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159 lines (138 loc) · 6.58 KB

File metadata and controls

159 lines (138 loc) · 6.58 KB


A simple viewer for Priroda outputs, .xyz files, and beyond.

Animation of 128 molecules



wget -O v
chmod +x ./v


make v


  • GNU/Linux or Cygwin
  • X11
  • gcc >= 4.7
  • libX11-devel, libXpm-devel, xproto-devel
  • make


./v file [file2 ... fileN] [options]

Show the reference:

Command-line options
vib:%d force to show geometries (0) / vibrations (1)
bonds:0 disable bonds
bohr:1 assume input files are in Bohr (default is Å)
dt:%lf delay between frames in seconds (default 0.02)
symtol:%lf tolerance for symmetry determination in Å (default 0.001)
bmax:%lf max. length of a bond to display
z:%d,%d,%d,%d,%d show an internal coordinate (1,i,j,0,0 — distance i-j; 2,i,j,k,0 — angle i-j-k; 3,i,j,k,l — torsion i-j-k-l)
rot:%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf rotation matrix to start with (default identity matrix)
font:%s font (xlfd)
cell:b%lf,%lf,%lf cuboid size in a.u. (for periodical boundary conditions)
cell:%lf,%lf,%lf cuboid size in Å
cell:b%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf cell parameters in a.u.
cell:%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf cell parameters in Å
shell:b%lf,%lf spheres radii in a.u.
shell:%lf,%lf spheres radii in Å
gui:%d normal (default 1) / headless (0) mode
Keyboard reference
////pgup/pgdn rotate (slower with ctrl or shift)
w/a/s/d or /// on numpad move (slower with ctrl or shift)
0 go to the first point
= go to the last point
enter/backspace next/previous point
ins play forwards / stop (vibration mode: animate selected normal mode / stop)
del play backwards / stop
home/end zoom in/out
1/2 scale bond lengths
3/4 scale atom sizes
. show point group
n show/hide atom numbers
t show/hide atom types
l show/hide bond lengths
b show/hide bonds
tab read new points
r reread file
x print molecule (Priroda input + bonds)
z print molecule (.xyz)
p print molecule (input for an .svg generator)
u print current rotation matrix
m save the current frame (.xpm format)
f save all frames (vibration mode: save all frames to animate the selected normal mode)
q quit
Mouse (in development) One can also use the mouse to rotate the molecule and zoom in/out.
Headless mode (in development)

If run in the headless mode with gui:0, the symbols from stdio are processed as if the corresponding keys were pressed in the normal mode. Right now, only p, x, z, and . are available. For example,

> echo . | ./v mol/ gui:0


  • mol/C3H6~mCPBA_01x11.qm.out — geometries + vibrations
./v mol/C3H6~mCPBA_01x11.qm.out font:-*-*-medium-*-*--15-*-*-*-*-*-*-1

Transition state mode animation

./v mol/C3H6~mCPBA_01x11.qm.out vib:0 z:1,23,24,0,0

Transition state optimization

  • mol/S8.qm.out — geometries
./v mol/S8.qm.out z:1,1,2,0,0 font:-*-*-medium-*-*--15-*-*-*-*-*-*-1

S8 equilibrium structure

  • mol/C10H16.qm.out — vibrations
./v mol/C10H16.qm.out font:-*-*-medium-*-*--15-*-*-*-*-*-*-1

Adamantane mode animation

  • mol/1372_D02.340_1.out — PBC simulation
./v mol/1372_D02.340_1.out bonds:0 cell:b10.7,10.7,1.07 font:-*-*-medium-*-*--15-*-*-*-*-*-*-1

Atoms in cell with PBC

  • mol/, mol/ files with atomic numbers and atomic symbols
./v mol/ mol/ symtol:1e-2 font:-*-*-medium-*-*--15-*-*-*-*-*-*-1

Dimethyl ether structure

  • mol/ — organic crystal with non-orthogonal cell
./v mol/ cell:8.929542,0.0,0.0,4.197206,8.892922,0.0,0.480945,2.324788,10.016044 font:-*-*-medium-*-*--15-*-*-*-*-*-*-1

Organic crystal cell

Periodic table of elements