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Debugging and Error Handling

sjudd edited this page Sep 15, 2014 · 6 revisions

Exceptions during loads in Glide are not logged by default, but Glide gives you two ways to view and/or respond to these exceptions.


To simply view exceptions when they occur, you can turn on debug logging for Glide's GenericRequest class that handles responses for all media loads. To do so, in the command line, run:

adb shell setprop log.tag.GenericRequest DEBUG

To include verbose request timing logs you can also pass in VERBOSE instead of DEBUG. To disable logging, run:

adb shell setprop log.tag.GenericRequest ERROR


Although enabling debug logging is simple, it's only possible if you have access to the device. To integrate Glide with a pre-existing or more sophisticated error logging system, you can use the RequestListener class. [onException()](, T,, boolean)) will be called when the request fails and will provide the Exception that caused the failure, or null if a decoder was unable to decode anything useful from the data it received. You can pass your listener in to each request using the listener() api.

Be sure to return false from onException() to avoid overriding Glide's default error handling behavior.

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