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Fullstack (ReactJS & Java) "Count Processes" Cockpit Plugin

This is a simple plugin that showcases the plugin system of Cockpit, the process monitoring tool of Camunda Platform.

Built and tested against Camunda Platform version 7.22.0.


Note: If you need please take a look at the Cockpit Plug-ins for the basics first.

Table of contents

  1. Integrate into Camunda Platform Webapp
  2. Server Side
    1. Plug-in Archive
    2. Plug-in Main Class
    3. Custom Query
    4. Defining and Publishing Plug-in Services
  3. Client Side
    1. Static Plugin Assets
    2. Integration into Cockpit
    3. plugin.js Main File
    4. HTML View
  4. Summary

Integrate into Camunda Platform Webapp

  1. Build this demo: mvn clean install

  2. There are two ways to add your plugin to the Camunda Platform webapp.

    1. You can copy ./target/cockpit-sample-plugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to the WEB-INF/lib folder of the Camunda webapp.
    2. You can set up a maven war overlay for the Camunda webapp.

    The first solution is the simplest: if you dowloaded the tomcat distribution, you can copy the plugin jar file to the /server/apache-tomcat-${tomcat-version}/webapps/camunda/WEB-INF/lib/ folder and restart the server.

Server Side

We will walk through the important aspects of developing the server-side parts of the plug-in, i.e., creating a plug-in jar, defining a custom query and exposing that query via a JAX-RS resource.

Plug-in Archive

As a first step we create a maven jar project that represents our plug-in library. Inside the projects pom.xml we must declare a dependency to the Camunda webapp with the maven coordinates org.camunda.bpm.webapp:camunda-webapp. The project contains all the infrastructure necessary to create and test the server-side parts of a plug-in.

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""




Plug-in Main Class

The main entry point for a plug-in is the service provider interface (SPI) org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.spi.CockpitPlugin. Each plug-in must provide an implementation of this class and register it via META-INF/services.

We will go ahead and create an implementation of that API called SampleCockpitPlugin.

package org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.sample;

import org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.spi.impl.AbstractCockpitPlugin;

public class SamplePlugin extends AbstractCockpitPlugin {

  public static final String ID = "sample-plugin";

  public String getId() {
    return ID;

By inheriting from org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.spi.impl.AbstractCockpitPlugin, we ensure that the plug-in is initialized with reasonable defaults.

To register the plug-in with Cockpit, we must put its class name into a file called org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.spi.CockpitPlugin that resides in the directory META-INF/services. That will publish the plug-in via the Java ServiceLoader facilities.

Testing Plug-in Discovery

Now let's go ahead and write a test case that makes sure the plug-in gets discovered properly. Before we do so, we need to add test dependencies to our project pom.xml.


  <!-- test dependencies -->

The next step consists of wiring the Camunda webapp and the process engine. To do this, we need to create a Service Provider that implements the interface ProcessEngineProvider and declare it in a file called that resides in the directory src/test/resources/META-INF/services/. The file should contain the following content:


The TestProcessEngineProvider is provided with the Camunda webapp core, uses the methods of the class org.camunda.bpm.BpmPlatform and exposes the default process engine.

The class org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.test.AbstractCockpitPluginTest can work as a basis for Cockpit plugin tests. It initializes the Cockpit environment around each test and bootstraps a single process engine that is made available to Cockpit and the plug-in.

A first test may look as follows:

package org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.sample;

import org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.Cockpit;
import org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.spi.CockpitPlugin;
import org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.test.AbstractCockpitPluginTest;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;

public class SamplePluginsTest extends AbstractCockpitPluginTest {

  public void testPluginDiscovery() {
    CockpitPlugin samplePlugin = Cockpit.getRuntimeDelegate().getPluginRegistry().getPlugin("sample-plugin");


In the test #testPluginDiscovery we use the internal Cockpit API to check if the plug-in was recognized.

Before we can actually run the test, we need to create a camunda.cfg.xml to be present on the class path (usually under src/test/resources). That file configures the process engine to be bootstrapped.

