-complex
  • stephen-wolfram/a-new-kind-of-science

To improve the design of our type system framework, we need enough concrete example types.

  • Changing lang1 to OOP will provide us more examples about readback

  • Changing lang2 to support pie will provide us more examples.

    • Before supporting pie, we change the design of lang2 from procedural to OOP.
    • Changing lang2 to OOP will provide us more examples about readback
  • TLT will provide us a suite of tests, and a philosophy of testing.


prepare moving partech out to its own repo.

  • [partech] learn more about framework design
  • [partech] change style from procedural to OOP.



  • 同时测试 lang2 与 lang3。
  • [TLT] 5. Lists, Lists, and More Lists
  • [TLT] 6. Precisely How Many?
  • [TLT] 7. It All Depends On the Motive
  • [TLT] Recess: One Piece at a Time
  • [TLT] 8. Pick a Number, Any Number
  • [TLT] 9. Double Your Money, Get Twice as Much
  • [TLT] 10. It Also Depends On the List
  • [TLT] 11. All Lists Are Created Equal
  • [TLT] 12. Even Numbers Can Be Odd
  • [TLT] 13. Even Haf a Baker's Dozen
  • [TLT] 14. There's Safety in Numbers
  • [TLT] 15. Imagine That ...
  • [TLT] 16. If It's All the Same to You
  • [TLT] A. The Way Forward
  • [TLT] B. Rules Are Made to Be Spoken


加入 Mod 以实现相互递归。

  • readback 如何处理相互递归?
  • [lang0] Mod
  • [lang0] Var also lookup Mod
  • [lang0] use Mod to replace World
    • each mod has its own output


  • [lang1] Env no side effect

  • [lang1] Ctx no side effect

  • [lang1] Let <: Exp

  • [lang1] Let syntax

  • [lang1] no Begin use Let instead

    • Exp should not depend on Stmt
  • [lang1] World for Stmt.assemble

  • [lang1] World.check

  • [lang1] World.run_mod

  • [lang1] World.run_all




  • [lang2] Let <: Exp

  • [lang2] Let syntax

  • [lang2] no Begin use Let instead

    • Exp should not depend on Stmt
  • [lang2] simplify the interface Stmt

  • [lang2] add @check syntax for testing

  • [lang2] to use @claim and @define

refactoring Value

refactoring Neutral

refactoring Normal

refactoring Stmt

naming convention

  • [lang2] maybe we should change the naming convention to be without dot.

将 NbE 教程中的 tartlet 升级为 pie

  • [lang2] List, List.cons, List.null, List.rec
  • [lang2] Vector
  • [lang2] be able to add type annotation to Exp.fn


  • 如何对某一个类型以及相关的 Exp 作出充分的测试?

  • [lang2] test Equal

  • [lang2] test Pi

  • [lang2] test Absurd


  • use native number as Nat.


refactoring Value

  • We need to do typed readback, take Pi for example, we can not only readback Fn, but also NotYetValue value that shall be Fn.

    • The same for Cls.
    • This is about eta-expansion, which make noraml forms more noraml.
      • can we make noraml forms even more noraml by using postfix notation?
    • How about CaseFn? where the target is the argument instead of the function.
    • Maybe we do not need to "dispatch over type in the readback", but we do need to handle eta-expansion before NotYetValue other cases.
    • Absurd is also a special case, which must goes before NotYetValue.
    • When the Pi is the type of datacons or typecons, it is again a special case.
  • We do not understand union type well, it seems we need to handle it at so many places.

    • [bug] examples/lang3/out/datatype-vec.cic
  • [lang3] Readbackable -- FnValue -- fn-value

  • [lang3] Readbackable -- CaseFnValue -- case-fn-value

  • [lang3] Readbackable -- ObjValue -- obj-value

  • [lang3] no branches in Readback.readback

  • [lang3] readback_neutral for Neutral

  • [lang3] readback_normal for Normal

  • [lang3] Value as intersection type instead of union type

refactoring Exp

  • [lang3] refactor check_union_type & check_by_infer

  • [lang3] fix the type casting in src/lang3/exps/typecons/typecons-inferable.ts

  • [lang3] fix the type casting in src/lang3/exps/union/union.ts

  • [lang3] fix the problem that Exp is a dependency hub.


  • [lang3] check and report empty module
  • [lang3] build up parent module when mount a @module -- for using first-level module
  • [lang3] be able to use every first-level module without @import
  • [lang3] be able to readback Value.mod -- to first-level module
  • [lang3] be able to @import specific Den
  • [lang3] Mod.Den.namespace -- transparent -- can use bandings in current module
  • [lang3] syntax for Mod.Den.namespace -- @namespace
  • [lang3] Mod.Den.typecons -- with its namespace
  • [lang3] syntax for defining bindings in Mod.Den.typecons


  • [lang3] fix syntax about auto currying -- f(x, y) as sugar of f(x)(y)

nested match

  • [lang3] more simple rule about pattern variable

  • [lang3] be able to add type annotation to Exp.fn

    • we will be able to infer such fn
    • which might be needed by @match
  • [lang3] there might be @match

    • which will be direct application of Exp.case_fn

improve the readback of recursive expression

  • [lang3] We SHOULD NOT mute_recursive_exp_in_mod for non recursive Den

structural subtyping

  • [lang3] Value.subtype -- structural cls
  • [lang3] Value.subtype -- function type

domain-driven design

  • in terms of domain-driven design, what is the core domain of cicada language? set theory?

lang3 as cicada

  • maybe lang3 can not be cicada, because we can not do object-oriented design in lang3.

    • maybe we do not need object-oriented design, because we can use explicit function table passing style.

    • maybe we can use object-oriented design by record type and higher order functions.



  • [lang4] primitive functions
  • [lang4] @class
  • [lang4] @list [...]


  • [lang4] explicit control
  • [lang4] improve Value.equal


  • lambda calculus has a equational theory, what is the equational the for jojo?

    • maybe we should not use the classic semantic framework of lambda calculus to understand the semantic of jojo
  • what is dependent type in jojo?

    • note that, we do not need to infer function type.
  • why simple type + type as value is not useful?

    • maybe it is still useful, just no dependent type at run time.


untyped jojo calculus

  • no normalization, but has directly implemented equivalence by execution.

the difference between lambda calculus and jojo must be understand by topology.

  • 也许 lambda calculus 是 topology 而 jojo 是代数?

  • jojo 的等式理论:

    • 判断等价的时候,可以通过实际作用于列表,然后看结果,来完成。
    • 对于不能作用的值, 可以记录下作用时的栈。
    • 对于这个等式理论,我们可以证明和 lambda calculus 类似的属性。 即只要是在动态型意义上相等的 jojo,我们所实现的等词都可以判断其相等。
    • jojo 的等式理论好像不需要 lazy eval。
  • 我之前认为与 lambda 相比 jojo 中的类型系统更简单, 而 jojo 之间的等价关系判断更难。 但是现在看来,反而是后者简单,前者难。


  • 这里对 jojo 的 normalization 可以帮助理解 lambda calculus 中的 normalization。

    • jojo 有 application_trace,而是 lambda calculus 中 application_trace 都被记录在 Neutral 中。
  • 我们可以利用这个语言与 Raymond Smullyan 的书, 来研究相互引用与递归的本质。

  • 很难想像 jojo 中如何实现 lazy eval。