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213 lines (138 loc) · 10.4 KB

File metadata and controls

213 lines (138 loc) · 10.4 KB



  • Fixed the issue affecting the CPC sensor and the custom battery plugin when loaded



  • Migration to ROS 2 Foxy
  • Added support for Gazebo 11
  • Files parsed by Xacro are now directly output as a string and loaded as a node parameter in the various launch files
  • Known issue: teleop shows unexpected behaviour with the trajectory control package's controllers, as well as the rov_mb_sm controller / rov_nl_pid_controller
  • Known issue: the CPC sensor and the custom battery plugins crash when loaded
  • Known issue: DVL and camera sensor won't show in Rviz
  • Known issue: The subprocess based sim time request fails when the plankton sim time node is launched within the same launch file. A simple fix is to start the sim time node first and separately


  • [] The thruster manager now gets and parse the urdf robot description from a topic instead of a file



  • Fixed a problem where the simulated time request was not correctly handled while using subprocess and failed
  • Fixed many issues occuring in the trajectory control and control utils
  • Known issues: teleop shows unexpected behaviour with the trajectory control package's controllers, as well as the rov_mb_sm controller / rov_nl_pid_controller when station is keeping on.
  • Known issues: the CPC sensor and the custom battery plugins crash when loaded
  • Increased the timeout while waiting for the tf transforms in the thruster_manager
  • Reverted yaml format for file-based waypoints to plain old yaml as the values are not read as ROS parameters


  • Increased the default timeout for sim time request to 10s


  • [start_circular_trajectory.launch] Changed incorrect arg name starting_time


  • Increased the default timeout while waiting for tf transforms to 10s



  • Updated deprecated remapping syntax warnings occuring in URDF files



  • Fixed incorrect dependencies in package.xml


  • [publish_vehicle_footprint, unpause_simulation] Syntax error fixes


  • Typo in some launch files
  • Fixed the crashes occuring in the disturbance services files
  • [apply_link_wrench.launch] Changed file name from apply_body_wrench for consistency. A param was added to change the service namespace
  • [] Previously, the user was not informed when a service request failed
  • [set_thruster_output_efficiency] Fixed an incorrect loop condition


  • [dp_pid_controller_base] Added a missing return instruction


  • [test files] A misleading function was renamed


  • [finned_uuv_teleop, vehicle_keyboard_teleop, vehicle_teleop] Sim time was not handled correctly


  • [GaussMarkovProcess] Changed model validity criterion from min must be < max to min must be <= max



  • General migration of UUV simulator to ROS 2 Eloquent
  • Gazebo plugins now instantiate 1 ROS node per plugin
  • Parameters are auto declared in each node
  • Sim time: current solution implies that each Plankton node asks at startup for the use or not of use_sim_time to a global node created when initializing gazebo
  • Some occurrences can remain, but tf_prefix is not used anymore
  • The provided Gazebo world files were modified to load the gazebo_ros_state plugin. The gazebo_ros_force_system plugin is also loaded in the launch files initializing gazebo
  • The official Gazebo ros plugins live in their own namespace /gazebo

Missing from ROS 1

  • Currently removed the ability for nodes to respawn if they were parameterized in this way in the launch file
  • Currently removed the ability to stop the ROS 2 system if a node tagged as required in the launch file terminates
  • Currently not migrated UnderwaterCamera and sonar_image sensor plugins
  • The assistant tools to create new robots are not ported yet
  • Model_spawner has not been ported yet and was replaced with the default entity_spawner of gazebo

More detailed information about per package changes


  • New utility package (time conversions, sim time handling and helper functions to manipulate parameters more easily)


  • Updated tf to tf2
  • Migrated launch files to Eloquent
  • Files in the template directory were not migrated
  • [message_to_tf] Removed multicallback ability
  • [publish_footprints] is not functional and needs a rework
  • [publish_world_models] Changed service name from get_model_state to get_entity_state
  • [set_simulation_timer.launch] has currently no effect as the launch file is not able to kill the simulation


  • [actuator_manager] Renamed topic /${namespace}/${topic_prefix}/${id}/${topic_suffix} to /${namespace}/${topic_prefix}/id_${id}/${topic_suffix} according to ROS 2 naming convention.