Let's ahead and create the file with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<beans xmlns=""

  <bean id="processEngineConfiguration" class="org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cfg.StandaloneInMemProcessEngineConfiguration">

    <property name="jdbcUrl" value="jdbc:h2:mem:camunda;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=1000" />
    <property name="jdbcDriver" value="org.h2.Driver" />
    <property name="jdbcUsername" value="sa" />
    <property name="jdbcPassword" value="" />

    <!-- Database configurations -->
    <property name="databaseSchemaUpdate" value="true" />

    <!-- job executor configurations -->
    <property name="jobExecutorActivate" value="false" />

    <property name="history" value="full" />


Custom Query

The plug-in mechanism allows us to provide additional SQL queries that may be run against the process engine database. Those queries must be defined via MyBatis mapping files.

To implement a custom query, we will create a file sample.xml in the directory org/camunda/bpm/cockpit/plugin/sample/queries with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "">

<mapper namespace="cockpit.sample">

  <resultMap id="processInstanceCountMap" type="org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.sample.db.ProcessInstanceCountDto">
    <result property="key" column="KEY_" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
    <result property="instanceCount" column="INSTANCES_" jdbcType="INTEGER" />

  <select id="selectProcessInstanceCountsByProcessDefinition" resultMap="processInstanceCountMap">
    select d.KEY_, count(d.KEY_) INSTANCES_
      group by d.KEY_


both the usage of a custom namespace (cockpit.sample) as well as the result mapping to the plug-in provided class org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.sample.db.ProcessInstanceCountDto.

We need to define the class to which the result is mapped:

package org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.sample.db;

public class ProcessInstanceCountDto {

  private String key;

  private int instanceCount;

  public String getKey() {
    return key;

  public void setKey(String key) {
    this.key = key;

  public int getInstanceCount() {
    return instanceCount;

  public void setInstanceCount(int instanceCount) {
    this.instanceCount = instanceCount;

Additionally, we need to publish the mapping file by overriding the method #getMappingFiles() in our plug-in class:

public class SamplePlugin extends AbstractCockpitPlugin {

  // ...

  public List<String> getMappingFiles() {
    return Arrays.asList("org/camunda/bpm/cockpit/plugin/sample/queries/sample.xml");

Testing Queries

To test that the plug-in defined query actually works, we extend our testcase. By using the Cockpit provided service QueryService we can verify that the query can be executed:

public class SamplePluginsTest extends AbstractCockpitPluginTest {

  // ...

  public void testSampleQueryWorks() {

    QueryService queryService = getQueryService();

    List<ProcessInstanceCountDto> instanceCounts =
          new QueryParameters());

    Assert.assertEquals(0, instanceCounts.size());

Note that #getQueryService() is merely a shortcut to the service that may also be accessed via Cockpit's main entry point, the org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.Cockpit class.

Defining and Publishing Plug-in Services

Plug-ins publish their services via APIs defined through JAX-RS resources.

First, we need to add the JAX-RS API to our projects pom.xml. That is best done by including the following dependency:


  <!-- provides jax-rs (among other APIs) -->

A server-side plug-in API consists of a root resource and a number of sub resources that are provided by the root resource. A root resource may inherit from org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.resource.AbstractPluginRootResource to receive some basic traits. It must publish itself on the path plugin/$pluginName via a @Path annotation.

A root resource for our plug-in may look as follows:

package org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.sample.resources;

import org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.resource.AbstractPluginRootResource;
import org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.sample.SamplePlugin;

@Path("plugin/" + SamplePlugin.ID)
public class SamplePluginRootResource extends AbstractPluginRootResource {

  public SamplePluginRootResource() {

  public ProcessInstanceResource getProcessInstanceResource(@PathParam("engineName") String engineName) {
    return subResource(new ProcessInstanceResource(engineName), engineName);

Note that a sub resource gets initialized by the plug-in when requests to {engineName}/process-instance are being made. That ensures that a Cockpit service is multi-tenancy ready out of the box (i.e. capable to work with all process engines provided by the Camunda Platform).

