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Installing LORIS In-Depth

This guide assumes an installation on an Ubuntu server.

If you are using CentOS, please visit the CentOS installation guide for instructions on installation.

When you've completed this guide, you should be able to load and log into LORIS in your browser. Further setup to customize LORIS for your project will be required after that. Please visit the Setup page in order to complete the setup for LORIS.


Server Stack

LORIS requires a LAMP stack in order to run, specifically:

  • Apache 2.4

  • MySQL 5.7 (or MariaDB 10.3) (or higher)

  • PHP 7.3 (or higher) - PHP 7.4 recommended

Additionally, the following package manager are required to build LORIS:

  • NodeJS 10.13.0 (or higher)

  • composer

This guide does not cover installation of these requirements.

Apt Packages

The following Ubuntu packages are required and should be installed using sudo apt install ....

  • curl

  • zip

  • unzip

  • php-json

  • make

  • software-properties-common

  • php7.4-mysql

  • php7.4-xml

  • php7.4-mbstring

  • php7.4-gd

  • php7.4-zip

  • php7.4-curl (for development instances only)

  • libapache2-mod-php7.4

Getting the source code

Visit the releases page and download the zipped file of the latest LORIS release. The below command will download the latest LORIS release and save it to a file named loris-src.tar.gz.

curl -s \
| grep 'tarball' \
| cut -d : -f2,3 \
| tr -d \" \
| tr -d ,\
| xargs -n 1 curl -L -s -o loris-src.tar.gz

When this is complete, expand the compressed file and move its contents to the loris root directory from which LORIS will be served:

tar -zxf loris-src.tar.gz

This will create a folder called something like aces-Loris-9e30cf0. (The part after aces-Loris is not important).

Rename this folder to loris, e.g.

mv aces-Loris-9e30cf0 loris

Then move this folder to the web root (e.g. /var/www/) and go to this directory.

mv ./loris /var/www/
cd /var/www/loris

Once in the correct directory, run one of the following commands given your environment:

make      # For production environments
make dev  # For development environments

Creating the lorisadmin user

Create the lorisadmin user and group and give lorisadmin sudo permission. This is required for the install process in order to automatically generate Apache configuration files. Sudo priviledges can be revoked once the install is completed.

Creating the lorisadmin user

# Create lorisadmin user and group
# Give lorisadmin `sudo` permission. This is required for the install process
# in order to automatically generate Apache configuration files.
# Sudo privileges should be revoked once the install is completed.
sudo useradd -U -m -G sudo -s /bin/bash lorisadmin
# Add apache to the lorisadmin group
sudo usermod -a -G lorisadmin www-data
# Set the password for the lorisadmin account
sudo passwd lorisadmin
sudo mkdir -m 755 -p /var/www/$projectname
sudo chown lorisadmin.lorisadmin /var/www/$projectname
su - lorisadmin

Running the install script

The next step in setting up LORIS is running the script in the tools/ directory. The script must be run from that directory, and must not be run using sudo.

This will begin an interactive setup process that will configure files and permissions required to get LORIS up and running.

cd /var/www/loris/tools/

Configuring the database

Open your browser and go to: <loris-url>/installdb.php.

MySQL (or MariaDB) must be installed and a root or admin-level MySQL user must be created before continuing. (This is not the same as a unix root credential.)

This web page will prompt you for the following information:

  • Server Hostname. Use localhost if your database is hosted on the same machine as your web server. Use the IP address of your database server otherwise.

  • Admin Username A database user with permission to create databases and tables.

  • Admin Password The password for the above database user.

  • Database Name Defaults to "LORIS".

Click submit, and on the next screen that is presented, follow instructions to enter the username and password of your LORIS database user and front-end admin user.

If you encounter issues creating/generating your config file, you may have to manually paste the xml output that appears on the screen into the file /var/www/loris/project/config.xml

Your LORIS instance should now be accessible by pointing your browser URL to http://%IPADDRESS%.

Now that the installation is complete, follow the Setup process to customize your project.