  • Replaced dynamic reconfigure from ROS 1 with ROS 2 integrated system. Parameters can be changed using the command line interface ros2 param get / set
  • Changed python file naming convention to be consistent


  • [GetMBSMControllerParams, SetMBSMControllerParams] Changed field lambda as it is a reserved keyword in Python
  • [GetPIDParams, SetPIDParams, SetSMControllerParams, GetSMControllerParams] Turned field names to lowercase names as it is now a required convention


  • Changed yaml syntax for the files used in and due to ROS 2 limitations with sequences. Each disturbance now lives in a namespace d${X}, where ${X} is the number of the disturbance. Each waypoint now lives in a namespace wp${X} where ${X} is the number of the waypoint. Two example files are provided.
  • [apply_link_wrench] The file was renamed from apply_body_wrench to reflect the name change of the Gazebo ros service . The service name and message type were modified to apply_link_wrench and ApplyLinkWrench respectively, according to (
  • [disturbance_manager, set_truster_output_efficiency, set_thruster_state] Changed the topic prefix from /${ns}/thruster/${x}/ (with ${x} a numeric id) to /${ns}/thruster/id_${x} due to ROS 2 naming conventions.


  • All of the test files have been migrated to the python way.
  • [thruster_manager] Changed topic name in the same way as it is in uuv_control_utils
  • [thruster_manager] Replaced tf occurrences with tf2
  • [thruster_manager] Stripped first “/” in tf2 frames
  • [thruster_manager, thruster_allocator] The classes now initialize asynchronously. ready flag can be used to know if the initialization is done.
  • [yaml files] Migrated the syntax to ROS 2 and turned the TAM matrix to a 1D list which will be further converted in numpy matrix in the thruster_allocator code due to ROS 2 yaml limitations.
  • [test_thruster_manager_proportional_correct] Changed topic name in the same way as it is in uuv_control_utils


  • Replaced tf with tf2
  • [auv_geometric_tracking_controller] Changed the topic prefix from /${ns}/thruster/${x}/ (with ${x} a numeric id) to /${ns}/thruster/id_${x} and similarly for fin instead of thruster, due to ROS 2 naming conventions .


  • Due to several limitations with the integration of xacro in the XML frontend, launch files were rewritten in python
  • [xacro files]: Changed libunderwater_ros_plugin plugin name from uuv_plugin to $(arg namespace)_uuv_plugin
  • [launch files]: Replaced with Gazebo provided
  • [spawn_model] The file was not migrated


  • The package was left unchanged and is not usable.


  • [FinPlugin] Changed the topic prefix from /${ns}/fin/${x}/ (with ${x} a numeric id) to /${ns}/fin/id_${x} due to ROS 2 naming conventions
  • [FinPlugin] TopicPrefix variable does no longer have the final “/”
  • [ThrusterPlugin] Changed the topic prefix from /${ns}/thruster/${x}/ (with ${x} a numeric id) to /${ns}/thruster/id_${x} due to ROS 2 naming conventions
  • [test_thrusters] Changed the topic prefix from /${ns}/fin/${x}/ (with ${x} a numeric id) to /${ns}/fin/id_${x} due to ROS 2 naming conventions


  • Removed Boost dependency
  • Test files have been migrated to the python way.
  • [battery_snippets, misc] Added <ros><namespace/></ros> element to enforce the namespace of the created ROS node under Gazebo
  • [misc] Added in the uuv_joint_state_publisher element to enforce the namespace of the created ROS node under Gazebo
  • [CustomBatteryConsumerROSPlugin, FinROSPlugin, UnderwaterObjectROSPlugin, ThrusterROSPlugin] The node does not have namespace
  • [JointStatePublisher, LinearBatteryROSPlugin] The node is started with the provided namespace in the corresponding SDF file.


  • [launch files] The Plankton sim time node is started with every launch file
  • [launch files] Gazebo is started with the namespace /gazebo
  • [launch files] The gazebo_ros_force_system plugin is also loaded in the launch files initializing gazebo
  • [world files] The Gazebo world files were modified to load the gazebo_ros_state plugin.


  • Removed Boost dependency
  • All nodes are started with the provided namespace in the corresponding SDF file.
  • [xacro files] Replaced <robot_namespace> with <ros><namespace></namespace></ros>
  • [camera_snippets] Migrated SDF format according to (
  • [gazebo_ros_image_sonar, UnderwaterCameraROSPlugin] These sensors have not been migrated yet


  • [UnderwaterCurrentROSPlugins] The node is started with the namespace given in the plugin’s tag namespace in the SDF.


  • [] Changed fin topic name from ${fin_topic_prefix}/${x}/${fin_topic_suffix} to ${fin_topic_prefix}/id_${x}/${fin_topic_suffix}
  • [finned_uuv_teleop.launch] Change variable thruster_topic from thrusters/0/input to thrusters/id_0/input