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276 lines (209 loc) · 8.74 KB
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Numerical Reading Group: Eigendecompositions
Richard Shaw
Mar 31st 2021

$$ \newcommand{\ensuremath}[1]{#1} \newcommand\pdiff[1]{\frac{\partial}{\partial #1}} \newcommand\diff[2]{\frac{d #1}{d #2}} \newcommand{\curl}{,\mbox{curl},} \newcommand\del{\nabla} \newcommand{\grad}[1][]{\ensuremath{\mathbf{\nabla} #1}}

\newcommand{\la}{\ensuremath{\left\langle}} \newcommand{\ra}{\ensuremath{\right\rangle}}

\newcommand{\lv}{\ensuremath{\left\lvert}} \newcommand{\rv}{\ensuremath{\right\rvert}}

\newcommand{\ls}{\ensuremath{\left[}} \newcommand{\rs}{\ensuremath{\right]}}

\newcommand{\lp}{\ensuremath{\left(}} \newcommand{\rp}{\ensuremath{\right)}}

\newcommand{\vecr}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand{\mat}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}


\newcommand{\va}{\vecr{a}} \newcommand{\vc}{\vecr{c}} \newcommand{\vf}{\vecr{f}} \newcommand{\vk}{\vecr{k}} \newcommand{\vn}{\vecr{n}} \newcommand{\vr}{\vecr{r}} \newcommand{\vs}{\vecr{s}} \newcommand{\vt}{\vecr{t}} \newcommand{\vu}{\vecr{u}} \newcommand{\vv}{\vecr{v}} \newcommand{\vw}{\vecr{w}} \newcommand{\vx}{\vecr{x}} \newcommand{\vy}{\vecr{y}}

\newcommand{\vdhat}{\hat{\vecr{d}}} \newcommand{\vnhat}{\hat{\vecr{n}}} \newcommand{\vphat}{\hat{\vecr{p}}} \newcommand{\vuhat}{\hat{\vecr{u}}} \newcommand{\vvhat}{\hat{\vecr{v}}} \newcommand{\vxhat}{\hat{\vecr{x}}} \newcommand{\vyhat}{\hat{\vecr{y}}} \newcommand{\vzhat}{\hat{\vecr{z}}}

\newcommand{\vnt}{\tilde{\vecr{n}}} \newcommand{\vvt}{\tilde{\vecr{v}}} \newcommand{\vxt}{\tilde{\vecr{x}}}

\newcommand{\vnb}{\bar{\vecr{n}}} \newcommand{\vvb}{\bar{\vecr{v}}}

\newcommand{\vA}{\vecr{A}} \newcommand{\vE}{\vecr{E}} \newcommand{\vH}{\vecr{H}} \newcommand{\vS}{\vecr{S}}


\newcommand{\mA}{\mat{A}} \newcommand{\mB}{\mat{B}} \newcommand{\mC}{\mat{C}} \newcommand{\mE}{\mat{E}} \newcommand{\mF}{\mat{F}} \newcommand{\mG}{\mat{G}} \newcommand{\mI}{\mat{I}} \newcommand{\mJ}{\mat{J}} \newcommand{\mK}{\mat{K}} \newcommand{\mL}{\mat{L}} \newcommand{\mM}{\mat{M}} \newcommand{\mN}{\mat{N}} \newcommand{\mP}{\mat{P}} \newcommand{\mQ}{\mat{Q}} \newcommand{\mR}{\mat{R}} \newcommand{\mS}{\mat{S}} \newcommand{\mT}{\mat{T}} \newcommand{\mU}{\mat{U}} \newcommand{\mV}{\mat{V}} \newcommand{\mW}{\mat{W}} \newcommand{\mX}{\mat{X}} \newcommand{\mY}{\mat{Y}}

\newcommand{\mNh}{\mat{N}^{\scriptscriptstyle -\frac{1}{2}}}

\newcommand{\mBt}{\tilde{\mat{B}}} \newcommand{\mCt}{\tilde{\mat{C}}} \newcommand{\mNt}{\tilde{\mat{N}}} \newcommand{\mQt}{\tilde{\mat{Q}}} \newcommand{\mSt}{\tilde{\mat{S}}}

\newcommand{\mGamma}{\mat{\Gamma}} \newcommand{\mLambda}{\mat{\Lambda}} \newcommand{\mLambdat}{\tilde{\mat{\Lambda}}} \newcommand{\mSigma}{\mat{\Sigma}}

\newcommand{\mBb}{\bar{\mat{B}}} \newcommand{\mCb}{\bar{\mat{C}}} \newcommand{\mFb}{\bar{\mat{F}}} \newcommand{\mNb}{\bar{\mat{N}}} \newcommand{\mSb}{\bar{\mat{S}}}


\newcommand{\brsc}[1]{{\ensuremath{\scriptscriptstyle (#1)}}}

\newcommand{\calF}{\mathcal{F}} \newcommand{\calG}{\mathcal{G}} \newcommand{\calH}{\mathcal{H}} \newcommand{\calP}{\mathcal{P}} \newcommand{\calW}{\mathcal{W}}

\newcommand{\tmax}{\ensuremath{\text{max}}} \newcommand{\tmin}{\ensuremath{\text{min}}}



\newcommand{\hMpc}{;h^{-1}:\mathrm{Mpc}} \newcommand{\ihMpc}{;h:\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}}



\mA $$


  • Eigenvalue methods
  • Singular Value Decompositions
  • Numerical precision

Eigenvalue Methods

  • Iterative methods
    • Operations required $\sim O(M N_\text{ev} N_\text{mv})$
    • Useful when you can evaluate a matrix vector multiplication quickly i.e, $N_\text{mv} \ll N^2$, e.g. sparse matrix
    • ... or you only want a few eigenvalues/vectors, i.e. $N_\text{ev} \ll N$
  • Dense methods
    • Faster if you want all the eigenvalues/vectors and the matrix is dense
    • What is done by la.eigh

