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This repository contains code in PyTorch for lane detection using LaneNet.

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Lane Detection using PyTorch


This repository contains code written explicitly in Python 3 for lane detection. Moreover, PyTorch framework is used to implement the LaneNet introduced in Towards End-to-End Lane Detection: an Instance Segmentation Approach. In this paper, authors propose to cast the lane detection problem as an end-to-end instance segmentation problem, in which each lane forms its own instance.

Few words about the idea

System Overview

Given an input image, LaneNet outputs a lane instance map, by labeling each lane pixel with a lane id. Next, the lane pixels are trasformed using the transformation matrix outputted by H-Net, which learns a perspective transformation conditioned on the input image. For each lane a 3rd order polynomial is fitted and the laned are reprojected onto the image.

LaneNet Architecture

LaneNet architecture consists of two branches. The segmentation branch (bottom) is trained to produce a binary lane mask. The embedding branch (top) generates an N-dimensional embedding per lane pixel, so that embeddings from the same lane are close together and those from different lanes are far in the manifold. For simplicity we show a 2-dimensional embedding per pixel, which is visualized both as a color map (all pixels) and as points (only lane pixels) in a XY grid. After masking out the background pixels using the binary segmentation map from the segmentation branch, the lane embeddings (blue dots) are clustered together and assigned to their cluster centers (red dots).

TUSIMPLE dataset

TUSIMPLE is a large scale dataset for testing Deep Learning methods on the lane detection task. It consists of 3626 training and 2782 testing images, under good and medium weather conditions. They are recorded on 2-lane/3-lane/4-lane or more highway roads, at different daytimes. For each image, they also provide the 19 previous frames, which are not annotated.The annotations come in a json format, indicating the xposition of the lanes at a number of discretized y-positions. On each image, the current (ego) lanes and left/right lanes are annotated and this is also expected on the test set. When changing lanes, a 5th lane can be added to avoid confusion.


Install requirements

In order to install requirements run pip install -r requirements.txt

Download TUSIMPLE dataset

Firstly, we have to download the Lane Detection Challenge dataset from TUSIMPLE GitHub repository.


  1. Download and unzip it to folder Lane_Detection_PyTorch/TUSIMPLE
  2. Download and unzip it to folder Lane_Detection_PyTorch/TUSIMPLE
  3. Download test_label.json and put it into the folder Lane_Detection_PyTorch/TUSIMPLE/test_set which is unzipped from

Prepare TUSIMPLE dataset

After we have downloaded the dataset from TUSIMPLE GitHub repository, some preprocess is needed to prepare the dataset for training and testing.

We process the train_set and split it into ground truth images, binary ground truth images and instance ground truth images. Those images are stored into respective folders. We run the following file in Terminal:

python utils/ --src_dir /path/to/your/extracted/train_set

The src_dir is your local directory, where the train_set was previously extracted.

We can now delete the folder Lane_Detection_PyTorch/TUSIMPLE/train_set and json files in Lane_Detection_PyTorch/TUSIMPLE/training

Let us have a look on TUSIMPLE/ folder to find out how should it look like now:

    |   |--lanenet_epoch_39_batch_8.model
    |   |--lanenet_epoch_39_batch_8_AUG.model
    |   |--lanenet_epoch_38_batch_8_AUG.model
    |   |--lgt_binary_image
    |   |--gt_image
    |   |--gt_instance_image
    |   |--test.txt
    |   |--train.txt
    |   |--val.txt
    |   |--clips
    |   |--test_tasks_0627.json
    |   |--test_label.json
    |   |

Visualize TUSIMPLE dataset

Let us have a look on TUSIMPLE dataset. We run the following file in Terminal:

python dataset/

This file is creating a dataset/samples folder, in which it saves some sample images (original, binary lane segmentation, instance segmentation).

Original Sample Image

Binary Lane Segmentation Image

Instance Segmentation Image

Notice that when building the dataset for visualization, has two different options:

  1. TUSIMPLE corresponds to the original dataset
  2. TUSIMPLE_AUG corresponds to the augmented dataset

Play with the visualizations in order to gain good insight on dataset and augmentation.

Train LaneNet

We train LaneNet on TUSIMPLE dataset by running:


This will save the trained model on TUSIMPLE/Lanenet_output.

Notice that there is a chance to either train the network using the augmented or non-augmented data. The choice is yours. Uncomment the respective lines in code to do whatever you prefer.

Evaluate LaneNet on test set

Information about the official TUSIMPLE evaluation method can be seen in the TUSIMPLE evaluation example.

We evaluate LaneNet by running:


Notice that we first load the model previously trained and then evaluate it both using accuracy and duration metrics.

The accuracy metrics are reported below:

Accuracy FP FN
Authors 96.40% 0.0780 0.0244
Our Results 94.27% 0.1479 0.7129
Our Aug Results 94.72% 0.1328 0.6248

The duration metrics are reported bleow:

Authors Time (ms) Our Time (ms) Authors FPS Our FPS
Forward Pass 12.0 23.9 62.5 41.8
Clustering 4.6 66.09 62.5 15.1

Authors use the NVIDIA 1080 Ti, while we use the RTX 3070.

Visualize results

We visualize results by running:


This file outputs the following images, which are saved in the TUSIMPLE/test_clips as:

    |   |---groundthruths

Original Sample Image

Binary Lane Segmentation Groundtruth Image

Instance Segmentation Groundtruth Image

Binary Lane Segmentation Prediction Image

Instance Segmentation Prediction Image

Final Lane Detection Image

Generate video

We also generate a GIF for better visualization by running:


The ouput of this file is saved in TUSIMPLE/gif_output directory. An example video is showed below:

Final Lane Detection GIF


This repository contains code in PyTorch for lane detection using LaneNet.






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