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{cheatsheet} is a simple R package that downloads helpful R cheatsheets from the repository maintained by Posit You could easily just clone the repo these are hosted at and filter them how you wish; this package is just a shortcut and more useful for people who aren’t familiar with git.


You can install the released version of cheatsheet from CRAN with:



The main function here is cheatsheet::get_all_cheatsheets.


# Get all cheatsheets and place in a folder on your desktop
cheatsheet::get_all_cheatsheets(local_path = "cheats", tidyverse_only = FALSE)

# 0-template.pdf
# Machine Learning Modelling in R.pdf
# SamplingStrata.pdf
# base-r.pdf
# bayesplot.pdf
# bcea.pdf
# caret.pdf
# cartography.pdf
# collapse.pdf
# data-import.pdf
# data-transformation.pdf
# data-visualization-2.1.pdf
# datatable.pdf
# declaredesign.pdf
# distr6.pdf
# estimatr.pdf
# eurostat.pdf
# factors.pdf
# gganimate.pdf
# golem.pdf
# gwasrapidd.pdf
# h2o.pdf
# how-big-is-your-graph.pdf
# imputeTS.pdf
# jfa.pdf
# keras.pdf
# labelled.pdf
# leaflet.pdf
# lubridate.pdf
# mlr.pdf
# mosaic.pdf
# nardl.pdf
# nimble.pdf
# oSCR.pdf
# overviewR.pdf
# package-development.pdf
# packagefinder.pdf
# parallel_computation.pdf
# plumber.pdf
# purrr.pdf
# quanteda.pdf
# randomizr.pdf
# regex.pdf
# reticulate.pdf
# rmarkdown-2.0.pdf
# rphylopic.pdf
# rstudio-ide.pdf
# sf.pdf
# shiny.pdf
# shiny_Spanish_final.pdf
# sjmisc.pdf
# sparklyr.pdf
# stata2r.pdf
# strings.pdf
# survminer.pdf
# syntax.pdf
# teachR.pdf
# tidyeval.pdf
# time-series.pdf
# tsbox.pdf
# vegan.pdf
# vtree.pdf
# xplain.pdf
# Just grab core tidyverse cheatsheets
cheatsheet::get_all_cheatsheets(local_path = "cheats", tidyverse_only = TRUE)

# data-import.pdf            data-transformation.pdf    
# data-visualization-2.1.pdf factors.pdf                
# lubridate.pdf              purrr.pdf                  
# strings.pdf                tidyeval.pdf 

Foreign language support

{cheatsheet} also lets you download cheatsheets that have been translated to over a dozen languages. Check which languages are available with this command:

#> ── Languages available for get_translation() ───────────────────────────────────
#> • chinese
#> • dutch
#> • french
#> • german
#> • greek
#> • italian
#> • japanese
#> • korean
#> • portuguese
#> • russian
#> • spanish
#> • turkish
#> • ukranian
#> • uzbek
#> • vietnamese
#> ── Pass the language you choose above to get_translation(), like:
#> get_translation('~/Desktop/french', 'french')

Then, pass the language you want to this function:

cheatsheet::get_translation(local_path = "cheats", language = "german")

# base-r_de.pdf
# data-transformation-cheatsheet_de.pdf
# data-wrangling-german.pdf
# devtools-german.pdf
# ggplot2-german.pdf
# rmarkdown-cheatsheet-2.0-german.pdf
# shiny-german.pdf
# sparklyr-cheatsheet_de.pdf

If anyone has another known and established stash of cheatsheets that would be helpful for this package, please submit an issue or pull request.