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createsend-dotnet history

v6.0.1 - 6 April, 2023

  • Adding support for returning MobileNumber and ConsentToSendSms for each subscriber
    • Subscriber.Get() - only available in v3.3 API
    • Subscriber.Add()
    • Subscriber.Update()
    • Subscriber.Import()

v6.0.0 - 15 December, 2021

  • Update wrapper to Createsend API version 3.3 which includes new breaking changes
  • Breaking: Add extra query string parameters and pagination support for client sent campaigns endpoint
  • Add new client tags endpoint
  • Add support for returning campaign tags as part of sent, draft and scheduled campaign endpoints
  • Add support for returning campaign name as part of campaign summary endpoint
  • Add new examples for client tags and sent campaigns endpoints
  • Add new example for campaigns summary
  • Adding support for returning ListJoinedDate for each subscriber.
    • List.Active()
    • List.Bounced()
    • List.Unsubscribed()
    • List.Unconfirmed()
    • List.Deleted()
    • Segment.Subscribers()
    • Subscriber.Get()

v5.2.0 - 17 September, 2019

  • Add support for .NET Standard 2.0
    • dotnet CLI is now required to build the nuget package

v5.1.1 - 2 September 2019

v5.0.1 - 8 June, 2018

  • Update API version in config transform files

v5.0.0 - 21 May, 2018

  • Update wrapper to API version 3.2 ** Add ConsentToTrack fields and includeTrackingPreference query string parameters

v4.2.2 - 8 Oct, 2015

  • Actually upgraded the createsend package set to Nuget

v4.2.1 - 29 Sep, 2015

  • Fixed an issue with date formatting on other cultures

v4.2.0 - 10 Aug, 2015

  • Transactional API added to the dotnet 4/3.5 wrappers

v4.0.1 - 12 Feb, 2014

  • Fixed an issue with the config transformations

v4.0.0 - 6 Feb, 2014

  • Updated to v3.1 API
  • Added support for new segments structure
    • Create and Update calls now require the new SegmentRuleGroups structure, instead of a SegmentRules structure.

      Segment.Create(AuthenticationDetails auth, string listID, string title, SegmentRuleGroups ruleGroups)
      Segment.Update(string title, SegmentRuleGroups ruleGroups)

      So for example, when you previously would have created an argument like so:

      rules = new SegmentRules {new Rule {Subject = "EmailAddress", Clauses = new List<string> {"CONTAINS"}}}

      You would now do this:

      rule_groups = new SegmentRuleGroups {new SegmentRuleGroup {Rules = new SegmentRules {new Rule {RuleType = "EmailAddress", Clause = "CONTAINS"}}}};
    • The Add Rule call is now Add Rule Group, taking a SegmentRuleGroup in a single ruleGroup argument instead of separate subject & clauses arguments.

      Segment.AddRuleGroup(SegmentRuleGroup ruleGroup)

      So for example, when you previously would have added a rule like so:

      segment.AddRule("EmailAddress", new List<string> {"CONTAINS"});

      You would now do this:

      segment.AddRuleGroup(new SegmentRuleGroup {Rules = new SegmentRules {new Rule {RuleType = "EmailAddress", Clause = "CONTAINS"}}});
  • Removed the ApiKey method to promote usage of oAuth authentication

v3.1.3 - 13 Nov, 2013

  • Updated reference to Newtonsoft to use 4.5.0

v3.1.2 - 13 Nov, 2013

  • Now using the correct ErrorResult objects when an exception is thrown.

v3.1.1 - 28 Oct, 2013

  • Removed Newtonsoft dll's from the published nuget package.

v3.1.0 - 16 Apr, 2013

  • Added support for single sign on which allows initiation of external login sessions to Campaign Monitor.

v3.0.0 - 25 Mar, 2013

  • Added support for authenticating using OAuth. See the README for full usage instructions.
  • Refactored authentication so that it is done at the instance level. This introduces some breaking changes, which are clearly explained below.
    • Authentication using an API key is no longer supported using the api_key config.

      So if you previously entered an API key into a your app.config file (or similar) as follows:

              <add key="api_key" value="your_api_key" />

      If you want to authenticate with an API key, you should now authenticate at the instance level. For example, as follows:

      using System;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using createsend_dotnet;
      namespace dotnet_api_client
          class Program
              static void Main(string[] args)
                  AuthenticationDetails auth = new ApiKeyAuthenticationDetails(
                      "your api key");
                  var general = new General(auth);
                  var clients = general.Clients();
    • Instances of classes which inherit from createsend_dotnet.CreateSendBase are now always created by passing an AuthenticationDetails object as the first argument. This may be either an instance of OAuthAuthenticationDetails, or ApiKeyAuthenticationDetails.