A sub-resource may extend org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.resource.AbstractPluginResource to get initialized with the correct process engine mappings. The resource shown below exposes our custom SQL query to the client when accessing the resource via GET.

package org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.sample.resources;

import java.util.List;

import org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.db.QueryParameters;
import org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.resource.AbstractPluginResource;
import org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.sample.db.ProcessInstanceCountDto;

public class ProcessInstanceResource extends AbstractPluginResource {

  public ProcessInstanceResource(String engineName) {

  public List<ProcessInstanceCountDto> getProcessInstanceCounts() {

    return getQueryService()
          new QueryParameters());

To include plug-in resources into the Cockpit application those resources must be published in the main plug-in file by overriding #getResourceClasses():

import org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.sample.SamplePlugin;

public class SamplePlugin extends AbstractCockpitPlugin {

  // ...

  public Set<Class<?>> getResourceClasses() {
    Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<Class<?>>();


    return classes;

  // ...

Given the above setup the resource class extends the Cockpit API with the following paths

GET $cockpit_api_root/plugin/sample/$engine/process-instance

Use Tenant Check

It is possible to use the tenant check in the sub-resource of the cockpit plugin. Therefore, the sub-resource may extend org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.resource.AbstractPluginResource to configure the custom query with the tenant check. See the following example for the tenant check usage.

package org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.sample.resources;

import java.util.List;

import org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.db.QueryParameters;
import org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.resource.AbstractPluginResource;
import org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.plugin.sample.db.ProcessInstanceCountDto;

public class ProcessInstanceResource extends AbstractPluginResource {

  public ProcessInstanceResource(String engineName) {

  public List<ProcessInstanceCountDto> getProcessInstanceCounts() {
    QueryParameters queryParameters = new QueryParameters();


    return getQueryService()
          "cockpit.sample.selectProcessInstanceCountsByProcessDefinition", queryParameters);

Additionally, it is necessary to include the tenant check query to the custom query XML file. For it, add the following line to the custom query.

<include refid="org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.persistence.entity.TenantEntity.queryTenantCheck" />

Testing JAX-RS Resources

To test your JAX-RS resources you can instantiate them directly during a plug-in test case. Alternatively, you can write a real API test using arquillian.

Now we are done with the server-side parts of the plug-in. Next, we will go ahead and write the client-side extension that exposes the functionality to the user.

Client Side

This section only provides a short overview of the client-side plug-in mechanism in Cockpit. Consider reading about the Structure of a Frontend Module if you are interested in more details.

The client-side part of a Cockpit plug-in consists of an extension to the Cockpit webapp client application. It is served through the plug-in serverside extension as a static plug-in asset.

Static Plugin Assets

When using AbstractPluginRootResource as the plug-in resources base class, serving static assets is already built in. The root resource accepts a GET request under /static to serve plug-in-provided client-side resources. Per convention, these resources must reside in a /plugin-webapp/$plugin_id directory absolute to the classpath root.

So, let's create a file plugin-webapp/$plugin_id/info.txt in the src/main/resources directory of our project. We can give it the following content (optional):


Testing Assets

To test that the assets are served, we can either implement a test case or test the matter manually after we integrated the plug-in into the Cockpit webapp.

plugin.js Main File

Each plug-in must contain a file app/plugin.js in the plug-ins assets directory (i.e., plugin-webapp/$plugin_id). That file bootstraps the client-side plug-in and registers it with Cockpit. To do so it must declare and export a default module.

Without going too deeply into detail, our plugins plugin.js may look like this:

export default {
  id: "process-instance-count",
  pluginPoint: "cockpit.dashboard",
  render: node => {
    // render plugin
  unmount: () => {
    // unmount plugin

  // make sure we have a higher priority than the default plugin
  priority: 12,

The file defines a plugin with the id process-instance-count which is automatically registered at the plugin point cockpit.dashboard.

When deploying the extended Camunda webapplication on the Camunda Platform, we can see the plug-in in action.


You made it! In this example we walked through all important steps required to build a Cockpit plug-in, from creating a plug-in skeleton through defining server-side plug-in parts up to implementing the client-side portions of the plug-in.


Use under terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0