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193 lines (112 loc) · 5.08 KB

abduction is neg by fail?

Data instead of Term -- only defined by datatype

[maybe] remove eval [maybe] remove print -- find should print

type constraint should not be String(x)

  • should be The(String, x)
  • or just x: String


修复模块系统,应该用两次 pass。

NOTE 我们想把很多 Set 处理函数整理到 Set.* 这个命名空间下, 因为我们想要避免大量的 import。 但是 vue 的 API 都是单个的 import,而不是 Vue.*。 所以也许不应该避免大量的 import。

contral flow

如何在逻辑式中恢复部分的过程式 contral flow?

  • contral flow 是程序员最好的朋友。


[chimera] 完成更多的 clause-and-effect 中的例子。

[chimera] 关于 logic programming 与 first-order logic 的笔记。

[chimera] CLP 中的 RelationConstraint 的语义都是集合论意义上的 relation。

  • 它们有什么区别?
  • 为什么我们需要 Constraint 而不能用 Relation 实现全部?

[chimera] finite domain 在于每个变量真的带有一个 domain(有限集合), 这个有限集合显然可以被代替为 区间 之类的量, 也许任意的 lattice 都可以?

[chimera] 取消 occur-check 并且能够打印循环的 value。

[chimera] simply typed logic programming

[chimera] dependently typed logic programming

  • need equivalence between relations.
  • if type system is logic, what is the logic of logic?

[chimera] logic programming (clique)

[chimera] datomic-like datalog in clique

[chimera] 尝试把多元关系转化为三元组(datomic)

  • 关系的代数(peirce)

CHR -- complete solver

[books/clause-and-effect] 08-maximum-of-a-list.wa -- need constraints FiniteDomain { LtEq(x, y) }

[finite-domain] solve some puzzles about finite-domain as example

do notation

[maybe] support do notation -- for programming without try and catch

first-order logic

[learn] logic programming's correspondence to first-order logic

[learn] Since I understand the use of untyped bound variables now, maybe I can understand Gentzen and Goedel's works.

[learn] I should read Ray's book about first-order logic

[write] understand constraint in first-order logic by writing?

  • take Disequality as an example
  • take finite domain as an example

[learn] we can learn more about first-order logic by implementing alphaLean


可以考虑编译到 xvm。 也许应该直接编译到 x86。


mark as 1.0.0 and writie some docs

  • about set-theory based programming for language development


[learn] learn DCG of prolog -- the --> syntax


[logic programming] provide a tool for checking relation's disjoint-ness against examples.

[debug] [primitive] trace as a built-in function

  • result should be represented by term and json


[read] logic-for-problem-solving.pdf

[read] constraint-logic-programming--a-survey.pdf

alphaKanren and alphaLean

implement alphaKanren

implement alphaLean


[langs] langs/pie -- use pie as an example of non trivial logic program

  • we should use nominal logic instead of freshen

[wiki of rules] when writing a PL paper, use concrete syntax to write examples, and use abstract syntax to write rules

[read] A Unified Approach to Solving Seven Programming Problems (Functional Pearl)


Why we can use negation of Equal (still monotone), but can not use general negation of all relations?

A named conjunctive query can be viewed as a new relation generated from its body,

A named conjunctive query can also be viewed as a new relation with schema -- the constrains (the body of the query), that must be satisfied when we add new data to the relation, or update existing data in the relation.


能够把保存 facts 的文件当成小型数据库来用。


有了带有名字的 clause 之后, 可以设计手写 deduction 的语法。


[question] why we do not need key != name in Lookup?

[books/the-reasoned-schemer] 09-thin-ice.wa [books/the-reasoned-schemer] 10-under-the-hood.wa

[read] relational-programming-in-minikanren-techniques-applications-and-implementations.pdf [read] a-framework-for-extending-microkanren-with-constraints.pdf [read] pure-declarative-and-constructive-arithmetic-relations.pdf [read] a-surprisingly-competitive-conditional-operator.pdf


learn more about adder:

[books/the-reasoned-schemer] 08-just-a-bit-more.wa -- frame 35


[later] find -- support taking solution -- in <solution>

[later] equal -- support all value types

[later] [DX] when adding new url to Loader.tracked, we should let the watcher watch it