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Value Sculptor is a library for generating pseudo-random values that can be used for various purposes (e.g., as example data, for testing purposes, etc.). It is not meant to generate realistic content data (for that I recommend faker.js), but rather values that follow a known pattern.

It is written in TypeScript and includes type definitions.


Node.js CI

value-sculptor should be considered under development. All minor versions prior to 1.0.0 introduce breaking changes. Every effort will be made to ensure that documentation is accurate for each release.


npm i value-sculptor


To use, simply import (or require) from value-sculptor. You may also want to import (or require) GeneratorType, CharacterSets, and/or PadType to make creating the options object easier.

import sculpt from 'value-sculptor';
import { GeneratorType, PadType, CharacterSets } from 'value-sculptor';
var sculpt = require('value-sculptor').default;
var { GeneratorType, PadType, CharacterSets } = require('value-sculptor');


The following types may make code easier to write and understand.


Value Description
Number Generate a random number.
Select Choose a random value from a list.
String Create a string following a given pattern.


Value Possible Characters
Alpha a-z, A-Z
AlphaLower a-z
AlphaLowerNumeric a-z, 0-9
AlphaLowerNumericSymbol a-z, 0-9, ~!@#$%^&*-_=+{[()]}|:;,<>.?
AlphaLowerSymbol a-z, ~!@#$%^&*-_=+{[()]}|:;,<>.?
AlphaNumeric a-z, A-Z, 0-9
AlphaNumericSymbol a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ~!@#$%^&*-_=+{[()]}|:;,<>.?
AlphaSymbol a-z, A-Z, ~!@#$%^&*-_=+{[()]}|:;,<>.?
AlphaUpper A-Z
AlphaUpperNumeric A-Z, 0-9
AlphaUpperNumericSymbol A-Z, 0-9, ~!@#$%^&*-_=+{[()]}|:;,<>.?
AlphaUpperSymbol A-Z, ~!@#$%^&*-_=+{[()]}|:;,<>.?
Binary 0-1
HexLower 0-9, a-f
HexUpper 0-9, A-F
Numeric 0-9
NumericSymbol 0-9, ~!@#$%^&*-_=+{[()]}|:;,<>.?
Octal 0-7
Symbol ~!@#$%^&*-_=+{[()]}|:;,<>.?


Value Description
Both Pad both sides of the string.
Left Pad the left side of the string.
Right Pad the right side of the string.


Examples are in TypeScript.

function sculpt(options: SculptOptions | SculptOptions[], concat: boolean = false, delimiter: string = '')

Just call the sculpt function with your desired options.

// value will be a random number between 0 and 100 (inclusive).
//    example: 42
const value = sculpt({ type: GeneratorType.Number, max: 100 });

// value will be an array of two random numbers
//    the first will be between 0 and 100 (inclusive).
//    the second will be between 50 and 200 (inclusive).
//    example: [ 42, 123 ]
const value = sculpt([
  { type: GeneratorType.Number, max: 100 },
  { type: GeneratorType.Number, min: 50, max: 200 }

// value will be a string of numeric characters, left-padded to 15 characters with zeros
//    example: 000000000012345
const value = sculpt({
  type: GeneratorType.String,
  charSet: CharacterSets.Numeric,
  length: 5,
  padType: PadType.Left,
  padLengthLeft: 15,
  padCharLeft: '0'

// value will be a string of random characters in the following pattern:
//    five lowercase characters, three numbers, five uppercase characters
//    example: abcde123ABCDE
const value = sculpt([
  { type: GeneratorType.String, charSet: CharacterSets.AlphaLower, length: 5 },
  { type: GeneratorType.String, charSet: CharacterSets.Numeric, length: 3 },
  { type: GeneratorType.String, charSet: CharacterSets.AlphaUpper, length: 5 }
], true);

// value will be three strings of random characters in the following pattern, delimited by periods:
//    five lowercase characters, three numbers, five uppercase characters
//    example: abcde.123.ABCDE
const value = sculpt([
  { type: GeneratorType.String, charSet: CharacterSets.AlphaLower, length: 5 },
  { type: GeneratorType.String, charSet: CharacterSets.Numeric, length: 3 },
  { type: GeneratorType.String, charSet: CharacterSets.AlphaUpper, length: 5 }
], true, '.');

// value will be a random string of 10 As and Bs
//    example: ABAAABABBA
const value = sculpt({
  type: GeneratorType.String,
  length: 10,
  charSet: 'AB'



The options argument is a SculptOptions object (or array of SculptOptions objects) that may contain the following key-value pairs. If options is an array, a separate value will be generated for each object in the array.

Key Type GeneratorType Required Default Description
charSet string String A string of possible characters
length integer String ✔️ The length of the string
max integer Number ✔️ The maximum value to generate (inclusive)
min integer Number 0 The minimum value to generate (inclusive)
padCharLeft string String space The character to use for padding on the left, omit for spaces
padCharRight string String space The character to use for padding on the right, omit for spaces
padLengthLeft integer String The length of the string after padding on the left, required if padType is PadType.Both or PadType.Left
padLengthRight integer String The length of the string after padding on the right, required if padType is PadType.Both or PadType.Right
padPriority PadType String The side of the string to pad first, required if padType is PadType.Both
padType PadType String The type of padding to use (see PadType), omit for no padding
possibles string[] Select ✔️ An array of possible strings from which to choose one
type GeneratorType ✔️ The type of value to create (see GeneratorType)


The concat argument is an optional boolean value. If false (default), an array of generated values is returned. If true, all of the generated values are concatenated together and returned as a single string.


The delimiter argument is an optional string value. It defaults to an empty string ('') and will be used to separate values when concat is true.


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