Eigenvalue Interpretations

  • Use eigendecomposition to write a matrix as $$\mA = \mX \mLambda \mX^\hconj$$ with $\mX$ an orthogonal/unitary matrix of eigenvectors and $\mLambda$ the diagonal array of eigenvalues
  • As a transformation matrix we can think of this as $$\mA \vv = \mX \cdot (\mLambda \cdot (\mX^\hconj \vv))$$ i.e.
    • Extract the components of $\vv$ along each eigenvector
    • Scale each component by the corresponding eigenvalue
    • Add components up along the eigenvectors to get the final vector

Eigenvalue Interpretations

  • Can also view as a sum of rank-1 outer products $$\mA = \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \lambda_i , \vx_i \otimes \vx_i^\hconj$$
  • We can view a matrix as a sum of components ranked by their eigenvalue. Higher eigenvalues are more important to this matrix
  • If we truncate the sum at $M \ll N$ to exclude small eigenvalues this is making a low-rank approximation $$\mA = \sum_{i=0}^{M-1} \lambda_i , \vx_i \otimes \vx_i^\hconj$$

Singular Value Decomposition

  • Generalisation of the eigendecomposition to non-square, non-symmetric/hermitian matrices $$\mA = \mU \mSigma \mV^\hconj$$
  • Nomenclature:
    • Diagonal entries of $\mSigma$ are the singular values
    • Columns of $\mU$ are left singular vectors
    • Columns of $\mV$ are right singular vectors
  • This is very frequently used in CHIME
  • Both interpretations still apply, either as transformation matrix, or as a general way of breaking up into rank-1 terms

Low rank approximation with missing data

  • Happens in CHIME frequently:
    • Calibration is looking for a rank-1 (or rank-2) approximation to the visibility matrix (see Kotekan EigenVisIter)
    • SVD foreground removal searches for a low rank approximation to the sky as it is dominated by foregrounds (draco
  • In both cases we suffer from missing data
    • Short baselines in the vis matrix are contaminated by cross talk
    • Data has missing time/frequency samples for foregrounds
  • Solution is an iterative scheme (~expectation-maximisation)
    • Initialise by zeroing out the bad data
    • Find a low-rank approximation
    • Fill the missing entries with the low rank solution
    • Iterate

Covariance Matrices

  • A very common class of matrix used in CHIME/Cosmology/Physics
  • For some vector of random variables $\vx$ the covariance matrix $\mC$ is $$[\mC]_{ij} = \text{Cov}(x_i, x_j)$$ and describes the correlations between all the different components of $\vx$
  • This can be written in a more matrix-y notation as $$\mC = \la (\vx - \bar{\vx})(\vx - \bar{\vx})^\hconj \ra$$
  • Covariance matrices are semi-positive-definite, i.e. all eigenvalues $\geq 0$

Generating Gaussian realisations

  • For simulations we frequently need to generate samples from a multi-variate Gaussian
    • described by mean $\bar{\vx}$ and covariance $\mC$
  • Use for generating sky maps (cora.core.skysim), Gain fluctuations (draco.synthesis.gain) ...
  • How can we do this?
    • Generating standard Gaussian samples (i.e. zero-mean, unit variance, uncorrelated) is easy
    • Linear combinations of Gaussian variables are still Gaussian

Generating Gaussian realisations continued

  • Let us define $\vs$ as a vector of standard Gaussian random samples. The most general linear transform we can do is $$\hat{\vx} = \va + \mA \vs$$
  • Requiring $\la \hat{\vx} \ra = \bar{\vx}$ and noting that $\la \vs \ra = 0$, we see that $\va = \bar{\vx}$
  • Let us look at the covariance of $\hat{\vx}$ $$\begin{aligned}\hat{\mC} &= \la (\hat{\vx} - \bar{\vx}) (\hat{\vx} - \bar{\vx})^\hconj \ra \ & = \mA \la \vs \vs^\hconj \ra \mA^\hconj \ & = \mA \mA^\hconj \end{aligned} $$

Generating Gaussian realisations continued

  • To produce random samples we need to find $\mA$ such that $\mA \mA^\hconj = \mC$
  • One option is to use the Cholesky decomposition which factorizes a positive-definite matrix $$\mC = \mL \mL^\hconj$$ where $\mL$ is lower triangular. This is essentially a restricted version of the LU decomposition
  • Another option is to use the Eigendecomposition $$\mC = \mX \mLambda \mX^\hconj$$ Define $\mA = \mX \mLambda^{1/2}$ with $\mLambda^{1/2}$ being diagonal with the root of the eigenvalues

FLOPS count

  • Almost all matrix-matrix operations are $O(N^3)$, but the constant factors matter in practice
    • Eigenvalues only $\sim 4 N^3 / 3$ FLOPS
    • Eigenvalues + eigenvectors by QR $\sim 9 N^3$ FLOPS
    • Eigenvalues + eigenvectors by Divide and Conquer $\sim 4 N^3$ FLOPS
    • Cholesky $\sim N^3 / 3$ FLOPS
  • Cholesky is preferred.... or is it...

Numerical Stability

  • See Notebook

Practical solution

  • See cora.util.nputil.matrix_root_manynull
  • Cholesky is so cheap that if you can do it, it pays off, always worth trying
  • If not fall back to Eigenvalue method
    • Set small eigenvalues ($\lesssim 10^{-13} \lambda_\text{max}$) to zero explicitly