      So for example, when you previously would have set your API key using the api_key config setting and then instantiated createsend_dotnet.Client instances like so:

      var cl = new Client("your client id");

      You would now do this:

      AuthenticationDetails auth = new ApiKeyAuthenticationDetails("your api key");
      var cl = new Client(auth, "your client id");
    • Any of the static methods on classes which inherit from createsend_dotnet.CreateSendBase are now always called by passing an AuthenticationDetails object as the first argument.

      So for example, when you previously would have set your API key using the api_key config setting and then called createsend_dotnet.List.Create() like so:

      var newListID = List.Create("Client ID", "My List", 
          "", false, "",

      You now call createsend_dotnet.List.Create() like so:

      AuthenticationDetails auth = new ApiKeyAuthenticationDetails(
          "your api key");
      var newListID = List.Create(auth, "Client ID", "My List", 
          "", false, "",

v2.6.0 - 11 Dec, 2012

  • Added support for including from name, from email, and reply to email in drafts, scheduled, and sent campaigns.
  • Added support for campaign text version urls.
  • Added support for transferring credits to/from a client.
  • Added support for getting account billing details as well as client credits.
  • Made all date fields optional when getting paged results.

v2.5.0 - 12 Nov, 2012

  • Switched to use https by default (can be overridden in web/app.config).
  • Added support for 'send immediate' campaigns.

v2.4.0 - 5 Nov, 2012

  • Added createsend_dotnet.Campaign.EmailClientUsage().
  • Added support for ReadsEmailWith field on subscriber objects.
  • Added support for retrieving unconfirmed subscribers for a list.
  • Added support for suppressing email addresses.
  • Added support for retrieving spam complaints for a campaign, as well as adding SpamComplaints field to campaign summary output.
  • Introduced createsend_dotnet.List.UpdateCustomFieldOptions() method to replace poorly named createsend_dotnet.List.UpdateCustomFields() method, which has been marked as obsolete.
  • Added VisibleInPreferenceCenter field to custom field output.
  • Added support for setting preference center visibility when creating custom fields.
  • Added the ability to update a custom field name and preference visibility.
  • Added documentation explaining that textUrl may be provided as null or as an empty string when creating a campaign.

v2.3.0 - 10 Oct, 2012

  • Added support for creating campaigns from templates.
  • Added support for unsuppressing an email address.

v2.2.1 - 2 Oct, 2012

  • Fixed #21. Added CreateSendCredentials class as a replacement for System.Net.NetworkCredential.

v2.2.0 - 17 Sep, 2012

  • Added WorldviewURL field to campaign summary response.
  • Added Latitude, Longitude, City, Region, CountryCode, and CountryName fields to campaign opens and clicks responses.

v2.1.0 - 30 Aug, 2012

  • Added support for basic / unlimited pricing.

v2.0.0 - 22 Aug, 2012

  • Added support for UnsubscribeSetting field when creating, updating and getting list details.
  • Added support for AddUnsubscribesToSuppList and ScrubActiveWithSuppList fields when updating a list.
  • Removed redundant DateCreated field from ListDetail class.
  • Added Samples.ListSamples.GetDetails().
  • Added Samples.ListSamples.Update().
  • Added createsend_dotnet.Client.ListsForEmail() to allow consumers to find all client lists to which a subscriber with a specific email address belongs.
  • Removed obsolete methods and therefore disallowed calls to be made in a deprecated manner.

v1.2.2 - 12 Jul, 2012

  • Updated README to recommend that people use NuGet to install.
  • Re-release again, ensuring assemblies for all three versions of the .NET runtime are packaged.

v1.2.1 - 12 Jul, 2012

  • Fixed #18. Last NuGet release wasn't based on a good build.

v1.2.0 - 11 Jul, 2012

  • Added support for APU URL to be modified after construction.
  • Added support for specifying whether subscription-based autoresponders should be restarted when adding or updating subscribers.
  • Added support for team management.

1.1.0 - 11 Jan, 2012

  • Added missing Subscriber.GetHistory method.

1.0.16 - 31 Oct, 2011

  • Initial release which supports current Campaign Monitor API.