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Web Server

(for lack of a better name)

The purpose of this project is to test out the Akka Streams Java API and how its implementation behaves wrt alternatives. For more details, please have a look at the Reactive Streams initiative and of course the Akka Documentation for its streaming API.


The implementation is not in any way complete or compliant with the HTTP standards, but feel free to use it as you see fit. Inspiration from: Akka HTTP & Grizzly.

Supported Features

  • HttpRequest decoding (incl. entities) / HttpResponse encoding
  • Pipelining (comes for free when using a stream based design)
  • Static file handling
  • HTTP/1.0 Connection: keep-alive / Http/1.1 Connection: close

ToDo List (ordered by urgency)

  • Additional Unit & Integration Tests
  • Proper logging
  • SSL / TLS support
  • Additional Source / Sink implementations: i.e.: JDK blocking / non-blocking IO, netty
  • Benchmarks
  • Additional transport handling
  • 100 Continue
  • Multi-line header parsing
  • Caching hot files
  • Optimizations everywhere
  • WebSockets
  • HTTP/2.0
  • Compliance with Servlet
  • etc.

Booting the Server

Currently the only way to start off the server is by running the com.github.bogdanromanx.web.server.Bootstrap class. The server will bind for each defined vhost entry in the config.

The default configuration will bind the server on a single interface / port, and serve files stored under /tmp:

web.server {
    vhosts = [
          host = ""
          port = 8080
          path = "/tmp"
          dispatcher = "web.server.default-dispatcher"

VHosts are to be similar to how virtual hosts are implemented in Apache's http with the distinction that they will be able to configure every aspect of the server internals, i.e.: io layer, stages, req. handlers etc.

Overall View

The implementation processes requests in several stages inbound -> framing -> folding -> handling -> writing -> outbound. The diagram attempt below describes how and what data flows through the system for each individual incoming connection.

             +-------+  ByteString  +---------+  RequestFrame  +---------+  HttpRequest
     +------>|       |------------->| framing |--------------->| folding |--------------+
+--------+   |  IO   |              +---------+                +---------+              |
| client |   | layer |                                                                  |
+--------+   |       |    ByteString    +---------+  HttpResponse  +----------+         |
     ^-------|       |<-----------------| writing |<---------------| handling |<--------+
             +-------+                  +---------+                +----------+


Reads ByteString chunks from the inbound connection. The reason for using ByteString instead of the JDK's ByteBuffer is twofold: Akka's TCP layer produces ByteString instances and these are supposedly more efficient due to its avoidance of unnecessary array copying.


The stream of inbound bytes are parsed incrementally into RequestFrames and emitted downstream separately to be folded into an HttpRequest. The reason for that is offering the possibility of collapsing the stream and closing the connection early, without the need of buffering data in memory.

Http entities, when present, are sent downstream in chunks as they are read from the socket. The entity series of frames is delimited by an RequestFrame.EntityStart and RequestFrame.EntityEnd. If an HttpRequest does not present an entity the framing stage will mark the end of the frames of an HttpRequest by emitting an RequestFrame.EntityEnd.

Parsers are just Function<ByteString, Result<T>> types, where Result<T> is a monadic data structure that allows a simple composition of the parsing attempts. It handles situations where there aren't enough bytes available to produce the expected data structure, or there are remaining bytes after parsing.


This stage splits the incoming http request frames into individual sub-streams, delimited by RequestFrame.EntityEnd, in order to properly fold each sub-stream into an HttpRequest instance. The entity frames, when present, are presented as a Source<ByteString, ?> field of the HttpEntity.Streaming data type. The request handlers need to verify the entity type and consume the source of HttpEntity.Streaming entities, otherwise it will create back-pressure upstream (the bytes are not read from the socket).

There are three HttpEntity types available:

  • HttpEntity.Empty - for http requests and responses that have no entity
  • HttpEntity.Strict - for entities that are small enough to be loaded fully in memory
  • HttpEntity.Streaming - for entities of unbounded size to avoid buffering in memory


RequestHandlers are presented as functions that take HttpRequest instances and produce future HttpResponse results (CompletionStage<HttpResponse>). The RequestHandler adds one additional method to the Function<T, R> that is used to check that the handler can be applied for a HttpRequest instance before its application:

public interface RequestHandler extends Function<HttpRequest, CompletionStage<HttpResponse>> {
    boolean matches(HttpRequest request);

Currently there are three available handlers:

  • PingHandler - responds to GET /ping requests with 200 OK pong
  • FileHandler - produces an HttpResponse instance with a HttpEntity.Streaming entity that represent disk resources
  • CompositeHandler - takes a list of RequestHandlers and attempts to apply them in order until one matches, or produces a default HttpResponse for no matches


This stage transforms the HttpResponse instances produced by the previous stage into a stream of ByteStrings and sends them to outbound be written to the connection. It also checks whether the connection needs to be closed in which case it collapses the stream, forcing a connection close.


Writes the received ByteString chunks to the client.

IO Layer

The IO layer is responsible for providing sources and sinks of ByteString for each inbound connection. Currently in use is Akka's TCP sub system.

This is the location where SSL/TLS termination would take place.

Implementation Notes

Data Types

The data types do not follow the Java Bean convention as there's no immediate need to serialize these types. Instead types are defined to be immutable, and null safe; while not always efficient, it does provide some guarantees when dealing with concurrency.


The implementation can be heavily optimized in all places (especially parsing) and additional boxing of the types passed through the stream can reduce the number of stages.


At this stage of the implementation Akka's abstraction over the thread pools and execution is more than enough and can be configured fine grained. For the next IO stacks that will no longer be the case, but Akka's Streaming API allows constructing Publishers and Subscribers from actors which can be isolated to their own dispatchers (i.e. different thread pools).


While I haven't done any proper benchmarking, I did do a quick test to see some rough numbers (using the default fork-join thread pool):

  • ping requests (no disk reads): ~12K req/sec
  • 230KB file download: ~2400 req/sec Specs: Intel Quad Core 2.5GHz, 16 GB RAM, SSD.

Final Thoughts

Java 8 is a major leap forward, but it still lacks some incredibly powerful features (common in other languages) that save a lot of development time, i.e.: pattern matching, tuples, case classes, proper type inference etc.


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