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Prototyping a Spring Boot application for a Text Search Engine built from scratch

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Prototyping a Spring Boot application for a Text Search Engine built from scratch

Author: Camelia Ciolac


In this demo I develop a Spring Boot application that, via REST APIs, allows:

  • managing collections of texts documents
  • searching by multiple keywords and returning documents from a specified collection, ranked by their relevancy score
  • retrieving documents that contain a term with similar pronounciation as the provided example, ranked by the frequency of that term in their text
  • listing documents that contain tokens starting with a given prefix, ranked by the aggregated frequency of those terms in their text.

To accomplish this, this project uses:

  • a Derby in-memory database
  • PATRICIA Trie strings indexing data structure
  • CoreNLP for tokenization, lemmatization, part-of-speech tagging
  • Apache Audio Commons for its Soundex or Metaphone encoding of strings
  • Spring Boot initializer (

Layered architecture:


See Javadocs online at

RestControllers are in charge with the REST API endpoints:

  1. IngestionController with routes:
  • /collections/create
  • /collections/{coll}/insert
  • /collections/list
  • /collections/{coll}/show
  1. DebugController with routes:
  • /debug/doctokens?docid={id}
  • /debug/indexedterm?term={word}&collection={coll}&bylemma={true|false}
  • /debug/vocabulary?bylemma={true|false}
  1. RetrievalController with routes:
  • /search/multiterm?collection={coll}&keywords={word1,word2,..,wordn}&bylemma={true|false}
  • /search/phonetic?collection={coll}&pronounced={word}&algo={soundex|metaphone}
  • /search/prefix?collection={coll}&prefix={wordprefix}

For the purpose of this demo, updates and deletes are not granted.


Services implement the application logic and are injected (@Autowired) into the controllers.
The IndexingService contains the logic around the PATRICIA Trie lookups, keyword-based or prefix-based. Its functionality is used by the RetrievalService.


At the persistance layer, there is the in-memory Derby database and the @Repository components that perform operations on it.
JPQL queries as well as native SQL queries with named parameters are used.
The repositories are injected (@Autowired) in the services components.
The configuration for Derby DB was set in : src/main/resources/ based on the advice in spring-projects/spring-boot#7706


Build project:

 cd rest-service

 ./mvnw clean package

Generate Javadocs:

A folder holds images of Sequence Diagrams (generated with an InteliJ IDEA plugin), that come inserted in the JavaDocs of the controllers' methods

tree src/main/java/org/searchengine/controller/doc-files

├── DebugController_debugIndexedTerm.png
├── DebugController_debugIndexVocabulary.png
├── DebugController_debugtokensOfDocument.png
├── IngestionController_createCollection.png
├── IngestionController_insertDocs.png
├── IngestionController_listCollectionsNames.png
├── IngestionController_showCollectionInclDocs.png
├── RetrievalController_phoneticsearch.png
├── RetrievalController_prefixsearch.png
└── RetrievalController_searchmultikeyword.png

0 directories, 10 files


mvn javadoc:javadoc

Now open in browser target/site/apidocs/index.html


Start Tomcat web server on custom port 8083 with our text search engine app deployed:

java -Dserver.port=8083 -jar target/rest-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

A set of bash scripts in folder /bash_scripts are provided as end-to-end examples based on selected texts about riddles (demo 1) and about planets (demo 2):

cd bash_scripts

./  > outputs/output_riddles.txt

./ > outputs/output_planets.txt

The results are included in the folder: bash_scripts/outputs/ and each demo was executed independently (i.e. server restarted).

Github Actions

A CI pipeline is configured to automatically build a Docker image and push it to GitHub Container Registry

example workflow

Quickstart using it:

docker pull

latest: Pulling from camelia-c/sbsearchengine
1cfaf5c6f756: Pull complete 
c4099a935a96: Pull complete 
f6e2960d8365: Pull complete 
dffd4e638592: Pull complete 
a60431b16af7: Pull complete 
a45752549bd6: Pull complete 
cb487dd08887: Pull complete 
9ddfda12b5e0: Pull complete 
e166b6ce3eaf: Pull complete 
db0cfa8d9d4c: Pull complete 
c7ea787c95f6: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:0a11c87f8d3eede3cf17de6a6e204c5ae484f45c9be5fed22eb9c44a633acc0a
Status: Downloaded newer image for

docker image ls | grep "sbsearchengine"

-------------------------------------                latest              5e313c2fb087        10 minutes ago      831MB

#launch container with port forwarding

docker run --name sbappcont --detach -p 8083:8083

docker ps

f75f7d93936c   "/home/root/searchen…"   19 seconds ago      Up 7 seconds>8083/tcp   sbappcont

docker logs sbappcont

total 32K
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4.0K Aug 19 16:52 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4.0K Aug 19 16:52 ..
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4.0K Aug 19 16:52 .git
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Aug 19 16:52 .github
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.3K Aug 19 16:52
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Aug 19 16:52 docker
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4.0K Aug 19 16:52 rest-service

  .   ____          _            __ _ _
 /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
 \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
  '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
 :: Spring Boot ::                (v2.4.8)


# check that the port 8083 is open
nmap -p 8083 localhost

Now we can use one of the demo use cases, for example the planets related one:

wget --no-check-certificate --content-disposition
wget --no-check-certificate --content-disposition

chmod +x
chmod +x

./ > demo_output.txt


Prototyping a Spring Boot application for a Text Search Engine built from scratch







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